[情報] 01/13 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 01/13 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0

An idea you would like to present, either at work or for an important personal project, is still gelling in your mind. Even though you have not fully fleshed it out just yet, dear Leo, you are eager to get it out there. You want feedback. You want praise. You want approval. But you need to be patient. Even though you are eager to get started in a serious way, it would benefit you to make sure your idea is fully developed before you set it free. Doing this will not only ensure that it's in its best form, but also that you have the confidence you should have in its fully polished form.



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xiangyin 01/13 08:30感謝翻譯~

kirakaze 01/13 08:50啊......最近真的在處理一個提案,有這種感覺