[情報] 20.0.1 伺服器端修正預計4/6(二)凌晨上線

看板Hearthstone標題[情報] 20.0.1 伺服器端修正預計4/6(二)凌晨上線作者
時間推噓 2 推:7 噓:5 →:7

Removed Pen Flinger from designer buckets in Duels.

Removed Cannibalism Passive Treasure from Duels.

Fixed a bug where Silverleaf Poison could cause attacking with Kingsbane to
draw two cards instead of one.

Fixed a bug where Power Word: Fortitude could only be used on friendly

Fixed a bug where Vanessa VanCleef would give the post-transformation versionof a minion, such as the Kodo version of Druid of the Plains.

Fixed a bug where Vectus would not summon Whelps unless a friendly
Deathrattle minion had been destroyed earlier in the game.

Fixed a bug where Kurtrus Ashfallen would only attack one time if the
opponent only had one minion.

Fixed a bug where Sparkjoy Cheat could cast two secrets from your hand.

Fixed a bug where playing Grave Rune on an enemy minion and destroying it
would summon two copies of the minion on your side of the board. Doing this
will now summon two copies on the opponent’s side of the board.
修正對敵方手下施放[亡墓符文] 召喚出來的分身會出現在己方的問題

Fixed a bug where Windshear Stormcaller would not summon Al’Akir the
Windlord if you had all 4 basic Totems in play.

Fixed a bug where Totemic Call could still give the Wrath of Air Totem when
playing with certain Shaman Hero skins.

Fixed a bug where Ysera could take damage from the Dream card Ysera Awakens.

Fixed a bug where South Coast Chieftain’s Battlecry could trigger if your
opponent had a Murloc and you didn’t.

Fixed a bug where Olgra, Mankrik’s Wife did not have a mana cost and would
not work as intended when cast from hand.

Fixed a bug where Scorch was dealing 1 less damage than intended.

Fixed a bug where the Dream card, Dream, could not be cast on friendly
minions in Classic.

Fixed a bug where Pack Kodo would only offer Hunter Secrets and Weapons
regardless of which class played the card.

We’re working on more bug fixes beyond this that we’re hoping to get out
the door soon! Separately, we’d like to share that we’ll have several
additional updates for Duels in our next client patch.
還在修更多bug 另外下個patch會有更多決鬥擂台的更新


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pig8409 04/03 02:51沒人玩的模式

fman 04/03 03:01有些薩滿頭像會叫出風懲圖騰還蠻好笑的,尤其打頭類

fman 04/03 03:01的會差很多

z83420123 04/03 05:41哪時候又改回不給秒投解任務了啊?

z83420123 04/03 05:41之前都秒投解任務= =

pilimovies 04/03 06:43秒投解任務這次改版修掉不知道幹嘛 可以告訴高層別

pilimovies 04/03 06:43亂好嗎 小卻幸沒了 換了更多垃圾任務= =

jackjack674 04/03 07:39不能這樣nerf薩滿欸

kaxubyha 04/03 08:09bug之石

YoruHentai 04/03 09:15尤格來了的bug不修?

bug還沒修完吧 而且有些bug要等用戶端更新

※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 04/03/2021 09:19:11

pongbao 04/03 09:31法師的燃灼在有工藝師的時候 打的傷害不會溢傷到

pongbao 04/03 09:31兩側是正常的嗎?

jason0986 04/03 10:05還有亞煞拿不到腐化的卡 有些不見了

jackshadow 04/03 11:26溢傷的計算好像是在異能之前? 像開放法師爆炸秘密

jackshadow 04/03 11:26可以打穿聖盾彈到臉上

REDF 04/03 12:53這些bug沒比失心法重要

double13071004/03 15:27操你的一直斷線是三小

skywhoking 04/05 21:46對方的法術可以觸發我方校長的法術爆發

Jotarun 04/06 06:09已經上線