[情報] 02/15 Daily Horoscope
You may be feeling like you have no support on a matter that is getting out of hand. Therefore, Leo, you may be ready to quit just to cut your losses. But have you really shared this with anyone else, or are you just assuming that noone is on your side? You have amazing charisma and an intelligent and articulate way of expressing yourself. If you could share how you feel with someone influential, you might wind up getting all the support you need. It is definitely worth a try.
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[情報] 07/19 the daily horoscopeYou may have a much better idea than the one that others have taken on in a jo int effort, dear Gemini. You may want to share what you are thinking with the team, but you could be worried about what they will think. Maybe they will thi nk your idea is silly, and then you could feel foolish for bringing it up at a ll. But there is also the chance that your idea is brilliant, and you will win4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/19有人對你的期望很高,阿牛。並不是因為他們想給你壓力,或讓你無法衡量焦慮與緊張。 是因為他們相信你能做到任何你想做的事。如果你感受到某人的期望壓在你肩膀上的重量 ,那就放手吧。試著把它看作是他們的鼓勵與支持,而不是一種義務。 ——— Daily Horoscope for Saturday 03/192
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/21是不是心裡有個計畫可是不敢說出來因為怕其他人不懂?是不是擔心如果把計畫講出來,他們會被攻擊、誤解,抑或是做不到、感覺很蠢,阿牛?如果真的這樣發生了,可能會大大的澆熄你的熱情。但是老話一句,如果你想去分享你的想法,你也許能得到出乎意料的支持跟鼓勵。不是很好嗎?星象正在告訴你快用這股熱情去分享你的想法,你可能對於得到的回饋感到很驚喜。 Taurus horoscope for Monday Jun 21 You may have held back from revealing a plan you have for fear that others won't understand. You may think that if you share your ideas, Taurus, they will be judged and deemed inappropriate, unattainable, or foolish. And if that were to happen, it might dampen your own enthusiasm. But then again, if you were to share what you are thinking, you might have a surprising amount of support and encouragement. Wouldn't that be nice? The stars are encouraging you to share your thoughts with the passion you are feeling, and you may be happily surprised by what you receive in return. --2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/01阿牛,你可能會覺得現在全世界都在跟你作對,即使只是你生活圈裡的人不同意或不支持 你而已。畢竟那就是你的世界。如果你在一件別人都不同意或不支持你的事感到很有把握 時,這一切都是根據你多相信自己。如果別人正在動搖你的信心時,或許他們有著很好的 理由。今天花些時間來評估這點吧。 ———2
[情報] 10/19 the daily horoscopeA set of concerns may keep cycling through your mind. The moment you feel good about a decision, those concerns come back to haunt you again. How can you ge t past that? If you're feeling very independent and you don't want to share th is with anyone else, that might be the problem. You aren't getting feedback to validate what you feel. If sharing your thoughts with someone isn't the answe1
[情報] 24/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期二 8月 24 You may feel as if you have already worked far too long and far too hard for s omething you have not yet attained. At this point, Moonchild, you might be sta rting to think you should just quit and cut your losses. While you might be ab le to stop spending your time and energy on something that just doesn't seem t1
[情報] 11/29 the daily horoscopeYou may have a chance to shine today in an area that has gone dark in your lif e. You will have the opportunity to brighten a hope and add a stronger foundat ion to a dream. Even though you may feel shy about stepping up and accepting t his chance to dazzle, Gemini, you need to remember that you have the gifts of charm, charisma, and likeability. Your way of expressing yourself is exception1
[情報] 02/15 the daily horoscopeYou may have gone as far as you can with a negotiation, dear Gemini. Even thou gh you have not reached the result you want, it might be time to quit. Despite your considerable charm and your intelligent reasoning, the other party isn't bending. At this point, isn't it becoming a waste of your precious time? You may find that if you are willing to let go, there will be another option avail- If you are choosing to move forward with something that you aren't quite certa in about, set your concerns aside and jump in with enthusiasm. If you are maki ng the choice to do this, Leo, then do it right. A half-hearted attempt will b ring you weaker results. Even if you are basing your decision to go ahead on a n educated guess or just a feeling, then you have to support it through your e
- You may be hiding how you truly feel about a matter that is up for debate amon g family members or friends. But if you don't speak up - and you don't speak y our mind authentically - you are likely to wind up with something you don't wa nt. You don't want conflict, and that is understandable, Gemini. But having th ings turn out for you in a less-than-desirable way will be an internal conflic