[情報] 馬大魚教頭預計會離職,進入自由市場

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By USA TODAY Bob Nightengale

Marlins manager Skip Schumaker, who was widely praised for his decision not to pitch around Shohei Ohtani in his record-setting 50 homer-50 steal day last week, is expected to inform the Marlins that he is officially leaving after the season where he will become the hottest free agent manager in baseball.





圖 馬大魚教頭預計會離職,進入自由市場

April 9: Barry Jackson, Jordan McPherson and Craig Mish of the Miami Herald addsome additional context to Schumaker’s contract status. Schumaker, according to the report, was frustrated by the departure of Ng, who’d hired him less than a year prior.

The Herald trio writes that owner Bruce Sherman agreed to remove the club option on the contract “as a show of good faith” after Schumaker voiced his concerns.

In essence, voiding the club option gives Schumaker control over his own futureif he and Bendix clash over the course of the season. n.

由於不滿Kim Ng的離去


把合約中的2025球團選擇權移除,而老闆Bruce Sherman也同意了


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kevinftjiang09/23 23:44好少主動看到總教頭離開的

wuuman09/23 23:58可能準備去道奇面試吧 最後一戰表現良好

Adam661309/24 00:05原來前幾天是向躲人拋出橄欖枝嗎(?)

gogoto09/24 00:22巨人把他跟Kim一起打包回去吧

lowl9909/24 00:36白襪和紅鳥有傳聞想要舒馬克,如果要去應該去紅鳥,他之前

lowl9909/24 00:36是紅鳥出身的

sampsonlu91909/24 01:02不曉得馬林魚有沒有機會搞先簽後換,趁機進補農場

sampsonlu91909/24 01:02

paselalps09/24 04:543F有梗

linmath09/24 08:00蘿蔔很穩吧

hornet0109/24 10:46回紅鳥吧 Free Marmol