[情報] 03/31 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[情報] 03/31 Daily Horoscope 作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:0

When you become hyper-focused on a goal, it can diminish the joy you can findin other areas of your life. If a dream you are chasing is so important that it affects your happiness, though, it's time to evaluate why you're letting that happen. You like to feel as though you are in control of your life, Leo, and that means being in control of what you achieve. But you can do that with a spirited sense of fun - not just with dogged determination. In fact, the more fun you have, the more enjoyable the entire experience will be.


獅子們,你們喜歡能夠好好控制自己生活的感覺,那代表著你可以預見你能達到的目標,但 請試著用充滿樂趣的感覺來達到你心中所想,而非只是破釜沈舟的堅定決心。 實際上,你們玩得越開心,整個過程就會越愉快—請這樣試試看吧。



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wosati 03/31 06:55準哭…好累Q_Q

joy7681 03/31 07:23謝謝~努力轉換成享受遊玩的心情

ian31722 03/31 10:53