[情報] 12/30 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 12/30 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:1

You may be feeling worn out or even exhausted. The last week or so has put you through a lot - not just physically and with authentic physical exhaustion, but also emotionally. And sometimes, Leo, that's the hardest kind of weight tobear. But things are looking up. Good things are flowing into your life now. And if you recognize this, take a deep breath, and you acknowledge that you want those good things, then you will get your second wind, and that will feel fabulous. You need not miss a beat.


如果你正覺察到這樣的改變,請深吸一口氣,並告訴自己,你渴望這樣的正面發生,接下來,你會得到一個嶄新的自己,肯定會是很棒的感覺。不要錯過改變的節奏 :)

如有誤譯還請見諒 :)


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