[情報] 02/26 Daily Horoscope
Are you going backwards or forward? You might be asking yourself that question now, Leo. You may be striving to get ahead, and yet something seems to keep pushing you backward. You may be finding that you have to do certain things over and over, even though you are pouring a lot of time and effort into something. But here's your answer: Even if you are going backwards, you are also still going forward. You are getting a chance to see things in hindsight and correct or improve them. Before you know it, you will be way ahead.
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※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 09/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 22 2022 你正在著手的工作看似進度停止了, 身為一個有野心的魔魔, 這可能會困擾你。 但試著這麼看:5
[情報] 12/25 the daily horoscopeA new adventure awaits you, Gemini, and you can almost feel it in the air. Thi s is a magical time for you, and you should soon receive an invitation or an o ffer to do something you have always wanted to do. And more than that, there m ay be an exciting reward involved. You have an adventurous spirit, and you are not afraid to take on a challenge. But before you choose to move forward, be3
[情報] 04/29 the daily horoscopeYou may be struggling with a decision about where to go next with a certain li fe objective. But luckily for you, Gemini, you may soon be gifted with a "look into the future" to see how things could play out with your choices. It is a rare gift to be able to travel forward in time, so to speak, but metaphoricall y that's the chance you should soon receive. You may see your options play out3
[情報] 06/17 the daily horoscopeIf you had a time machine, Gemini, you would probably choose to travel back to the past right now. Despite your adventurous nature, the thought of traveling ahead might scare you. You may have fears that things will not be as good in the future as they were in the past. Recent experiences may have also contribu ted to this line of thinking. But today, or very soon, you will receive a glim3
[情報] 08/30 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling a lot of anxiety about an upcoming experience. You may be p icturing all the things that can go wrong. It might almost be like a reflex. E ach time you think about it, your thoughts escape to fear and apprehension. Bu t it is unwarranted, Gemini, and that's all you need to remember right now. Th ere may be past experiences that are causing you to feel afraid or nervous abo2
[情報] 03/09/2020 Daily HoroscopeReliving an upsetting moment in your mind can only serve one purpose - to teach you something. If you learn your lesson well, you can improve the next time you have the chance to do it. But if you keep going over a failure or an awkward moment in your mind, dear Cancer, it may only instill fear of failure and embarrassment. It is time to look forward1
[情報] 11/03 the daily horoscopeSomeone might be urging you to move quickly with a venture they are also invol ved in, dear Gemini. Since "fast" is your most comfortable pace, you may be pe rfectly okay with that. However, this situation might require a more careful a pproach. Moving too quickly could cause you to miss certain things. Don't be p ushed to rush forward. Don't rationalize a reason to do so. Take your time. Be1
[情報] 05/19 the daily horoscopeYou may be trying to manage the forward movement of a project you have been wo rking on, and there may be other people involved. However, Gemini, it may feel a bit like herding cats! If you are finding it difficult to control what's ha ppening, then you are using your good energy unproductively. For today, it mig ht be beneficial to just let things move forward on their own. At the end of t- Because you have such an impulsive, fast-moving nature, you may be facing some real challenges now. Your way of doing things has been interrupted, and you m ay feel more confined or held down than someone who moves in a slower way than you do. But you should try to see what you're going through as a challenge an d a chance to prove something to yourself. You can function and even thrive th
- If you dedicate some time to work on a regret or a disappointment that has bee n weighing you down, you can get through it and move on to better things. Main tain a mindset of rising above what is bothering you, and find ways to inspire yourself and learn from your experience. It might take you all day to put thi ngs in perspective and to be more objective about what you have been through,