[情報] 02/14 Daily Horoscope
Your muse may be knocking at your door now, dear Leo, but you don't have timeto answer it. You have so many other high-priority things to do that you can't set aside your work and obligations to answer a higher, more creative calling right now. However, you can still take a few brief notes! If some intriguingcreative thoughts are stirring your imagination, you don't want to lose them in the pursuit of your responsibilities. Write it all down, and come back to it later.
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首PoLEO (JULY 23- AUGUST 23) There will be a feeling of tiredness Today will not be a dull day for you. You’ll find a way to come up with a hundred things to do, even if they are trivial. Tiredness is interfering with your activities, and the solution can be found at the dinner table. A lack of4
首PoSomething really good is happening for you. You may be one part happy, and one part worried, as though you are waiting for "the other shoe to drop." Perhaps you have gotten used to things going wrong a lot recently, Leo, and you can't imagine something so good happening without something negative occurring to b alance it out. But there is no other shoe. Stop waiting for something to go wr
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[情報] 03/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 07 2022 一個你不完全了解的人正佔據你的內心, (你可能會說他們獨樹一幟) 有一個問題跟這個人有關, 即你是否能夠相信他們的一些才能能在工作上與你合作。2
[情報] 11/01~17/01/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYou can turn an argument or a difference of opinion into an opportunity this week, dear Moonchild. If you don't let your imagination run away with you, and you don't allow your emotions to take control, seeing this in a positive and hopeful way won't be difficult at all. Try to see what might be positive about someone's revelation about this difference, and figure2
[情報] 02/06 the daily horoscopeIf there is a thought that makes you happy, concentrate on that today. And wha tever you do, don't let any impediments to that thought block you from feeling happy about it. For example, if it's a thought about something you hope for, don't let thoughts about why it can't work out or any problems you could have enter your mind. Chase any negatives out immediately, dear Gemini, and just fo1
[情報] 12/07 the daily horoscopeYou may be nurturing a wildly creative idea right now, Gemini, and your though ts may be all over the place, which is typical of your frenetic nature. But yo u may think that this idea is far too big to take on right now because you hav e several other things in the works at the same time. But if you don't start n ow, when will you begin? You are, after all, always busy doing something. Try1
[情報] 08/08 the daily horoscopeYou may be having a hard time getting into some creative project you have star ted. You may not feel the inspiration that you felt initially, or you may beli eve that your muse has abandoned you. Because of this, you may be giving in to other distractions, which is a hard thing for you to resist, Gemini. For now, let that happen. Get involved in something else. You may find that the inspir1
[情報] 09/11 the daily horoscopeYou will be in a better position to succeed if you are able to maintain a posi tive attitude in spite of the extremely challenging circumstances you are curr ently facing. If you don't allow thoughts of failure or being beaten to take o ver your thoughts, dear Gemini, then you cannot lose. Although it might appear to be easy advice to follow, it actually isn't that simple, but you are more1
[情報] 10/05 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be seeking an answer from you now, dear Gemini, but you are not ye t ready to provide it. You have things to think about. You have a few things t o learn. And when you are ready, you can then share the answer you have reache d. Until then, don't allow someone to push or pressure you. Take your time fig uring this out, and recognize that you absolutely have the right to do so. If- You are known for your vivid imagination, Moonchild. Your creativity often works in your favor because you can come up with ideas that would not even occur to other people. But that same gift can also become a hurdle if you let it control your thoughts, rather than your thoughts controlling your rather wild imagination. Don't let your imagination run away with you when