[外電] 若是疫情爆發 聯盟傾向把比賽場地對調

看板MLB標題[外電] 若是疫情爆發 聯盟傾向把比賽場地對調作者
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來源: APNews

AP source: MLB prefers teams flip sites if virus shuts parks
若是冠狀病毒爆發導致球場關閉 聯盟傾向對調場地

NEW YORK (AP) — If Major League Baseball can’t play in front of fans at a
team’s home ballpark because of the virus outbreak, the sport’s first
preference likely would be to switch games to the visiting team’s stadium if
possible, a person familiar with the deliberations told The Associated Press.若是因為冠狀病毒感染爆發導致聯盟比賽原本主場觀眾沒辦法進場的話,根據熟悉人士的消息,若可能的話,聯盟可能傾向把比賽移到原本客隊的場地。

The person spoke on condition of anonymity Tuesday because no decisions have
been made.

MLB starts its season on March 26. Among the games on opening day is Texas atSeattle — the Seattle area has been hit hard by the virus, with 24 deaths.

MLB anticipates government officials will decide whether it is safe to play
in front of fans in each city. If changes to the schedule are necessary, MLB
would make determinations at the point when a ballpark has been ruled out.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee plans to ban gatherings and events of more than
250 people in virtually the entire Seattle area, a person familiar with the
decision told The Associated Press on Tuesday night. The person was not
authorized to disclose the decision and spoke on condition of anonymity.
熟悉目前狀況的人士指出,華盛頓州州長Jay Inslee計畫對於西雅圖區域禁止超過250人以上的集會活動。

Inslee scheduled a news conference for late Wednesday morning. The Mariners
and MLB had no immediate comment.

“I hope it doesn’t turn into us missing games or pushing scheduled games
back,” Baltimore Orioles first baseman Chris Davis said.
「我希望情況不會變成是要少打比賽或者把比賽延後,」金鶯一壘手Chris Davis說。

Baseball’s preference is to play in front of fans and not in empty stadiums,
the person familiar with the deliberations said. Players and management don’
t like the lack of energy in empty ballparks.

“It wouldn’t be the same. It really wouldn’t,” said Dave Martinez,
manager of World Series champion Washington.
「一切都會不一樣,」去年世界大賽冠軍國民教練Dave Martinez說。

Flipping home and road dates is easier to do at the start of the season, whenthere are many series between teams who face each other later in the year.

The Rangers are scheduled to open Globe Life Field, their new retractable
roof ballpark, against the Los Angeles Angels on March 31. Texas general
manager Jon Daniels said Monday there hadn’t been any discussion with MLB or
the Mariners about swapping home dates for that opening series between AL
West rivals, but said the new ballpark would be ready if it is needed.
遊騎兵會在3/31在他們的新主場場館Globe Life Field打比賽,面對洛杉磯天使。遊騎兵總管Jon Daniels星期一的時候說他們還沒有跟聯盟以及水手討論到換比賽時間的事情,不過他說若真的需要的話,這新場館到時候會準備好。

Exhibition games against St. Louis are scheduled at the new stadium on March
23 and 24.

Rangers catcher Robinson Chirinos said Tuesday he is “a little bit”
concerned about traveling to face the Mariners.

“I know the season starts in Seattle, and we know how Seattle is right now,
” Chirinos said.

Several high-profile soccer games in Europe have been played in empty
stadiums, including Atalanta’s win at Spain’s Valencia on Tuesday night
that advanced the Italian club to the Champions League semifinals. Paris
Saint-Germain’s home match against Germany’s Borussia Dortmund on Wednesday
night also will be behind closed doors.

All Spanish first- and second-division league matches will be played without
fans for the next two weeks. After some Serie A games were played in empty
stadiums in recent weeks, the Italian government called off all sporting
events until April 3.



#1RelwrS2 (MLB)
標題 [閒聊] 躲人Puig家裡過去一年半被闖空門四次

vgil: 不請個24HR保全顧嗎09/20 15:57
william80730: 24HR去當保全?09/20 19:49
william80730: Puig自己才21HR09/20 19:51
ylrafale: 24小時啦誰跟你24轟 09/20 20:14


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phenom4203/11 15:32沒觀眾鼓聲會很明顯

vgil03/11 15:58全國客場

DannySalazar03/11 16:07小提醒,最後一段Serie A台灣通常都翻義甲喔!

好喔 謝謝建議

currykukuo03/11 16:10要放病毒鴿子嗎

siliver03/11 16:43美國人沒在怕的!!

jmorpheus03/11 16:59光芒應該很習慣了

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/11/2020 17:03:13

JT062403/11 17:19國民表示:應該OK

cloud24103/11 17:57光芒:咦?

alcard2203/11 18:10光芒:

kee3203/11 18:15死了都要打

d123xxx03/11 18:33我芒沒差

hyc0725zz03/11 18:41佛羅里達統一獅表示:

Sechslee03/11 18:43毫無意義 等到開打的時候應該沒有一個地方是能進場的

Sechslee03/11 18:43乖乖關門比較好

whhw03/11 19:08XD

jasperjr703/11 20:25末端 直接翻西甲、西乙即可

好喔 謝謝 足球沒有看 所以不知道正確譯名

jasperjr703/11 20:27還有亞特蘭大勝出是挺進八強,不是準決賽

jasperjr703/11 20:28原文似乎寫錯了,反正亞特蘭大是挺進歐冠8強

因為原文如此 我就暫時不改

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 03/11/2020 20:32:39

chaib03/12 09:53NBA已經停賽了,MLB停賽的話,MLBTV會退費嗎?

crazypeo4503/12 09:57NBA可怕的是已確診 而且過去14天接觸超過五支球隊

ApAzusa12603/12 10:01反正MLB也不是第一次打關門戰

wjp03/12 10:06義甲也有確診

globekiller03/12 10:20籃球肢體接觸超多

haloducks03/12 10:54今年看不到觸殺棒球嗎?

ptt63203/12 10:58台灣很安全,台灣可以出場地

mrlucas889103/12 11:20可是我不是很想看他們在這種時候來= =

mrlucas889103/12 11:20防疫觀念極差

ultratimes03/12 12:50萬一兩邊都有疫情,那又要去哪邊打?

uowa03/13 16:30找一個空球場打XD