Re: [討論] 民眾黨 告洋狀啦!!!!!!
Dear People of Taiwan,
We address you today with a profound sense of urgency, as democracy and the rule of law—cornerstones of our nation—face unprecedented threats. These right
s, earned through the sacrifices and determination of Taiwan’s democratic pioneers, are the foundation of our shared identity. They were forged through the courage of individuals who transcended party lines, dismantled the chains ofmartial law, and steered Taiwan away from the grip of authoritarian rule.
Through their blood, sweat, and tears, a society rooted in democracy, the rule of law, diversity, and openness was established. Their sacrifices shaped theTaiwan we know today—a nation of vibrant cities and harmonious, multicultural communities. This is a treasure that must be preserved.
Yet, the hard-won fruits of our democracy are now being eroded by the creeping resurgence of authoritarianism. The democratic principles that underpin our society are under siege. Cracks in the foundations of our democracy have allowed the specter of oppression to re-emerge. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), once a stalwart defender of justice and the people’s voice, has transformed into an entity that mirrors the oppressors it once fought against. With unchecked power, the DPP has undermined judicial independence, manipulated prosecutorial authority, and turned media outlets into tools for controlling publicdiscourse. Justice has been reduced to a spectacle, with selective prosecutions, abuses of power, and the suppression of dissent becoming the norm. These actions have fundamentally compromised fairness, equality, and the rule of law.
One particularly egregious example lies in the treatment of an individual confined to a dim, cold cell, measuring less than two square meters. Despite enduring these conditions, he harbors no bitterness—only a desire for a fair trial. Yet, his existence is perceived as a threat by an increasingly authoritarian regime. Stripped of his freedom, he remains a target of relentless politicalpersecution. This case exemplifies how the proud legacy of Taiwan’s human rights and democratic rule of law has been diminished and betrayed.
President Lai Ching-te has made his intentions clear, using the chilling maxim: “Those who comply will thrive; those who resist will perish.” His blatant
interference in judicial affairs has shattered the independence of the judiciary, undermined human rights, and trampled on the rule of law.
We cannot remain silent in the face of these encroachments. To protect and uphold Taiwan’s democracy is not just a right—it is an obligation for every cit
izen. We must stand united against the erosion of our freedoms and work collectively to preserve the values that define our nation.
Let us ensure that the legacy of Taiwan’s democratic pioneers endures, and that the principles of justice, fairness, and equality prevail for generations to come.
Defending democracy is our shared responsibility.
引述《HODALA ()》之銘言:
: 信裡面提到 綠色恐怖 政治迫害 台灣唯一良心柯文哲
: 阿北被關在又黑又暗又小的陰冷空間裡
: 受到不人道的待遇
: 現在要讓全世界知道 阿北已經成為台灣民主的殉道者
: ________________________________________________________
: 看了以後好難過,台灣現在怎麼變成這個樣子
: 我是覺得啦
: 要不要從中正紀念堂走到美國AIT
: 我用GOOGLE MAP 看過,沒有很遠。
: 大家一起去AIT前面請願,希望川普爸爸 救救柯文哲
: 大家說好不好啊
[花邊] 坎特:台灣不是中國一部分連結: 內文: 台灣不是中國 Taiwan is NOT China!!!89
[花邊] Enes Freedom IGTaiwan is NOT a part of China and NEVER will be! Taiwan will never surrender to the EVIL Chinese Communist Party. Congratulations to Lai Ching-te on being elected as Taiwan’s next President, and the people of #Taiwan on a successful, peaceful, and democratic election. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with Taiwan’s next Vice President, @bi26
[討論] 小草發起挺柯國際連署!快要達標了!剛在民眾黨社團看到 小草發起國際挺柯連署 大意就不用翻了 簡單來說就是台灣人挺柯 拒絕司法迫害 反對非法搜查 訴求立即釋放 目前有接近8,000連署 快達到10,000門檻了11
[討論] 起風了 外媒Bloomberg報導柯Bloomberg 5/19以後沒有柯文哲新聞 那時候感覺外媒不把他當一回事 不過今天再次報導 講的是游盈隆的民調 以下全文供參+不負責任亂翻 Taiwan Political Upstart Threatens to Eclipse KMT as No. 2 Party8
[討論] Taiwan’s Presidential Inauguration美國國務卿布林肯,用這麼簡單、直白的方式, 恭賀賴清德就職! 標題完全不囉嗦,就是:Taiwan’s Presidential Inauguration 內文直接恭賀賴清德當選台灣第5任民選總統,5
[討論] 美國幫台灣法理台獨了台灣總統就職 「美國祝賀賴清德先生就任並成為台灣第五位民選總統。我們也恭賀台灣人民再次展現其 民主體制的強健與堅韌。 美國人民與台灣人民之間的夥伴關係根植於民主價值,無論是在貿易、經濟、文化還是人 民之間的情誼等面向都持續擴展與深化。4
Re: [問卦] 賴祝賀川普要說什麼?Dear President Trump,On behalf of the government and people of Taiwan, I extend my heartfelt congratulations on your election as President of the United States! This historic election result reflects the American people's deep confidence in your leadership and their shared hope for a future of3
Re: [問卦] The Guardian說全世界都在關心台灣選舉欸喔 其實報導內容算客觀中壢啦 它把這篇放在首頁, 標題The whole world is watching ....是引用蘇貞昌的話 內文有完整的寫到 “The whole world is watching whether Taiwanese people will choose a pro-China political party, or a party that defends democracy and supports3
Re: [新聞] 國台辦聲援柯文哲 民眾黨:持續尋求外界國台辦說了中國的立場,另一方美國沒有表態,但可以透過美國官媒VOA在羈押那幾天的報導來探查一下美國的看法: …Despite intense media attention, the case appears to be having little effect on Taiwan's robust democracy and independent legal system. (這個案子對台灣的民主和獨立的法制系統沒什麼影響。) …Despite unsupported accusations of judicial persecution against the government…(司法迫害指控未經證實) …Once a major scourge on Taiwan's democracy, political corruption has declined as a top concern amid a strengthening of the power of independent investigators.(在台灣,不斷強化的獨立調查人員努力下…) …………X
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