[討論] <看政黑說英語> 民主黨內盼拜登知所進退

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Defiance has become as much a part of Joe Biden’s psychology as Delaware.

But as the president and his inner circle dig in following his disastrous
debate performance last week, a growing number of Democratic leaders are
saying they want him to step aside for the good of the party – and the

Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas was the first to break ranks.

“I represent the heart of a congressional district once represented by
Lyndon Johnson. Under very different circumstances, he made the painful
decision to withdraw. President Biden should do the same,” Doggett said in
his statement Tuesday.

“There’s a large and increasing group of House Democrats concerned about
the president’s candidacy, representing a broad swath of the caucus,”
another House Democratic lawmaker told CNN on condition of anonymity to speakcandidly. “We are deeply concerned about his trajectory and his ability to
win. We want to give him space to make a decision [to step aside], but we
will be increasingly vocal about our concerns if he doesn’t.”



Defiance has become as much a part of Joe Biden’s psychology as Delaware.

請問這句話是什麼意思? 該怎麼翻譯?

但略知這篇大意就是說 民主黨內有人覺得拜登在辯論會上的表現很糟

感覺這次很難贏 希望拜登能知所進退 這方面的聲音是可以理解的

只不過現在還有其他人選可以換嗎? 還來得及嗎?


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Antler5566 07/03 09:27不住美國不懂美國文化, 很難看懂美

Antler5566 07/03 09:27國新聞。

Antler5566 07/03 09:29Delaware是第一個簽獨立宣言的美國州

Antler5566 07/03 09:29, 代表的是勇敢反抗英國的意志。 新

Antler5566 07/03 09:29聞用Delware精神來比喻拜登勇敢對抗

Antler5566 07/03 09:29的決心。


※ 編輯: MrTaxes ( 臺灣), 07/03/2024 09:32:46

rivet 07/03 09:34Joe Biden 是Delaware出身的政治人物啦。

keltt 07/03 09:37台灣人應該普遍對Delaware很不熟

Hoty69 07/03 10:01德拉瓦很有名,搞馬斯克分紅的地方

amanda815625 07/03 10:13拜登其實是在賓州長大