[情報] 12/24(四)DailyHoroscope
You may have negotiated a plan or an agreement with someone recently, Leo. You may have spelled out every detail and signed off on what it meant to each of you. But now it may seem that it isn't what you expected, or that you wish you had done things in a different way.
But since you've already agreed to something, you may feel you don't have the option to go back on what was understood. That's not so. You can negotiate again. If things have changed or evolved, go back and take a second look.
[閒聊] 12/23 Daily HoroscopeLeo horoscope for 星期四 12月 23 成功的人往往拒絕接受「不」的答案,他們能看到限制之外的選項,並想到讓事物運作的方 法。 你是有能力去處理你現在所面對的這個,其他人都已經放棄,或告訴你事情已經沒有轉圜餘 地3
[情報] 12/01/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能在潛意識中已經開始期待、或者至少希望,隨著2022年的到來,你的生活將開始發 生奇蹟般的變化。 月之子,這些可能是你急切希望的事情,你可能相信你很快就會開始看到表現,只因為這 一年已經改變。 如果你還沒有看到任何希望的跡象,請你堅持住。2
[情報] 0810 DailyHoroscopeYou may be trying to make sense out of something that makes no sense! You like familiarity and order, Capricorn. It makes you feel in control. It makes you feel better. But you may not know enough yet to figure this out, and you don't want to deal with the unknown. But finding clarity where there is none is not an option for you right now. You will have to accept that you can't know ever2
[情報] 01/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeSometimes we share things we don't want to share out of self-defense. Someone may ask a question, and it might be something you feel bad about or feel you need to justify, so you start telling your story - a story that certainly isn't some nosy busybody's business! Many people born under your sign fall into that trap, Moonchild. You hate to be misunderstood,2
[情報] 01/11 the daily horoscopeUnexpected obstacles may have suddenly popped up in a venture you have already begun. This is not what you expected, dear Gemini, and now you may be having second thoughts about it. You may also be blaming yourself for not foreseeing certain things. But if you still want what you wanted when you started, then y ou can keep going. You can rely on your inner strength, your charm, your intel2
[情報] 04/01 the daily horoscopeIf you were to order chicken cacciatore in a restaurant, and your waiter broug ht you grilled salmon instead - but it was absolutely delicious - would you re gret the mistake? If you felt it was better than what you ordered, then why co mplain? Sometimes we all get so caught up in things not meeting our expectatio ns perfectly that we don't leave room for the appreciation of other things. Yo2
[情報] 2023/04/06 Daily Horoscope你對某個計畫的期望非常高,但事情可能並沒有按照你所希望的方式發展。 你是一位理想主義者,月之子,當事情不如你所預期時,你會感到宇宙與你作對,特別是 因為你非常努力地追求自己想要的事情。 但如果你給這個改變一個機會,你可能會發現它其實非常美好。 而且更重要的是,你不需要因為喜歡現在的情況就放棄其他夢想,那些可以在未來實現。1
[情報] 02/22 Daily HoroscopeWhen we say that we are "waiting for the other shoe to drop," it means that we are waiting for something inevitable and perhaps undesirable to happen. If th is is indeed something negative that you expect to happen though, this creates a negative mindset. In other words, it means you are anticipating that someth ing is going to go wrong. You may be in that place now, Leo, feeling certain t- You may be going along with what you think someone else wants, simply because it's easier to do things that way. You also might want to avoid any controvers y or arguments. But how can you be sure about what the other party wants unles s you have a conversation about it? Don't make assumptions today, Leo, even if something seems obvious to you. It would be a shame to go along with a plan t