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[情報] 03/22 Daily HoroscopeYou may have to listen to or accommodate someone who you see as foolish or ign orant. This may be someone in a position of power, and so you may not have muc h of a choice. But what you can do, Leo, is to present your own point of view on the matter - in a respectful and delicate way, of course - and then leave i t at that. Although the authority figure may scoff at you and refuse to take y3
[情報] 3/20 Daily HoroscopeYou may be wondering now if someone you thought was on your side is really, tr uly on your side or not. That person may be raising issues or asking questions that make you feel they don't believe in you or in what you are doing, and th at may make you feel both angry and suspicious. But what if they are simply pl aying "devil's advocate," and bringing up topics that will come up eventually3
[情報] 03/16 Daily HoroscopeYou would rather think about what you "want" to do right now than what you "ne ed" to do. Obviously, what you need to do should come first, Leo, but you may be inclined to do what you want instead. That might be a mistake. Because even if you are enjoying yourself, that priority that you are ignoring will be wei ghing you down and zapping some of that potential enjoyment. Today, address wh2
[情報] 03/13 Daily HoroscopeHow are you, dear Leo? That question is asked numerous times each day by numer ous people. The automatic reaction is often "fine," whether it's true or not. You especially are someone who does not want to air their dirty laundry or com plain about how your day is going, and so the response of "fine" allows that. But you may have something going in your life right now that would benefit fro2
[情報] 03/10 Daily HoroscopeA little bit of apprehension or skepticism could be healthy for you now as you explore a possible new venture. That's not to say this isn't something you sh ould consider, Leo. It may very well be a good possibility for you. But if you look at it closely and thoroughly, you will get a truer picture of all that's involved in it, and you can make a very informed and wise decision about it.1
[情報] 03/09 Daily HoroscopeMany people born under the sign of Leo make excellent orators. It may not be s o much that you are a great speaker as it is the passion and flamboyance behin d your words. You are a charmer with the gift of gab. You could sell snow to E scimos. Be careful of that gift today, however. You may certainly have the abi lity to talk a friend or family member into doing something you want, but if y3
[情報] 03/08 Daily HoroscopeThis is a good day to do something for yourself - something indulgent. That co uld be anything from preparing a fine meal and then savoring it slowly, perhap s with a dear friend or romantic partner, to preparing a luxurious bath with b ath salts and candles, accompanied by your favorite music in the background. A nd this is not just something desirable, Leo, it is also something that is goo4
[情報] 03/07 Daily HoroscopeThe choice to move forward with an endeavor or to stop it in its tracks is ent irely up to you, dear Leo. You can probably think of a few reasons on either s ide of this, and that is what makes it so difficult. If you stop short, simply based on a fear that you can only go so far, then you might wind up living wi th regret if something comes to light to show you it could have worked. But if4
[情報] 03/06 Daily HoroscopeThere may be a bit of friction between you and someone else now, dear Leo, but it could be that you just aren't on the same wavelength. You are each speakin g from your own perspective, and so there may not be a thorough understanding. That's no reason to give up. It's also not a reason to get angry at each othe r. It is a reason to have a conversation where you hear each other out and try3
[情報] 03/03 Daily HoroscopeYou have a very strong and vibrant personality, dear Leo. You come across as a force to be reckoned with. Just as the lion that is the symbol of your sign h as a big roar, you have a big presence in many ways. And sometimes that gets t he best of you. Sometimes, in an effort to preserve your big, imposing reputat ion, you don't nurture that more sensitive side you also quietly possess. Toda3
[情報] 03/02 Daily HoroscopeIn the late 1990s, "don't sweat the small stuff" was a popular phrase, and it is still heard today. It originated as the title of a book by Richard Carlson, Ph.D., a psychologist. Try to embrace this idea now, Leo, for it can help you make it through a challenging time. The things you are dealing with may be lo ts of "small stuff," but as you know, it does add up. The choice of how you re2
[情報] 03/01 Daily HoroscopeKnowing what's expected of you in a particular social situation can be bothcom forting and frustrating now. While the Moon in your friendship sector vibeswit h chatty Mercury and restrained Saturn in your relationship zone, you'll proba bly be limited to small talk rather than the deep conversation you crave.Keep in mind the possibility that no simple encounter with another person is capabl2
[情報] 02/26 Daily HoroscopeAre you going backwards or forward? You might be asking yourself that question now, Leo. You may be striving to get ahead, and yet something seems to keep p ushing you backward. You may be finding that you have to do certain things ove r and over, even though you are pouring a lot of time and effort into somethin g. But here's your answer: Even if you are going backwards, you are also still3
[情報] 02/24 Daily HoroscopeListening to someone else's opinion today could be very much like seeing somet hing from a different vantage point. You can get a whole new appreciation for a situation just by listening and remaining open-minded. You may have already formed a strong opinion of your own, but if you are open to learning, what you find out could be very enlightening, Leo. Don't limit yourself, even if you f1
[情報] 02/22 Daily HoroscopeWhen we say that we are "waiting for the other shoe to drop," it means that we are waiting for something inevitable and perhaps undesirable to happen. If th is is indeed something negative that you expect to happen though, this creates a negative mindset. In other words, it means you are anticipating that someth ing is going to go wrong. You may be in that place now, Leo, feeling certain t2
[情報] 02/21 Daily HoroscopeYou may get a second wind today concerning an old ambition. You may not have e ven thought about this idea for a long time, Leo, but it may suddenly flow thr ough your mind as though it's new and exciting - and in a way, it is. New thou ghts you have about that idea may take it to a higher level, and if you start working on it again with your new insights, you can get it going in the direct3
[情報] 02/20 Daily HoroscopeThere are people who will tell you that "you can't have it all," Leo, but that 's definitely not your motto. You believe you can have it all and then some! T oday, you may be right. If you aim high, and keep believing in yourself, and d on't give up despite some signs that things aren't going as planned, you shoul d prevail. This could turn out to be especially sweet based on the particular4
[情報] 02/16 Daily HoroscopeThe most important tool for a challenge you are facing will be your ability to be relaxed about it. If you are calm and centered, Leo, you can handle anythi ng you will have to face. That might be hard for you because you happen to be a very high-strung, energetic, almost restless spirit, but that does not mean you can't calm yourself down and reach a place of serenity if you work at it.- You may be feeling like you have no support on a matter that is getting out of hand. Therefore, Leo, you may be ready to quit just to cut your losses. But h ave you really shared this with anyone else, or are you just assuming that no one is on your side? You have amazing charisma and an intelligent and articula te way of expressing yourself. If you could share how you feel with someone in
[情報] 02/14 Daily HoroscopeYour muse may be knocking at your door now, dear Leo, but you don't have time to answer it. You have so many other high-priority things to do that you can't set aside your work and obligations to answer a higher, more creative calling right now. However, you can still take a few brief notes! If some intriguing creative thoughts are stirring your imagination, you don't want to lose them i1
[情報] 02/13 Daily HoroscopeThe timing may not seem right for an offer you should soon receive. This may h ave to do with a personal goal you have set for yourself or it may have to do with your career. But don't dismiss it entirely just because you don't think i t can happen right now. And whatever you do, Leo, do not underestimate your de sirability or the fact that you hold the cards. You can write your own script5
[情報] 02/09 Daily HoroscopeAt the end of a long winter, you can be certain that spring is going to follow . Even if it's still cold and blustery, you know that there will be a change, and that's something to look forward to. There are many things in life that we know we can count on: the seasons changing, the sun rising and then going dow n, the tide coming in and going out, and so on. You need to start seeing somet4
[情報] 02/07 Daily HoroscopeSomething seems to keep pulling you away from a goal you have great hope for. At times, it might be other priorities or unexpected tasks that arise, or you may veer away from your goal because someone's opinion frightens you or distra cts you from the matter. But the fact remains that you are drawn to it still, and you keep going back to it. That means something, Leo. And if, the next tim2
[情報] 02/06 Daily HoroscopeEven the most powerful people and the best decision-makers can find it difficu lt to think clearly when they're under pressure. You may be feeling some press ure now, Leo, and because you have a reputation for being decisive, strong, an d courageous, you may be worried about admitting how you feel. But admitting h ow you feel is actually another way to show strength. And by recognizing and a4
[情報] 02/03 Daily HoroscopeYou are not automatically a rule-follower by nature, Leo, although you are cer tainly capable of following that route if you believe things are being done in the right way. You might also succumb to rules you don't believe in if you ha ve no choice, though it can be a hard thing for you to do. Right now, you may be immersed in a project that has some very strict rules. Some you believe in,2
[情報] 01/13 Daily HoroscopeAn idea you would like to present, either at work or for an important personal project, is still gelling in your mind. Even though you have not fully fleshe d it out just yet, dear Leo, you are eager to get it out there. You want feedb ack. You want praise. You want approval. But you need to be patient. Even thou gh you are eager to get started in a serious way, it would benefit you to make5
[情報] 01/11 Daily HoroscopeYou may wish that you could just "wish away" a problem you are dealing with no w. It would be nice if you could leap ahead to the time in the near future whe n your problem is solved, because that will happen. In a sense, you can, Leo. You can fill your mind with thoughts of things that bring you joy, including a happy ending to a current dilemma. Just knowing that it is going to work out2
[情報] 01/10 Daily HoroscopeYou may be in the mood to streamline your life, to make yourself more efficien t, and to alter your routine to make it lighter and more carefree. That can be gin by literally decluttering your closets, your drawers, your garage, your at tic, and so on. While that may not seem completely relevant to what you want t o achieve, Leo, it can be great practice for letting things go that are not al3
[情報] 01/09 Daily HoroscopeHaving an important talk with someone while you are in a volatile mood is a bi t risky. You are, after all, quite a passionate person and given to expressing yourself emphatically, if not theatrically. Today, Leo, you are encouraged to wait until that mood passes before you speak up about something that is on yo ur mind. If you don't, you may give the wrong impression, which could cloud th3
[情報] 01/07 Daily HoroscopeAt this time last year, Leo, do you recall what you might have been thinking a bout? Were you basking in the glow of your achievements, or were you reflectin g on dreams that did not come true and goals that were never met? Even if you did achieve quite a lot, it is still possible that you weren't thinking about that, but that you were thinking about the things that got away from you. That1
[情報] 01/06 Daily HoroscopeYou may have more leverage than you realize in a current negotiation. If you a re bargaining for something - at work or in your personal life, you have the w isdom and insight to make the most of it and to get what you want. You may not feel that you should challenge the other party, though, because they may seem to be more knowledgeable. But you aren't giving yourself enough credit, Leo.- You are ahead of the game in a certain venture. It suits your knowledge, exper ience, and talents perfectly. But not everyone who is involved is as astute or is moving as quickly as you can, dear Leo. Don't let that bring out your temp er or cause you to be agitated. If you let that happen, it will invariably hav e an impact on others, and they can't help that they aren't as brilliantly cap
- You may have to deal with a challenge or two in an ongoing, problematic family matter. This is nothing new to you, Leo. You are often the one who has to ste p in and mediate or resolve issues, often while being in the middle of warring factions. While this may not be what you would choose to do, you do get a cer tain amount of satisfaction from it. And this time, you may see that you have
[情報] 01/02 Daily HoroscopeYou do so much for others, often at the expense of doing good things for yours elf. If someone you care about needs you, Leo, you are there. Make your own wa nts and needs your top priority today. Nurture yourself. Take care of yourself . Enjoy some of your favorite indulgences. If someone calls on you because the y need something, see if you can put it off for a little while. You really nee5
[情報] 12/31 Daily HoroscopeYou may need space from something or someone. That's perfectly okay, Leo. For you, though, taking the space you need may feel like shirking a responsibility . But you have a responsibility to yourself. If you are feeling stressed or te nse because of what's going on in your life right now, then you owe it to your self to give yourself some breathing room. Not only will you come back feeling6
[情報] 12/30 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling worn out or even exhausted. The last week or so has put you through a lot - not just physically and with authentic physical exhaustion, b ut also emotionally. And sometimes, Leo, that's the hardest kind of weight to bear. But things are looking up. Good things are flowing into your life now. A nd if you recognize this, take a deep breath, and you acknowledge that you wan2
[情報] 12/29 Daily HoroscopeIn a situation you are now dealing with, dear Leo, you may believe that the tr uth will set you free. However, in this particular situation, there may be as many versions of the "truth" as there are people involved. That can get confus ing. So, what you really have to look at now are the "facts." Try to separate the facts, which should be fairly clear to you, from the various truths that o2
[情報] 12/28 Daily HoroscopeKeep in mind today that you don't have to speak up about something that is on your mind just because it is making you angry. You can be impulsive, Leo, beca use you are a very passionate individual. You sometimes speak your mind very l oudly and boldly, but you also occasionally regret those kinds of outbursts. T his may be one of those times if you aren't careful. Try to hold back, at leas4
[情報] 12/26 Daily HoroscopeYou may have taken on a responsibility, probably of your own free will, that h as come to feel more like a burden. That may be because you currently have so many other obligations and so many things that are weighing on your mind. But you did this in good faith and with good intentions, Leo, and that's a good th ing. By trying to recognize this as you follow through and by having the inten1
[情報] 12/22 Daily HoroscopeA situation that you will soon be offered - let's call it an opportunity - mig ht not be completely ideal. There may be elements missing. You may not have an y help. You may be missing resources. The opportunity might be lacking a few p uzzle pieces. But look at it as a whole, dear Leo. Look at its potential. Yes, you may have to go a bit out of your way to patch things together, but once y8
[情報] 12/21 Daily HoroscopeYou are an eternal optimist, dear Leo. Or at least you are perceived that way, and to some degree, it's true. There is a positively golden glow about your i ntentions and your hopes too. You do believe you can accomplish what you set o ut to do. But sometimes you have moments of darkness - times when you begin to question your talents, abilities, and choices. Today, you might be lingering2
[情報] 12/20 Daily HoroscopeThere is an endless source of love in the world, but you might not know it if you were to judge by the folks surrounding you right now. You may be surrounde d by people who are angry, jealous, and bitter, and that doesn't seem like an environment that's conducive to love. In fact, it is most likely to breed more anger, jealousy, and bitterness. But if you are dealing with difficult people5
[情報] 12/19 Daily HoroscopeA short-term plan you have could bring you a big and exciting result. And even more interesting, Leo, is the fact that you can realize a dream rather quickl y and easily. Take some time today to work out a strategy for getting somethin g you want - perhaps a goal that has eluded you in the past. A down-to-earth a pproach that is backed up by research and consultation with someone who is in-9
[情報] 12/16 Daily HoroscopeYou may be having some trouble bouncing back from a recent disappointment. Whi le you are a dazzlingly positive Leo, even you can have an experience that lea ves you feeling less than your usual fierce self. Give yourself a chance to de al with whatever loss you may be feeling, because that inner fire is still the re. You are still the powerful, golden force of good energy that you have alwa6
[情報] 12/15 Daily HoroscopeIn the classic musical "Singing in the Rain," Gene Kelly gives an iconic perfo rmance with one of the greatest dance numbers ever. He's filled with joy, sing ing "the sun's in my heart," and he shows it by, yes, singing and dancing in t he rain. This has become a metaphor for enjoying and making the best of any si tuation. There is always joy to be found if you look for it - or if you create3
[情報] 12/14 Daily HoroscopeJust when you thought you had gained control over a turbulent situation, it se ems to be going haywire again. That's because there are other, more difficult personalities involved, and that's something you can't truly control. But what you can control, Leo, is your own reaction to someone else's nonsense or emot ional upheaval. You can remain calm. You can choose to see things rationally.2
[情報] 12/13 Daily Horoscopeyou might see a favor someone wants you to do for them as a futile effort. No matter how you try, you just can't see anything good coming from it. But you m ight be wrong, Leo. Even if that favor doesn't manifest in what that person ha s in mind, the act of doing something for them in good faith and with kindness is a wonderful spiritual gift. It means you care enough to try and give them2
[情報] 12/12 Daily HoroscopeAssumptions are very often based on familiarity with the topic at hand and pas t experience. But even when you make an educated guess, you can still be wrong . Think about this today if you are tempted to draw a conclusion about a situa tion you are entering. It might seem to be fraught with trouble and challenges . It might not seem like something you want to get involved in. But don't base- You may wish that you could take back something you said to someone recently. You may even be thinking of trying to do just that. You may want to address th at person directly and tell them that you did not mean what you said. But are you sure that's the truth, Leo? Maybe you just feel bad that the way you feel is now out there. That could actually turn out to be a good thing - a very goo
[情報] 12/07 Daily HoroscopeYou may have a deeply emotional urge to reach out to someone now, Leo. Maybe t his is coming from the idea of reconciling with someone from whom you have bee n estranged. Maybe this is to plead with someone to change their mind about so mething. Or perhaps there is some other important reason why you feel the need to reach out. But before you do, you need to recognize that your emotions are2
[情報] 12/06 Daily HoroscopeA conflict could arise today out of a minor debate surrounding a seemingly ins ignificant difference of opinion. Be aware of this, Leo. You happen to have a powerful sense of self and purpose, and when you attach yourself strongly to a n opinion, you will defend it to the end. However, something that arises today may deserve a second look. Before you enter into a war of words, think again2
[情報] 12/01 Daily HoroscopeYou may be tempted to make a knee-jerk judgment about someone who has recently appeared in your life. Something that they did or said may have caused you to frame them in a certain way and to assign them to a less-than-positive catego ry. Give it some more time. Give yourself a chance to observe more of who that person is and what they have to offer. Rejecting someone so easily could deny4
[情報] 11/30 Daily HoroscopeSomeone may be barking orders at you for an endeavor that you are involved in. Since you are a natural-born leader yourself, Leo, it might be challenging fo r you to be led by someone else. However, if it's just the person's tone that you don't like but you agree with their level of knowledge or skill, then you should probably try to overlook the irritating aspects in favor of the greater3
[情報] 11/29 Daily HoroscopeIf the premier expert on all things related to an endeavor you are now taking on were to offer you advice, it would be wise to take it. That kind of authori ty is hard to resist, Leo. If someone important speaks, you want to listen bec ause you want them to convey their valuable knowledge so that you can do your best and enjoy whatever experience you are engaged with to the fullest extent.6
[情報] 11/28 Daily HoroscopeA rainstorm can be difficult to endure when you're caught out without rain boo ts, an umbrella, or proper clothing. The same goes for an emotional storm, Leo , especially for someone with emotions as big as yours are. You may be dealing with some sadness or regret now, and you don't know how to handle it. You may even fear that things won't change. But just like that rainstorm, this is tem10
[情報] 11/25 Daily HoroscopeWhen you look for the good in all areas of your life, that's when the good com es to you. It may be much easier to do the opposite - to worry and fret over t hings that are not going your way. But there really is a kind of magic involve d in seeking out and believing that the best can be, and that there is always something happy beckoning you. Today, Leo, if you seek out the good, and you l1
[情報] 11/23 Daily HoroscopeDon't be too stubborn or too proud to admit that you were wrong about somethin g. If you cling to an outdated idea or one that you now know isn't the right o ne, you won't be doing as well for yourself, Leo. But if you are ready to admi t that you have taken on a new way of seeing a situation, that noble acknowled gement will get you ahead and will make your life better on some level. That's2
[情報] 11/22 Daily HoroscopeYou may have become involved in a power struggle with someone recently, Leo. B ut it may be so subtle and perhaps even so friendly that you don't recognize i t for what it is. You are both vying to be the one who is right, but that mean s that someone will have to be wrong. If you continue a debate, it could becom e heated, and it could become a conflict. Before that happens, ask yourself if2
[情報] 11/21 Daily HoroscopeIf you go into an argument today feeling angry and reckless, you probably won' t get your very valuable point across clearly. But if you go into an argument with a clear point of view and a good understanding of what you want to get ou t of it, you will walk away satisfied. That latter option might not be the eas y option. After all, you are a passionate Leo. But the result is important, an3
[情報] 11/18 Daily HoroscopeYou may be torn between two options today because you aren't really listening to your heart - and you have a big heart, Leo! You may be torn because the log ical side of your brain is taking over and shutting out what you feel. But if you don't at least listen and consider what your heart is telling you, you won 't have fully considered all of the options and possibilities - and that would