[舊聞]Teachers at Taiwan kindergarten accused
Teachers at Taiwan kindergarten accused of drugging children
Parents of toddlers in Taiwan have accused teachers at a preschool of
drugging their children, in a scandal that threatens to dent the opposition
party’s chances at the upcoming presidential election.
Teachers at Baoren kindergarten, a private preschool in New Taipei City, havebeen accused of sedating children with addictive cough syrups. Police
launched an investigation this month after parents raised concerns about
children showing unusual symptoms such as mood swings and cramps. Eight
pupils reportedly tested positive for trace amounts of the psychoactive drugsphenobarbital and benzodiazepines.
The children’s symptoms are thought to be withdrawal symptoms from the
highly addictive drugs. Phenobarbital is used in the treatment of epilepsy,
while benzodiazepines are a strong type of sleeping drug. It is not clear whythe drugs, which are not easily available, were given to the children,
although it is thought to have been because of their sedative properties. Oneteacher is also accused of using corporal punishment on the preschoolers.
The principal of Baoren kindergarten, and five teachers, have been arrested
pending a criminal investigation. The school was ordered to close and pay a
fine of 150,000 Taiwanese dollars (£3,793). When the Guardian visited the
preschool on Wednesday the office was still open, but staff declined to
comment on the situation.
A spokesperson for Baoren said by telephone: “I have nothing to say.”
In a statement to parents, Jidibao Education Group, the parent company of
Baoren, apologised and said, “the truth has yet to be clarified”, but
acknowledged that families were “deeply affected” by the incident. The
group said it would work with the education bureau to help transfer children
to alternative preschools.
Parents have complained that the authorities were slow to react to their
initial complaints in April and May.
On Sunday, hundreds of people protested outside government buildings in New
Taipei City, criticising the mayor, Hou You-yi, for his administration’s
handling of the scandal. In particular, parents are angry that children were
not tested until 22 days after concerns were first raised. Taipei City
hospital is offering free blood tests to preschool children, according to theBBC, but many parents fear it is too late to check if their children were
affected by the alleged drugging.
New Taipei City’s mayor, Hou You-yi, is the presidential candidate for
opposition KMT party in next year’s election.
New Taipei City’s mayor, Hou You-yi, is the presidential candidate for the
opposition KMT party in next year’s election. Photograph: Chiang Ying-ying/APHou is the presidential candidate for the KMT, the main opposition party, in
next year’s election. On 9 June, legislators from the ruling DPP accused Hou
of focusing on his campaign rather than the drugging scandal, calling him a “part-time mayor”. Hou saidthe incident should not be made into a “political
A poll by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation on 17 June found more than
half of people were not satisfied with Hou’s handling of the scandal. The
anger cut across social groups such as gender, age, class and party
A spokesperson from the New Taipei City government said: “The New Taipei
City government urges the public not to use the kindergarten incident for
political gain.” It said that the municipal authorities launched an
investigation “immediately” after receiving reports and accused DPP
politicians of spreading “false rumours”.
The Education Bureau issued a statement saying that although medical tests
for the children weren’t arranged until 6 June, investigators were sent to
the kindergarten on the same day that they were notified of complaints on 15
One commenter on a Facebook group set up as a “victims’ alliance” wrote
that the government’s response was “ridiculous” and that the city was “
not well managed”.
The kindergarten’s Google listing has also been the subject of negative
reviews. One commenter wrote: “This is the kindergarten where they drug
toddlers … the New Taipei City government has been dragging its feet for a
month without addressing the case … the drug feeding incident will not be
forgotten by the people.”
台灣真棒 台灣NO.1~~~~~~~~~
4X貓 脫北者冰狼 雞排妹 焦糖 孟買春秋 周玉蔻 王浩宇 王八千 林孟穎 大便立委
柯粉的超譯天地 只是堵藍 莫羽靜 486 翁達瑞 陳柏惟 貼牌牙醫 招名威 戴瑋姍
※ 編輯: q347 ( 臺灣), 07/01/2023 10:02:47dpp說猴造謠的意思是承認自己 也造謠??
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[問卦] reddit:同情台灣小孩,缺乏童年不像小孩(文長)在reddit 台灣版看到 Recently started teaching English to kill time. But damn I do feel sympathy for Taiwanese kids.76
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[討論] 起風了 外媒Bloomberg報導柯Bloomberg 5/19以後沒有柯文哲新聞 那時候感覺外媒不把他當一回事 不過今天再次報導 講的是游盈隆的民調 以下全文供參+不負責任亂翻 Taiwan Political Upstart Threatens to Eclipse KMT as No. 2 Party
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[討論] 認真問不副署,藍白真的不敢提倒閣嗎 ?75
[討論] 翁曉玲:這只是序曲,我要端正大法官44
[討論] 藍白不倒閣,那就明年開啟大罷免時代囉45
[討論] 原來國民垃圾黨惡搞大法官不是第一次53
[討論] 競猜本次大法官會通過幾席?47
[討論] 競猜明年大罷免會罷掉幾席藍委36
[討論] 沒用的60席,不釋憲也不倒閣 還能幹嘛 ?34
[討論] 台北拿比高雄台南多你真的可以?36
[討論] 政院不副署 藍白也不敢倒閣 法案會?27
[黑特] 大家一樣公式,為啥高雄台南覺得被搶錢?27
[討論] 財劃法簡易解釋版33
Re: [討論] 高雄最近幾年有變好嗎30
Re: [討論] 政院明年不照財劃法編分配款會怎樣?32
[討論] 額..徐委員,你戳破了鎖還在耶19
[討論] 反對財劃法真正理由23
[討論] 藍白說那為何綠營那八年不提自己的財劃44
[討論] 無實際討論,都在謾罵對方陣營27
[討論] 明明選的是賴清德 最後變成傅崑萁在執政15
Re: [討論] 政院明年不照財劃法編分配款會怎樣?15
[討論] 蔡壁如:柯文哲是永遠的主席、精神領袖11
Re: [討論] 劉仲敬會怎麼論這次的三法案?17
[討論] 目前反財劃法的首長13
[黑特] 請政治廚放過MyGo!!!!!13
[討論] 財劃法要怎麼分高雄才能拿第一多的錢?12
[黑特] 柯文哲簡直走向阿扁後塵!12
[討論] 明年哪些福利要消失惹?3
[討論] 是時候遷都高雄了吧!!11
[討論] 吳思瑤:民主就是比拳頭