[情報] 火箭隊 Jae'Sean Tate 的下賽季合約將是全額保障

看板NBA標題[情報] 火箭隊 Jae'Sean Tate 的下賽季合約將是全額保障作者
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Rockets guarantee Jae'Sean Tate's contract for next season, sign David Nwaba

Jae'Sean Tate 的下賽季合約獲得火箭隊全額保障

該隊也正式宣佈簽下 David Nwaba

Rockets forward Jae’Sean Tate accomplished too much as a rookie last season
to be asked to do more than watch the summer league from the front row.

He also played too well to have a contract that was not guaranteed.

The Rockets on Sunday guaranteed Tate’s contract for next season, though he
was signed to a three-year deal as an undrafted free agent before the 2020-21season, a person with knowledge of the unusual move said.

The decision to guarantee Tate’s contract was directed by Rockets owner
Tilman Fertitta, the individual familiar with the decision said, with
Fertitta wanting to reward Tate but also to send the message that Tate’s
determined play and attitude last season should be considered an example of
the team’s priorities.

Tate was a first-team All-Rookie selection, playing 70 of the 72 games,
limping through injuries in the final weeks of the season when the Rockets
struggled to have enough available players to play games. He averaged 11.3
points and 5.3 rebounds.

The move with Tate was not the only step taken on Sunday.

The Rockets also officially signed free agent forward David Nwaba in Las
Vegas, according to an individual with knowledge of the move. Nwaba last weekagreed to a three-year, $15 million contract to return to the Rockets with
the third season at a team option. Nwaba averaged 9.2 points and was the
top-rated defensive player on the Rockets last season before his season was
ended by a wrist injury.


在火箭隊老闆 Tilman Fertitta 的建議下,球團已經決定將 Jae'Sean Tate 的下賽季合約轉成全額保障。他在上賽季簽了三年合約。

Fertitta 認為,在犒賞 Jae'Sean Tate 的同時,也要傳遞一個訊息,就是說他在上賽季的表現與態度應該是球團優先考慮的重點。在上賽季時,他上陣了七十場比賽,場均得到11.3 分及 5.3 個籃板。

在同一個場合上,火箭隊也正式宣佈以三年合約的形式簽下 David Nwaba,其中第三個賽季時將出現球團選擇權。




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cpks 08/09 12:18新秀第一隊,真的該好好把握

Arigatosam 08/09 12:19中規中矩

mhkt 08/09 12:19合約便宜啊 加上有控制權

ClownT 08/09 12:19落選秀,拿新秀第一隊

ClownT 08/09 12:19不只是超值,是超厲害

mhkt 08/09 12:20另外他的表現真的值得讚許 6呎4 還要SF/PF兩頭跑

odin981163 08/09 12:21回樓上6-4到處跑的看馬刺

Chanlin01 08/09 12:21被哈登丟過球的人?

koga5566 08/09 12:23FB好用

nuggets0916 08/09 12:23隊內賽被哈燈教訓過

Kazmier 08/09 12:24新秀第一隊

william12tw 08/09 12:37他真的不錯

alanpoio 08/09 12:38Nwaba 也很不穩定

ckf2273101 08/09 12:39馬刺後衛海沒看過??

shfunhuang 08/09 12:41FB好用 後悔沒留到最後qq

e5534599 08/09 12:42砂礫中的珍珠

TDC19685 08/09 13:03這誰? tate

HardenJames 08/09 13:11他真的打的不錯,未來應該是值得期待的綠葉

HardenJames 08/09 13:12有三分,防守也不差

blitz 08/09 13:30有看比賽,真的滿不錯的

ejijo761115 08/09 13:40

hero770624 08/09 13:43fb12人盟用的超爽

legofun0914 08/09 13:50用法像是爵士的歐尼爾嗎?

leosky41 08/09 14:26這誰拿的!

bpeg2011 08/09 16:17這jaeSean Tate擁擠

handfox 08/09 18:17跟三重歐尼爾差蠻多的吧

frank901212 08/09 22:25J向踏帖

firemm666 08/10 00:10他比三重歐強多了

tamataco 08/10 01:11老闆別騙了 Tate的合約這麼便宜