[閒聊] Excel Esports 推特
Another top-tier player joins our ranks.
Welcome back to EU @Abbedagge!
如同先前的乳摸,前 100 Theives 中路 Abbedagge 加入 Excel Esports
恭喜阿比重回 EU
但有 Vetheo 擋在前面 估計還是沒啥上場機會
Sent from BePTT on my Sony J9210
※ PTT留言評論
[閒聊] Perkz 推特all this clowns think im going back to EU Im actually joining DWG as toplane once khan goes to military 這些諧咖還以為我要回 EU 其實只要 Khan 一去當兵 我就要去 DK 當上路喇45
[閒聊] Bang 以實況主身分回歸 T1Attention! Please welcome back @Bang to T1! -- T1 官宣,Bang 以實況主身分回歸。24
[外絮] Hans sama 加入 TLAfter his exceptional performance at Worlds this year, we're excited to welcome @Hanssama to Team Liquid. Bienvenue dans la #LCS! 如同先前的乳摸,前 RGE 下路 Hans sama 加入 Team Liquid17
[外絮] Tactical 加入 TSMWe're making our first change ahead of the 2022 LCS season. A familiar face to many and our starting bot laner, @Tactical. Welcome back to #TSM FTX, Edward "Tactical" Ra. 前 TL 下路 Tactical 加入 TSM13
[外絮] Inspired 加入 EGOur Master Plan to domination is nearly complete with @Inspiredlol taking control of the Jungle. We believe with his skill, determination, and hunger, he is the perfect player to take our roster to the Worlds stage.10
[外絮] Bwipo 加入 TLAll eyes on top for @Bwipo. Welcome to NA. Welcome to TL. 如同先前的乳摸,前 FNC 上路 Bwipo 加入 Team Liquid。 --5
[閒聊] Aphromoo 加入 FlyQuestSUPPORT. IS. SO. EASY. DUDE. Please welcome @aphromoo to our 2022 #LCS roster! #FLYWIN #ShowcaseGreatness 前 DIG 輔助 Aphromoo 加入 FLY6
[閒聊] 乳摸:Abbedagge 加入 Excel Esports來自 Wooloo 的乳摸 Excel Esports 簽下前 100 Thieves 中路 Abbedagge 作為替補 但 Abbedagge 也能接受來自其他隊伍的報價 --
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