[情報] 03/02 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 03/02 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:0

In the late 1990s, "don't sweat the small stuff" was a popular phrase, and itis still heard today. It originated as the title of a book by Richard Carlson, Ph.D., a psychologist. Try to embrace this idea now, Leo, for it can help you make it through a challenging time. The things you are dealing with may be lots of "small stuff," but as you know, it does add up. The choice of how you react to it, though, is exclusively yours. Make it a great day by reveling in the good and intentionally breezing through the not-so-good.

在90 年代末,“不要為小事操心”這句話曾流行一時,一直到今天仍然受用。這句金句
來自心理學家理查.卡爾森博士一本書的標題。 獅子們,現在請試著想想這句話,因為它可以幫助你度過充滿挑戰的現在。


如有誤譯還請包涵 :)


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james99995 03/02 01:42謝謝

s870810 03/02 10:09謝謝~真的容易因為小事煩躁

yuanfan 03/02 10:41謝謝