Bathroom planning: Washlet toilet
When we travel in Japan, from public toilets to hotels, washlet toilets have
become quite popular, the purpose is to reduce the use of toilet paper to
achieve environmental protection purposes, with the recent introduction of
products by many manufacturers, washlet toilets are also getting more and
more attention in Taiwan.
Attention should be paid to whether there is a reserved socket during
installation, but there is no need to worry, the master will pull the power
supply from other power sources for its to use. The brands with the highest
usage rate are Panasonic. Each brand has gradually launched its own
functions. The seat temperature, water temperature, front washing (women’s
use) and backwashing are all basic functions of the toilet. Nightlight, the
seat temperature, and water temperature can be adjusted according to the
weather and your own usage habits. The advanced version also has massage and
warming functions, and reduces constipation by massaging the sphincter.
If there are not many members in the family, the basic "heat storage type" isenough. The stored cold water is heated and then output, and the price is
cheaper. The other is the "instant heating type", which is heated through a
high-voltage electric coil and then output. The heating speed is faster and
the electricity cost is less, but the relative commodity amount is also
higher. Washlet toilets are gradually becoming popular in Taiwan. Whether youhigher. Washlet toilets are gradually becoming popular in Taiwan. Whether youbuy them for your elders or use them yourself, remember to let the master
know about the model or size of your toilet before buying it. If you buy the
corresponding size, you won’t be able to buy an unsuitable toilet.
#Photo original from pinterest
※ 編輯: wufu81 ( 臺灣), 07/08/2020 09:02:35
[閒聊] 免治馬桶不是用來讓人不用衛生紙的…免治馬桶是上世紀末的發明, 日文名ウォシュレット 英文是washlet,正確翻譯應該是溫水洗浴便座, 是為了方便一些有痔瘡或產後生理人士, 避免衛生紙清潔度不足,或是反覆磨擦,36
[挑選] 萬元內免治馬桶挑選是否明白商品挑選文或推薦需提出兩樣以上商品供討論:是 是否明白不可徵求廠商或商家推薦:是 是否明白不可徵求單一品牌的無型號之心得分享:是 上述三項問題未回答或者刪除任一內容會直接刪除文章並水桶七日。 冷暖氣系列文章請使用[冷氣]標題,並注意回覆置頂問題29
[情報] TOTO免治馬桶,目前東森幣最高可折到15%目前TOTO washlet 系列 優惠活動到2/28 這幾天鎖定型號SI $8990(不含安裝) 今天看到東森幣可以折到15%,就趕快下單了 因為前幾天可以折10%,昨天剩可以折5% ——————————————————————-29
[挑選] 免治馬桶選擇是否明白商品挑選文或推薦需提出兩樣以上商品供討論:(是/否) 是 是否明白不可徵求廠商或商家推薦:(是/否) 是 是否明白不可徵求單一品牌的無型號之心得分享:(是/否) 是 上述三項問題未回答或者刪除任一內容會直接刪除文章並水桶七日。 冷暖氣系列文章請使用[冷氣]標題,並注意回覆置頂問題19
[挑選] 免治馬桶座挑選★挑色/挑尺寸/挑款式:挑款式 ☆個人資料簡述: 打算購入免治馬桶座,不然冬天真的是受不了,功課做來做去只知道問就是TOTO,但畢竟 有預算考量,希望能在6.7000元的價格解決 ★挑選需求:16
[問題] TOTO WASHLET & WASHLET+差異比較?去年買的預售屋準備交屋 但初建商附的衛浴、廚具都不是自己很喜歡的牌子 想說房子一住也是很久,不如就全退掉換成自己喜歡的牌子吧 後續自己找了統包來裝潢,最近開始慢慢在看廚具跟衛浴 衛浴是打算全部以TOTO為主6
[問題] TOTO免治馬桶遙控器遺失- 本[問題]文章為家電商品討論,非挑選文、求推薦文,是否明白? (是 冷暖氣相關文章請使用[冷氣]選項,並注意回覆置頂提醒 上述問題未回答是或者刪除任一文字,文章刪除、水桶三天。 以下正文3
[心得] Duravit 馬桶可搭TOTO 免治馬桶A:是否已閱讀心得文規定同意後再發文:是 B:本板不接受任何小蔡/米米實業推薦文,是否知情此項規定: 是 (刪除上述七行任一文字、未回答是或者回答否, 文章不通知直接刪除,水桶7日、二犯水桶14日) 以上文字請置頂,內文請寫在下方,勿將上述說明往下排放。2
Re: [問題] 免治馬桶的安裝零件今年從日亞買了兩座 TOTO TCF8CM66,如下 進水管已安裝三通接頭 另附一條接水箱用的高壓軟管- 物品名稱:功能正常免治馬桶座 趁著1111家中要換新的免治馬桶座 原本的免治馬桶座功能正常,但是有考慮是衛生用品,也不確定是否可以贈送? 原本要直接回收,但是想想還是po文看看,沒人索取的話會直接回收 免治馬桶安裝需要注意馬桶本身型號尺寸都會影響安裝喔,請自行核對