[情報] 02/20 Daily Horoscope
There are people who will tell you that "you can't have it all," Leo, but that's definitely not your motto. You believe you can have it all and then some! Today, you may be right. If you aim high, and keep believing in yourself, and don't give up despite some signs that things aren't going as planned, you should prevail. This could turn out to be especially sweet based on the particularperson who has been telling you that you "can't have it all."
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 11/11 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 11 2021 看起來有個麻煩正在醞釀, 或許你可以看見在身旁的徵兆, 也可能有緊張的氛圍環繞著你, 魔魔,又或許這再次只是基於你心靈狀態的認知。5
[閒聊] 12/23 Daily HoroscopeLeo horoscope for 星期四 12月 23 成功的人往往拒絕接受「不」的答案,他們能看到限制之外的選項,並想到讓事物運作的方 法。 你是有能力去處理你現在所面對的這個,其他人都已經放棄,或告訴你事情已經沒有轉圜餘 地3
[情報] 09/06 the daily horoscopeNow more than ever, you need to believe in the benevolence of the universe. Yo u may be feeling unwanted, alone, or rejected on some level, and that can lead to thoughts that you are not loved or appreciated by the world around you. Bu t you are here for a purpose, Gemini, and you are loved beyond measure. Trust in your own purpose, and trust that things are going to improve for you when y2
[情報] 11/27 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be telling you that you are striving too hard for something that i s going to turn out to be impossible. But you have energy to spare, Gemini, an d nothing will be lost in the trying. Besides, you aren't someone who would ch oose to waste your time, so it is very likely that you have a gut feeling that this is going to work out. Don't let someone's well-meaning advice get you do2
[情報] 31/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期一 5月 31 Cancer horoscope for 星期一 5月 31 Schools judge the intelligence and aptitude of students based on their test sc ores. But not all students test well. Some may have trouble focusing on test d ay, or they may just breeze through the test because they don't particularly s1
[情報] 06/20 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 6月 20 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 6月 20 Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. Let that be your motto for t oday, Gemini. If you go looking for things that could potentially cause you tr ouble, you will find them. But that is not because a project is filled with pr1
[情報] 06/16 the daily horoscopeWhen you're going through something tough and someone tells you to "think posi tive," it is made to sound like such an easy thing to do. It's as if they beli eve you can simply turn everything around by thinking happy thoughts. It doesn 't work that way, of course - at least at first. You do have to work at thinki ng positively, because you don't just become a positive person instantly. But1
[情報] 06/20 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be telling you that something you want or want to accomplish is no t possible. While that may be a disappointing response from someone you sought hope from, Gemini, it is not your reality. If you have a big hope or dream, a nd it's one that may seem "out there" to some people, then you may have to be your own cheering gallery and your own source of inspiration. But you have a p- You have done so much and given so much to a certain person that you may have come to believe that they can't function without your help. But even if that w ere true, it would not be an obligation for you to be there and provide whatev er that person asks for or needs. In fact, the only obligation you might have in such a situation is to turn down requests so that this individual might beg
- Someone may suggest or directly say something that is outlandish, ridiculous, or simply unbelievable. Your immediate thought might be to laugh or to express incredulity. But before you dismiss this completely, dear Gemini, open your m ind. Sometimes strange things turn out to be true, and if you have interesting information, it's worth looking into - isn't it? This is especially true if t