[閒聊] 01/03 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 01/03 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:1





獅子們,希望你謀生的方式或你花費大把時間的事物能讓你思考並享受其中的快樂。 如果不是這樣,你將會很容易分心,甚至可能因此陷入例行公事的循環。 獅子們,你們是一個充滿活力的星座,需要展開行動、勇於冒險和精神上的刺激。 如果你目前還沒找到這個讓你傾盡一切的事物,也不要感到絕望 — 此時就是開始尋找心中理想狀況的最好時機。 去吧!!

享受其中的每一刻。 新年快樂!

Leo, Whatever you do for a living, or whatever occupies a large part of your time, hopefully it is something that keeps you thinking and allows you to havefun. If that is not the case, Leo, then you could become easily distracted and you might even fall more readily into a rut. Yours is a dynamic sign, and you need action, adventure, and mental stimulation. If you don't have that though, don't despair. This is the perfect time to begin seeking out a more ideal situation. Go for it.

May you have a fun-filled year ahead. Enjoy every moment of it. Happy New Year!


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※ 編輯: minicha ( 泰國), 01/03/2022 03:33:16

icedcity 01/03 09:58have fun;)

henei 01/03 10:52推,喜歡看這主題,但英文不好都自己看網頁翻譯的

c60789 01/03 21:04謝謝翻譯 QQ 真是不好意思這邊沒有繼續 QQ

yuanfan 01/03 21:10謝謝

minicha 01/03 22:14感謝c大翻譯,年底真的被你的翻譯療癒~~