[情報] 11/28 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 11/28 Daily Horoscope 作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:1

A rainstorm can be difficult to endure when you're caught out without rain boots, an umbrella, or proper clothing. The same goes for an emotional storm, Leo, especially for someone with emotions as big as yours are. You may be dealing with some sadness or regret now, and you don't know how to handle it. You may even fear that things won't change. But just like that rainstorm, this is temporary. Try to look forward to a warmer, sunnier day. It should be coming up quickly.



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※ 編輯: minicha ( 臺灣), 11/27/2022 22:00:41

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