[情報] Braves Extend Chris Sale 2yr/38M

看板MLB標題[情報] Braves Extend Chris Sale 2yr/38M作者
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Left-hander Chris Sale and the Atlanta Braves are in agreement on a contract ext
ension. The new deal starts this season and is for two years and $38 million,wi
th an $18 million club option for 2026. Sale's previous deal was for 2024 with a
n option for 2025.

Essentially, Sale gets $17-18M in new guaranteed money. He was due $27.5M — $17
.5M this year, $10M deferred for 15 years — and the team held a $20M option for
next year. The present value of his salary this season was in the $20-21M range
. In the new deal, the Braves guarantee him $16M this year and $22M next year. A
tlanta received $17M from Boston in the deal, so the cash will cover his entire
salary this season.

The Braves clearly believe Sale’s performance last season portends well for his
future, even as he enters his age-35 season, plus they get an extra year of con



2024 16M
2025 22M
2026 18M(Club Option)



2024 16M(紅襪全吃)
2025 22M(紅襪吃1M)
2026 18M(Club Option)

2035 10M(紅襪)
2036 10M(紅襪)
2037 10M(紅襪)
2038 10M(紅襪)


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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2024 23:21:35

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2024 23:22:57

johnnyvcxz4001/04 23:23交易完續約玩上癮了

hdotistyle01/04 23:26紅襪貼17M 換約完等於免費用一年 不愧是AA真會玩

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2024 23:27:51

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2024 23:28:29

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2024 23:29:22

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2024 23:29:46

Smoltzy01/04 23:37這合約rework了,沒有2039那筆延遲給付,交換2025的保障約

Smoltzy01/04 23:41原來2025是20M的club option(附帶觸發條件成為保障約),

Smoltzy01/04 23:42現在直接交換成保障2年共38M的合約

simonown01/04 23:442y47.5M(10M遞延)->2y38M+2026CO 勇士現拿17M現金回饋

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 01/04/2024 23:45:37

DorkKnight01/04 23:48高級福袋

saiulbb01/04 23:54我還是覺得Breslow 吃錢吃太多 AA續約負擔不會很重

simonown01/04 23:58AA甚至是把20~21M+20M的現值談到16+22M前低後高

simonown01/04 23:59原本要付的0.5M也省下來了然後倒賺1M

CWH66701/05 07:13AA真的厲害

sonesnsdsosi01/05 07:49好爽 免費用一年 其實不虧

Herb556601/05 07:51樓上這樣加把舊合約選擇權算進來,新合約卻不算選擇權,

Herb556601/05 07:51這樣比也太賊。實際上是勇士原本只要今年付他50萬跟15年

Herb556601/05 07:51後付1000萬,現在變成今年不用付錢但是多付他明年2100萬

Herb556601/05 07:51才對

kingwei52001/05 08:46就明年變成保證約這樣吧

sisi200501/05 09:06重點是要健康能上場

simonown01/05 12:04沒有賊不賊的啊,就提前執行2025CO的概念,兩年總值還比

simonown01/05 12:04較低,外加多拿一個2026CO控制年

sam73121501/05 23:04中規中矩,就看福袋開的結果

YummyGasol01/07 09:52還敢拼他復活,笑死