[情報] 韓職工會會長選舉:當選者不想接任

看板Baseball標題[情報] 韓職工會會長選舉:當選者不想接任作者
時間推噓43 推:44 噓:1 →:57

The election for the next Korean Professional Baseball Players Association (Athlete Association) has been invalidated. An emergency meeting of the board of directors is planned to be held as an unprecedented situation in which the person with the most votes is withdrawn from the presidency.



Yang Eui-ji, president of the Athletes Association, who was elected two years ago, will step down after completing his two-year term. In order to select the next president of the Athletes Association to succeed Chairman Yang Eui-ji, the Athletes Association board of directors formed a candidate for the presidential election based on the top 20 annual salaries in the league. It was a different standard from when Yang Eui-ji was elected as president, when three players with the highest salary in each team were automatically included in the presidential election candidates.

An official from the Athletes Association said, “Two years ago, the board of directors judged that it was too many people to put a total of 30 people in the presidential election candidates, including the top three in each team’s annual salary. He said, “I expected that narrowing down the vote to the top 20 playersin the league would more accurately reflect the vote, so I voted for the next Athletes Association president.”




The Athletes Association should focus on discussing with the KBO and clubs overthe reintroduction of the second draft along with the abolition of the four-year FA reacquisition period during the off-season this winter. Even though there are so many things to do, it is absolutely not a positive sign that the vacancy of the next president of the Athletes Association is getting longer.



Veteran player A said, “I don’t know if it is right for only super-high-paid people to become candidates for the presidential election. Whether the annual salary is 50 million won or 100 million won, shouldn't a player who can show sincerity for the rights of the players rise to the position of president? Like the Major League Players Union, I think retired players can take over as president. Apparently, super-high-income earners have a lot of roles and responsibilities within the team. There are many realistic aspects that cannot be focused only on the Athletes’ Association,” he pointed out.


Player A continued, “I personally can’t make it into the top 20 in the league’s annual salary, but if I am asked to be the president, I have the heart to work really hard. He raised his voice, saying, “It is not a position that I wantto end after simply completing my two-year term, but a position that needs to be trusted enough to be told to re-appoint me.”


The Athletes Association plans to hold an emergency board of directors meeting on December 1st to consider measures to deal with the results of the election for the next president. It is expected that there will be discussions not only on future re-elections, but also on essential issues regarding the structure of theelection of the president





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ji4mp611/29 09:53我以為出來選的都是要自願的

ericinttu11/29 09:54原來還有不願役這種制度啊

polanco11/29 09:54時機不對?

ccl00711/29 09:54這是韓國版的時機若對?

fireforce11/29 09:57為什麼韓職高薪才能候選啊?

Concorde14411/29 10:04原來是韓國,我還以為是花蓮國

sdd542611/29 10:04跟學生選幹部一樣

iwinlottery11/29 10:07衛生股長喔

AAaaron11/29 10:13可能投票那天他沒來?

AAaaron11/29 10:14看來他沒有一絲一毫喜悅..

satoranbo11/29 10:15薪水高≠會做事欸 這選舉方式有問題吧XD

Isveia11/29 10:19怎麼會用這種方式選主席... 就好像只有各班前三名才能參加

Isveia11/29 10:19學生會長的選舉一樣,又不是功課好管理能力也一定跟著好..

NYYsucks11/29 10:23韓國富里鄉

LSLLtu11/29 10:25韓國富里

hackfox11/29 10:25還以為是花蓮某鄉長

johnwu11/29 10:26有既視感(?)

kkkandy11/29 10:29薪水高,講話份量比較大啊,找個資深小咖很難搞定球團吧

suzhou11/29 10:37主要是要協助找經費 譬如春訓前的自主訓練補助

suzhou11/29 10:37低薪選手這幾年都靠工會協助聘訓練員

suzhou11/29 10:38被當選的人 不一定有意願跟心力去找這些贊助

ultratimes11/29 10:39薪水高講話份量大?林智勝表示

honglu58765411/29 10:41薪水高真的不等於會做事

suzhou11/29 10:41對了 不應該翻譯主席 內文正確名稱是會長

感謝 已修正

catsondbs11/29 10:42台灣又領先

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 11/29/2022 10:43:14

s2712980411/29 10:43一定有比薪水更適合的標準 用薪水太懶了吧XD

aifighter11/29 10:49年資還比較合理吧

ccl00711/29 10:50不然用WAR喔? 還是MVP得票數? 票多的當?

phants11/29 10:53可能沒人願意,或願意的都太小咖才搞出這奇葩制度

suzhou11/29 10:55薪水其實合理 只是範圍要擴大

suzhou11/29 10:56通常沒拿到FA年資之前 薪水就是偏低 也沒話語權跟資方談

suzhou11/29 10:58薪水高的 通常也會找很好的經紀人 相關法務團隊才能協助

ccl00711/29 10:58但有FA年資後幾年又怕突然隔年衰退 OPS+低於90的高薪打者

ccl00711/29 10:59不知道為什麼打者很容易到一定年紀球都看不到了雖然有辦法

suzhou11/29 10:59工會的角色 脫離不了在勞動法層面去談勞資問題

ccl00711/29 10:59擊球 打安打後還是會露出不甘心的表情 這要我以前的話

suzhou11/29 11:00沒差啊 衰退只要合約期間內 當小偷照樣能講話大聲

suzhou11/29 11:00韓國工會歷任會長 出過好幾個領乾薪不練球專心搞談判XD

suzhou11/29 11:01韓國的社會運作體制 就是前輩要敢出來大小聲

ccl00711/29 11:10也是啦 韓國社交小常識先問幾歲 那高國慶應該穩會長的XDDD

MrHeat11/29 11:12大學長躺著也中槍XD

lym071511/29 11:12韓國怎麼會想出這種奇葩選舉方式 笑死

lym071511/29 11:13民主國家結果想出用薪水來判斷是否有資格 爛死

lon062311/29 11:18薪水高發言權才高啊,怎麼會以為頭頭要比較會做事

lon062311/29 11:18你知道之前韓職根本不理工會嗎?

l23456789O11/29 11:19韓國這是財團思維吧 越有錢就越有力

lon062311/29 11:20是因為李承燁加入聯盟才怕了

d0611/29 11:24領最高薪還會有心跟球團跟聯盟爭取權益嗎??

Ec73Iwai11/29 11:25韓職懲罰大賽XD

Ec73Iwai11/29 11:26高國慶這樣也中槍XDD

chdc11/29 11:26高薪表示大咖 出怪聲球團比較不敢讓你沒工作吧

chdc11/29 11:28中職工會這種只會發球團不理的聲明 才真的像擺設

lym071511/29 11:33啊如果有人薪水高 一直說時機若對 大家陪他一起等是不是

lym071511/29 11:33薪水高等於格局高?等於決策能力好?

suzhou11/29 11:36在韓國那種社會結構 前輩沒有前輩的樣子 瞬間社死XD

suzhou11/29 11:37別忘了 李大浩當過一任會長 當到生涯後期被球迷罵翻

kyowinner11/29 11:38這選舉資格也太奇怪了吧

suzhou11/29 11:38李大浩就是任內態度不夠硬 事後連他的律師也被查帳

chuegou11/29 11:38依照年資我理解 依照年薪怪怪的

suzhou11/29 11:40年薪正常啊 有大合約在身上 才敢講話不怕隔年沒工作

lym071511/29 11:46年資才正常吧 再打沒幾年 不用擔心沒工作 反正快退休了

asdzxc166211/29 11:48韓國富里鄉長

suzhou11/29 11:4935+的高年資 講話太大聲反而容易隔年沒工作啊

lon062311/29 11:50事實就是如此阿,會不會做事再找律師幫忙就好

suzhou11/29 11:51像這屆梁義智 他就有一堆球團捧約 他也能做好會長職

suzhou11/29 11:53韓國工會最經典的就是孫敏漢 當兩任 任期間就是薪水小偷

zxc90638311/29 11:53老梁要不要繼續當XD

zxc90638311/29 11:53養老六年約到手了

suzhou11/29 11:54孫簽下第一張大約就開始當 結果隔年長期受傷 開始搞資方

suzhou11/29 11:55老梁今年要想辦法幫老李避免戰績太難看

lon062311/29 11:55你覺得蔡鎮宇這種當理事長,再會做事球團會理他嗎?

suzhou11/29 11:57另外 工會前提是需要現役選手 所以要確保任期有合約在手

suzhou11/29 11:58只是找有年資的 但如果兩年一任 第二年失業 就要改選了

lon062311/29 11:58都畢業多久了還那麼天真阿

suzhou11/29 11:59這也是為何韓國歷任最小倫的 都是合約簽長長 受傷反而很閒

lon062311/29 12:03我如果是老闆,看到蔡鎮宇來談判,就直接趕出去

lon062311/29 12:05韓國老闆也是很討厭工會的好嗎

lon062311/29 12:07至於決策,你覺得這些理事長會長真的有在鑽研法條嗎?

hohohohohoka11/29 12:28該不會他們的會長有需要自己花錢做事吧

lon062311/29 12:34花錢做事對他們來說還更簡單吧?他們訓練都那麼忙了

ahuahala11/29 12:34時機不對啦

lon062311/29 12:35法條都是很專業的東西,請專門的不是更好嗎

dm0311/29 13:20球員工會還是要球員來當啦 只是有些人就是不擅長當這種領頭

dm0311/29 13:21應該是要先看那個名額裡有沒有人自願比較好吧

BBOYstyle1011/29 14:13法條是專業的東西,但職業工會要是從業人員才能加入

BBOYstyle1011/29 14:14所以球員工會理事長必須是有號召力以及有腦袋的

BBOYstyle1011/29 14:15腦袋的部分可以由經紀人代為協助

BBOYstyle1011/29 14:15但號召力就很吃球員的人際關係以及魅力

Cathay11/29 14:32用薪水決定還蠻奇怪的,那應該納入洋將啊

Cathay11/29 14:32高薪的人政治德性不一定高

chdc11/29 15:25高薪只是有被選舉權 不是高薪者直接當啊 還是要投票 總不會

chdc11/29 15:25提名的20人都是爛的

ericinttu11/29 15:47這種不志願的投票 不是人緣好的上就是人緣差的上

ericinttu11/29 15:47國小投票選什麼長的還沒投過逆

suzhou11/29 16:58洋將又沒加入工會... 台日韓洋將都不在當地工會之下

suzhou11/29 16:59華航之前罷工 外籍空服員是照常執勤的 沒加入本國工會

NTUOnline11/29 17:28因為年薪前20高 = 有名氣.有實力

NTUOnline11/29 17:28不然如果太小咖當會長,資方會理嗎?

NTUOnline11/29 17:29法條根本不是問題,因為工會底下會請律師...

NTUOnline11/29 17:29(或者台灣說的法案助理)

NTUOnline11/29 17:30會長只是代表全體球員來發聲的

bypetty11/29 23:54高薪中生代不會想當啦 吃力不討好 勞資兩邊都是