[黑特] 貝佐斯對華盛頓郵報開炮啦
Likewise with newspapers. We must be accurate, and we must be believed to be
accurate. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but we are failing on the second
requirement. Most people believe the media is biased. Anyone who doesn’t see
this is paying scant attention to reality, and those who fight reality lose.
Reality is an undefeated champion. It would be easy to blame others for our
long and continuing fall in credibility (and, therefore, decline in impact),
but a victim mentality will not help. Complaining is not a strategy. We must
work harder to control what we can control to increase our credibility.
Presidential endorsements do nothing to tip the scales of an election. No
undecided voters in Pennsylvania are going to say, “I’m going with
Newspaper A’s endorsement.” None. What presidential endorsements actually
do is create a perception of bias. A perception of non-independence. Ending
them is a principled decision, and it’s the right one. Eugene Meyer,
publisher of The Washington Post from 1933 to 1946, thought the same, and he
was right. By itself, declining to endorse presidential candidates is not
enough to move us very far up the trust scale, but it’s a meaningful step in
the right direction. I wish we had made the change earlier than we did, in a
moment further from the election and the emotions around it. That was
inadequate planning, and not some intentional strategy.
左左真的可悲 整天想綁架公司機器公器私用
藍白小草也整天對三立民視開炮 怎不說?
要川普分生意給他的火箭公司啊 隔天
[外絮] 嘴綠:KD加入時 我犧牲了出手次數you got a triple-double – 16 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists – which generally is a good thing for your team. You guys are 30-1 when you do that. Heck, Golden State is 24-5 the past two seasons when you simply score 10 points or more. Sho uldn’t you be looking to score more? Just a little? 記者:當你有在得分的時候,球隊勝率通常很高,尤其是拿到大三元的時候,球隊勝率是3043
[情報] 韓職工會會長選舉:當選者不想接任The election for the next Korean Professional Baseball Players Association (Athl ete Association) has been invalidated. An emergency meeting of the board of dire ctors is planned to be held as an unprecedented situation in which the person wi th the most votes is withdrawn from the presidency.15
[討論] 賴走入白宮真的美國人念念不忘耶剛剛稍微看了一下葛來儀投書建議賴清德當總統後凍結台獨黨綱那篇 原文在這 然後看到一半就看到賴清德的走入白宮說 The current DPP vice president and front-runner in the presidential election11
Re: [新聞] 美國情報官員告訴美媒:中國解放軍18個月來源應該是fox這篇 China could invade Taiwan before the 2024 US presidential election: sources Officials warn 2024 could be an especially 'dangerous' year as both the US and Taiwan hold presidential elections10
[心得] 面試時如何回答「沒相關經驗,為何選你」影音解說版本: 在英文面試時 “Why should we hire you?” 這個問題常以不同形式出現。特別是當你 想要轉職去新領域但缺乏背景,都很常會被問到「為什麼要選你? 而不是其他更有經驗的 人選?」當想轉職卻遇到這個問題時,該如何有效回答呢? 該如何說服人你是公司該選的? 世界首富 Amazon 創辦人貝佐斯 (Jeff Bezos) 也曾經被問過這問題,七年前他收購華盛7
[分享] MBC棒球風格播報總統大選剛剛在推特上看到這個影片 This is how #MBC is covering Presidential election tonight! MBC以棒球風格播報韓國的總統大選 蠻特別的欸XD7
[討論] RNC面試必問題「2020年大選是否遭竊?」最近發文提及前RNC主席Ronna McDaniels被NBC聘請後引起內部強烈反彈,後者只能將其解職 華盛頓郵報近日報導自從川普兒媳入主RNC後 面試RNC黨工必問的一個問題是 「你認為2020年大選是否遭竊?」以做為忠誠度測試 特別是對於位於各搖擺州的地方黨部的黨工2X
[問題] 中壢人美國大選支持誰美國大選(Presidential Election)是美國每四年舉行一次的總統選舉,選出下一任的美國總統和副總統。選舉通常在11月的第一個星期二舉行。美國總統選舉制度較為獨特,採取選舉人團制度(Electoral College),而非直接普選 川普 因為青埔念10次等於 川普 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone1
[情報] 01/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你可能會覺得最近每次開口說話都在說錯話,特別是如果事情沒有按照你的方式進行時。 但這很可能只是你的看法,月之子,它可能無法反映其他人的看法-無論如何,這應該無 關緊要。 如果這是你堅持的看法,那麼看法就會成為現實。 你現在要做的就是改變你的看法。如果你離開任何困擾你的事情, 那可能更容易些。
[討論] 全部都是賴清德56
[轉錄]黃暐瀚FB反併吞 反統戰 全面對抗境外敵對5
[討論] 馬英九:別陷國家於不義與苦難26
[討論] 原來亞亞在對岸也被噴爛?X
[討論] 該給亞亞一個機會嗎?X
[黑特] 威廉你是三歲小孩嗎?把國家推向戰爭邊緣16
[討論] 你罷免我一個,我罷免你五個10
[討論] 賴清德的手段很兇殘吧?20
[黑特] 八卦版現在是很純的紫色吧17
[討論] 趙少康打戰爭牌37年了怎麼還沒打過來10
[討論] 邊境沙皇:全家一起遣返就不會拆散家庭4
[討論] 全台最希望中共射飛彈是賴清德27
[黑特] 國民黨放飛了?3
Re: [新聞] 喊「武統」不行算箝制言論自由?黃國昌8
[黑特] 我沒為他們說話10
[討論] 臺灣表妹雖舔共,但其實長得還不錯吧!?3
[討論] 日本聲優因辱華被撤換了4
[討論] 89整天在你家門口亮槍說你家他的!2
Re: [黑特] 移民署好像要軟了4
[討論] 原來賴中強支持的大同公司派都下台了2
Re: [討論] 該給亞亞一個機會嗎?7
[討論] 賴清德:鼓吹戰爭仇恨不是言論自由15
[討論] 徐巧芯痛罵:為抓共諜非常糟糕6
Re: [新聞] 喊「武統」不行算箝制言論自由?黃國昌1X
[討論] 言論審查是潘朵拉的盒子X
Re: [轉錄] 溫朗東 threads 關於修容組案1
Re: [新聞] 賴清德恢復「軍事審判」 徐巧芯痛罵