[情報] 12/16 Daily Horoscope
You may be having some trouble bouncing back from a recent disappointment. While you are a dazzlingly positive Leo, even you can have an experience that leaves you feeling less than your usual fierce self. Give yourself a chance to deal with whatever loss you may be feeling, because that inner fire is still there. You are still the powerful, golden force of good energy that you have always been. And once you have some time to reflect and revive, you will be readyfor the next challenge. You can be unstoppable if you put your mind to it - remember that.
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[情報] 7/16 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling overwhelmed because you are facing a lot of problems. In fact, you can probably reel off a long list of issues to deal with in your mind right now, dear Leo. But it may be your approach to this that is causing you to feel stuck and overwhelmed. If you think about it, the troubles you have right now may be many, but they are mostly very small. Attack the bigger5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/28不要急於回答一個你還在思考的問題,阿牛。即便可能有人逼迫你做出回答,你也需要好 好思考。如果你覺得有壓力的話,直截了當地把問題丟回去吧。讓對方知道你需要再多花 一些時間考慮,不需要為此而難過。即使你已經考慮了這件事的所有細節,但可能仍需要 時間來處理你的想法和點子。 ——3
[情報] 11/18 Daily HoroscopeYou may be torn between two options today because you aren't really listening to your heart - and you have a big heart, Leo! You may be torn because the log ical side of your brain is taking over and shutting out what you feel. But if you don't at least listen and consider what your heart is telling you, you won 't have fully considered all of the options and possibilities - and that would2
[情報] 12/01 Daily HoroscopeYou may be tempted to make a knee-jerk judgment about someone who has recently appeared in your life. Something that they did or said may have caused you to frame them in a certain way and to assign them to a less-than-positive catego ry. Give it some more time. Give yourself a chance to observe more of who that person is and what they have to offer. Rejecting someone so easily could deny1
[情報] 10/27 the daily horoscopeYou may be questioning a recent decision even though you felt certain of it at the time. So how can you get back that initial feeling of resolve and assuran ce that everything was going to be fine with the choice you made? You can stop dwelling on fearful thoughts of things not working out. You can stop question ing yourself. You can go back and do your best to recall the way you felt when