[情報] 02/07 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 02/07 Daily Horoscope作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:1

Progress is possible today with a project that has been stalled for too long.You may be skeptical about that, Leo, because it probably seems as though youhave hit one brick wall after another. But a message should be coming to you soon that will let you know that the efforts you have made to get things goingare finally starting to click into place. If you start managing this assertively once again, you can get things up and running smoothly. Don't be discouraged.

一個進度停滯已久的項目將在今天有重要的突破。獅子們,也許連你們自己都有點懷疑,因為你們一直都處於撞牆期。不過,很快的你將會收到一些訊息,讓你知道你之前付出的所有努力終於開始有成果;如果你們能再一次更有信心的處理這個項目,就可以讓事情進展順利。不要氣餒 :)



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lkrichard 02/07 06:35大吉

soulknight 02/07 08:46大吉

Cellia 02/07 12:35大吉

wink726 02/07 14:34大吉