[分享] MLB已向球員工會提送季後賽泡泡圈計畫

看板Baseball標題[分享] MLB已向球員工會提送季後賽泡泡圈計畫作者
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Major League Baseball has submitted a proposal to the MLB Players Associationabout potentially holding at least part of the 2020 playoffs inside a
multi-city “bubble” environment, Joel Sherman of the New York Post reports
(Twitter link). It isn’t yet known if the entire postseason would be played
at neutral sites, or if the best-of-three first round series would remain in
the home ballparks of the higher-seeded teams.

As initially reported by The Athletic’s Ken Rosenthal (via Twitter), the
league has been in talks with the union about how to manage and conduct gamesat these “controlled sites” in order to limit city-to-city travel and thus
limit the chances of a COVID-19 outbreak in October that would delay the
entire postseason. While details are “nothing close” to being finalized,
as Rosenthal notes, MLB began preparing an operations manual regarding such apostseason scenario earlier this month. As outlined by’s Emily
Kaplan and Jeff Passan, the baseball’s plan would bear a strong resemblances
to the NHL’s staging of the Stanley Cup playoffs in Toronto and Edmonton.

While the NHL is holding all games at two arenas, however, baseball’s plan
may seem to involve five different stadiums and civic areas. Southern
California (San Diego and the two L.A. ballparks) and Texas (Arlington,
Houston) still seem to be the favored candidates for these sites, as noted inthe Kaplan/Passan piece, with Rosenthal adding that National League’s
postseason teams would play in Texas while the American League teams went to
California. The World Series would be held in Arlington at the Rangers’ new

It is quite possible that the framework of this plan would be changed over
the coming weeks, and as talks develop with input from the MLBPA. As of
today, however, we are exactly one month away from the last day of the
regular season. One would think negotiations would need to progress pretty
quickly to get a bubble environment launched by the start of the playoffs on
September 29, though the possibility of the first round being played at home
ballparks does allow some extra flexibility.
首輪由No.1vs.No.8; No.2vs.No.7; No.3vs.No.6; No.4vs.No.5


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polanco08/28 11:35會被球員工會打槍嗎

gremon13108/28 11:35看看現在這狀況,感覺明年的也可以先擬好

※ 編輯: kenbo ( 臺灣), 08/28/2020 11:37:14

suzhou08/28 11:36疫情之下 年資要怎麼計算?

※ 編輯: kenbo ( 臺灣), 08/28/2020 11:37:56 ※ 編輯: kenbo ( 臺灣), 08/28/2020 11:39:12

iwinlottery08/28 11:44剛好接NBA去迪士尼吧

MeeToo08/28 11:46都在南部 北佬要377了

a215670008/28 11:46不用打了 罷賽罷起來

terminator308/28 11:52笑死 要道奇用鼓人主場打球 ?故意的吧

saiulbb08/28 11:57覺得球員工會如果又拒絕真的也不用太意外 Clark 呵呵

Valter08/28 11:58今年就打好玩了吧 三不五時就確診延賽 現在還來罷賽 例行

Valter08/28 11:59賽能不能完整打完都是個問題

laieshen08/28 12:06等下會有球員說這樣他不喜翻

ericisfish08/28 12:07來台灣洲際打

Heyward08/28 12:22主席都能搞七局了 想洗賽程五局也可以啊

slainshadow08/28 12:52罷賽隊:管你泡泡 我要抗議啦

mightymouse08/28 15:34棒球比賽場地很大比賽又密集,這個泡泡要超級大才行

ultratimes08/28 17:06季後賽不用吧 找兩個很近又有球場的地方不難吧

ultratimes08/28 17:07天使/道奇 洋基/大都會 白襪/小熊 太空人/遊騎兵

ultratimes08/28 17:07國民/金鶯甚至費城

ultratimes08/28 17:08反正就選一個區域集中在這邊打就好了