[黑特] 拜登被FBI抓包私藏機密文件
The FBI found classified documents, which by law should have been given back
to the U.S. government when Biden ended his second term as vice president in
January 2017, in the garage, office, and basement den of his Wilmington,
Delaware, home, Hur’s report said.
The documents included classified material about military and foreign policy
in Afghanistan, and notebooks containing Biden’s entries about national
“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully
retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when hewas a private citizen,” Hur wrote in his nearly 400-page report.
跟川普一樣 現在拜登也被抓包在卸任公職後把機密文件帶回家
※ PTT留言評論
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Re: [新聞] 川普搜索令公布: FBI找到最高機密文件Obama's executive order no. 13526, issued in 2009, laid out the stringent process all federal officials and agencies needed to follow for declassification, but explicitly exempted the sitting president and vice president from having to follow those procedures. "Information originated by the incumbent President or the incumbent Vice2
Re: [新聞] 拜登遭爆私藏10機密文件 涵蓋「這3國」BBC Second batch of classified Biden documents found 今天又找到第二批,在不同地點,這不像第一批是去年11月找到有主動上報 新鮮的一批在一個未公佈的地點。1
Re: [討論] 拜登兒子認罪了BOMBSHELL REPORT: FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate admitted the agency COVERED UP 17 RECORDINGS of Joe and Hunter Biden with a Burisma executive who allegedly paid President Biden $5 million... 你說認罪這個嗎?- 他真正的罪是這個啦 現在想要用逃漏稅來躲掉 躲得掉嗎? BOMBSHELL REPORT: FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate admitted the agency COVERED
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Re: [黑特] 移民署好像要軟了X
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Re: [轉錄] 溫朗東 threads 關於修容組案X
Re: [轉錄] 溫朗東 threads 關於修容組案