[情報] 03/02 Daily Horoscope
In the late 1990s, "don't sweat the small stuff" was a popular phrase, and itis still heard today. It originated as the title of a book by Richard Carlson, Ph.D., a psychologist. Try to embrace this idea now, Leo, for it can help you make it through a challenging time. The things you are dealing with may be lots of "small stuff," but as you know, it does add up. The choice of how you react to it, though, is exclusively yours. Make it a great day by reveling in the good and intentionally breezing through the not-so-good.
在90 年代末,“不要為小事操心”這句話曾流行一時,一直到今天仍然受用。這句金句
來自心理學家理查.卡爾森博士一本書的標題。 獅子們,現在請試著想想這句話,因為它可以幫助你度過充滿挑戰的現在。
如有誤譯還請包涵 :)
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[情報] 0401 DailyHoroscopeIf you happen to be a coffee drinker - or you have some other daily morning ha bit- it is probably something you do without much thought. Maybe you pick up a cup of your favorite beverage and drink it on your way to work. But do you sa vor each sip? Do you embrace the cup in your hand and take comfort in its warm th? This is just a small thing, Capricorn, but it is one of many small things6
[情報] 01/05 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 05 2021 時間不是你的敵人, 今天將這句話謹記在心。 你可能想要匆忙完成一項計畫, 但無論是領先於假定的競爭者,4
[情報] 09/23 the daily horoscopeFrom the time we are children, we begin to see that we have the aptitude for c ertain things and that other things are more challenging for us. But just beca use something doesn't come as easily to you as something else, does not mean y ou can't eventually become exceptionally good at whatever currently presents y ou with a challenge. If there is something you would like to do or be, don't g4
[情報] 31/03/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,『三思而後行 』這句諺語應該是你今天的口頭禪。 雖然你可能急於完成某事,但偷工減料可能導致需要很長時間才能解決的錯誤。 但如果你有耐心,並以正確的方式做事-你確實知道如何以正確的方式做事-那麼在一天結 束時,你會對你所完成的事情感到滿意。 不要為了速度而犧牲效率帶來的良好的感覺。3
[情報] 0205 DailyHoroscopeTreasuring a good memory can bring a wonderful feeling of warmth. It can valid ate that happiness exists. But when you compare what once was with what is tod ay, it isn't a fair comparison. Our fondest memories have usually been subcons ciously edited to leave out the bad stuff, so the time and events we recall al l seem perfect even though it may not have been. Don't allow the past to compe1
[情報] 17/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeThe small details of a big project could become a point of contention today, Moonchild. You have a brilliant idea for the big picture, but for you, all those little things matter just as much. But not everyone understands why you would be so caught up in small stuff when there are bigger things to deal with. Try to explain that in the ideal expression of1
[情報] 04/26 the daily horoscopeYou would rather be dealing with exciting new prospects than with the tying up of loose ends and old business. For a fast-moving sign like yours, Gemini, th e tedium of handling all those details can feel maddening. Even so, it must be done before you can move on to the stuff that you find exciting. Carve out so me time today to handle all that old stuff and try to find something positive1
[情報] 05/19 the daily horoscopeDon't die on a small hill. Take that advice seriously today, Gemini. You may b e irritated, aggravated, and generally getting madder by the minute about some thing that a person close to you said or did. You may be ready to blow up and react to it because you have had enough. But in time, you will see that it's r eally pretty trivial in the big scheme of things, and making a big deal about1
[情報] 08/22 the daily horoscopeIf you have a picture in your mind of what the perfect day would look like, ch ase that image away immediately! You can have a perfect day, Gemini, but it mi ght not look exactly like what you have in mind. It would be a shame if you di dn't take advantage of what may be offered to you because you didn't recognize it for how great it could really be. Don't paint yourself into a corner with- Gemini horoscope for 星期三 2月 26 Gemini horoscope for 星期三 2月 26 If you watch your pennies the dollars will take care of themselves. That bit o f wisdom can apply to many things, Gemini. For you right now, it could have no thing to do with money but could be applied to a relationship. If there has be