[情報] 4/11(六)DailyHoroscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 4/11(六)DailyHoroscope作者
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Someone's penchant for using five-dollar words even in ordinary conversations may be annoying, to say the least. It probably really annoys you when someone makes everything overly complicated, even when a simple approach will work just fine.
Since you aren't going to change anyone by voicing this obvious fact, you might as well adapt and adjust to it if you have to deal with someone like this today or any day, Leo, and you need to be lighter and more carefree about it.
In other words, don't take it too seriously. To get along with certain people in our lives, we sometimes have to overlook the annoying aspects and celebrate the positive parts.




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fay13727 04/11 23:21爆準,我也是簡單的去解決這件事情