[情報] 03/22 Daily Horoscope
You may have to listen to or accommodate someone who you see as foolish or ignorant. This may be someone in a position of power, and so you may not have much of a choice. But what you can do, Leo, is to present your own point of viewon the matter - in a respectful and delicate way, of course - and then leave it at that. Although the authority figure may scoff at you and refuse to take your advice or consider your opinion, you will have done what you can - and someone in a stronger position may notice.
不好意思 這兩個月比較忙
App The DailyHoroscope :)
※ PTT留言評論
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/18你可能會意識到,讓一個朋友或你的家庭成員把你拉進他們的問題中會讓你處於一個棘手 的位置。即便如此,你可能很容易會被他們誘導,阿牛。但在你接受這個問題之前,要先 想 清楚。你今天可能已經有很多自己的事要做了,而這個人想讓你處理的事可能會很麻煩。 所以今天可能會有兩個不同的走向,一個能讓你好好休息,一個則是可能沒有片刻安寧的8
[情報] 03/23 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 23 2022 在你證明自己在家庭或工作中的位置時, 你會以一種不屈不饒的方式堅持在其中, 你不想對妥協表現出開放的態度, 因為這樣會感覺不確定性很高。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/09去質疑處於強勢地位的人會讓人感到害怕,尤其若是他們對你有直接的影響。但如果你發 現某些事情並不正確,卻沒有提出,這不只是對你,可能也對其他人會有負面的影響。 你可能會意識到有些人在做的某些事是不正確的。牛牛,你覺得說出這些事可能會讓你涉 入某些風險,但其實唯一的風險是你會在事後感到後悔當初沒有去談論這件事,這個遺憾 並無法被彌補。5
[情報] 0303 DailyHoroscopeJust because someone has a role of authority or a position of power, does not mean that you can trust them to know what they are doing or to be judicious in their dealings. You may have questions and doubts now about what someone with power or authority is asking you to do, Capricorn. Don't feel bad about quest ioning what someone in authority position is asking you to do. Don't just assu3
[情報] 0510 DailyHoroscopeYou probably should not go to someone for advice if they have a vested interes t in the outcome of your choice. This is common sense, Capricorn, but in a sit uation you are dealing with now, that connection might not seem so obvious. If you are asking for guidance - or being pushed in a certain direction - by som eone who benefits from one particular choice, then you need to step away and f3
[情報] 0814 DailyHoroscopeSomeone may soon try to make a decision for you based on the premise that they know what is best for you. But is that true, Capricorn? Do they know your hea rt and your mind? Can they accurately predict the outcome of the choice that i s being made? You are the ultimate bearer of this choice. You know what you fe el in your heart, and you may not be fully comfortable sharing that. But if so1
[情報] 0424 DailyHoroscopeYou can learn a lot from an argument if you remain aware of someone else's poi nt of view even if you don't agree with it. If you are willing to ask question s and try to look at something from another person's perspective, it can make you stronger. Knowledge is powerful - even when it is the knowledge of how som eone else thinks. Pay attention today if you experience a disagreement. You ma1
[情報] 0614 DailyHoroscopeStanding up for something you believe in isn't always easy. Others may see you as a troublemaker or a rebel. Some may choose to avoid you if they don't shar e your point of view. No, Capricorn, it takes courage and ethics to stand up f or a cause or a belief. You may be in a position now where you need to protect your own interests or those of someone you love, and your position may not be1
[情報] 11/07/2022 Daily Horoscope你不一定要在所有事情上與某人達成一致才能喜歡這個人。 你現在可能正在與一個你認同的人交流-一個你欣賞和喜歡的人-但有一個問題你就是無法 克服。 你可能發現在一個接近你內心的話題上有意見分歧,你可能在想這是否會成為關係中的一 個障礙。1
[情報] 09/02 the daily horoscopeYou may have given someone else authority over you or a choice of yours withou t realizing it. Perhaps you have deferred to their opinion, or asked them to t ell you what would be best to do. And in doing that, Gemini, you are giving aw ay your power. It might seem like the best or easiest thing to do in the momen t - especially if you aren't feeling wise enough to come up with the best answ