[情報] 03/13 Daily Horoscope
How are you, dear Leo? That question is asked numerous times each day by numerous people. The automatic reaction is often "fine," whether it's true or not.You especially are someone who does not want to air their dirty laundry or complain about how your day is going, and so the response of "fine" allows that.But you may have something going in your life right now that would benefit from sharing and feedback. Don't hesitate to share your experience with someone you trust. You may just get exactly what you need if you allow yourself to be a little bit vulnerable
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[情報] 09/01 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 1 2021 有時候你會發現要信任別人非常困難, 主要是因為對於要分享私事你總是猶豫再三。 魔魔,在某些部分你相當拘謹, 而且一旦分享秘密就收不回來了,6
[情報] 11/10 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 10 2021 你目前守著一個若與人分享會受益的秘密, 如果小心選擇分享的對象,魔魔, 你可能會得到遺失的訊息, 而這些訊息會讓一些事改變成更好的樣子。5
[情報] 07/15 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your world - perhaps someone who is being a bit contentious - may t hink they understand a plight you have dealt with, and they are being harsh ab out your efforts because of that. But just because they experienced something they see as similar to what you experienced, dear Gemini, doesn't mean there i s really a comparison. We each come from different backgrounds, different expe4
[閒聊] 12/24 Daily HoroscopeLeo horoscope for 星期五 12月 24 有些擁有「瀕死體驗」——曾經失去生命跡象一小段時間,但很快又被救回來——的人,聲 稱曾看過一道溫暖而慈愛的光。 他們曾感受到某種非常正向而關懷的存在,所以他們回來後,更容易對他人具有同理心;但 你不需要這樣的經驗去培養這種情感,獅子,這是我們都應該嚮往的能力。4
[閒聊] 12/30 Daily HoroscopeLeo horoscope for 星期四 12月 30 你可能已經開始痛苦地掙扎著迎接 2022 的到來——也就是說,你可能對你目前的人生走向 並不 是太滿意,獅子,而你並不想著手處理它,更不用說是接納別人的建議。 但如果這些改變是有益處的呢?如果這些改變能給你帶來一個更好、更輕鬆、更快樂的人生3
[情報] 07/11 the daily horoscopeIt is important for you to acknowledge today that it is not your role or your responsibility to make someone else happy. If you are trying to do this now, y ou also need to know that this is a power that someone only has for themselves . There are people in life who seem to enjoy dwelling on negative thoughts and problematic situations, but that is not a habit you can change for anyone but3
[情報] 01/10 the daily horoscopeBlind trust is something you can only offer until someone betrays you. Once th at happens, a person has to prove themselves doubly trustworthy before it will be easy to trust again. But there are also times when you may fear you have b een betrayed only to discover that there was a misunderstanding. If there is a question of this now in your life, Gemini, you owe it to yourself to get to t2
[情報] 04/13 the daily horoscopeYou may have an idea you are afraid to share because you don't think anyone el se will understand. Perhaps you are afraid of being judged or dismissed, and m aybe you fear that someone will think you are a bit unrealistic to come up wit h something so unusual. But you will never know who might be a kindred spirit until you are willing to share your most unique ideas, Gemini. Today is a grea2
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeYou may be seeking advice or feedback now on something you are working on or t hat you are about to start. You may be looking for people you feel are knowled geable and have some experience or expertise in a certain area. But don't just blindly assume that the responses that are provided are a fact - they may jus t be opinions, and unverified opinions at that. You should also consider, dear- Someone in your life may be trying to convince you to trust them in some impor tant matter. You are not a distrustful person, generally speaking, Gemini, but this individual may have let you down in the past. Therefore, trust does not come easily. Even so, you may want to give them the benefit of the doubt this time, and hope they come through for you. Is that wise? Well, you can go out o