[情報] 02/18 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 02/18 Daily Horoscope 作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:1

We all have said one time or another: "It is what it is." That phrase may seem like giving up, but really it can be a great way of coping with a tough situation. You aren't giving up. You're just acknowledging that you have done whatyou can. You may have done everything within your power to make something happen, and at this point, it is out of your control. In other words, Leo, it is what it is. You have nothing to regret, and that's a great thing. And you may just find that "what is" could actually turn out not to be too bad!




終於週五了… 大家週末愉快! :)


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andthen123 02/18 09:45謝謝

colim 02/18 11:17感謝分享

Teachor 02/18 20:47就是這樣囉XD~