[外電] 2010s十大交易案 Part 9

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這是2010s 十大交易案第九集,翻譯Mike Petriello的外電。

(9) The Dodgers roar back to life
Aug. 25, 2012: Red Sox trade 1B Adrian Gonzalez, P Josh Beckett, OF Carl Crawford, IF Nick Punto and $11 million to Dodgers for 1B James Loney, 1B/OF JerrySands, IF Ivan De Jesus Jr., P Rubby De La Rosa and P Allen Webster

9.Adrian Gonzalez/Josh Beckett 交易案

道奇拿到:Adrian Gonzalez、Josh Beckett、Carl Crawford、Nick Punto和11M現金
紅襪拿到:James Loney、Jerry Sands、Ivan De Jesus、Rubby De La Rosa和Allen Webster

What even?
After a few years lost wandering in an ownership situation/bankruptcy-fueled wilderness, new Dodgers ownership took official control of the club in May 2012. After making some quick upgrades to Dodger Stadium, signing Yasiel Puig ($42 million out of Cuba) and Andre Ethier (a five-year, $85 million extension) and trading for Hanley Ramirez, they made just about the biggest splash you could possibly think of, taking on more than a quarter-billion dollars worth of salaries in an aggressive bid to improve immediately while they rebuilt the organization into the successful version we know today.
Gonzalez was the centerpiece, as he wasn't even through the first year of theseven-year, $154 million contract he'd signed in April, but a fourth-place Boston club viewed losing him as worth it in order to rid itself of the more than $130 million still due to Crawford and Beckett, who were variously injured/unproductive/unhappy in Boston (Crawford) or injured/unproductive/connected to the ridiculous-in-retrospect "fried chicken and beer" incident that marked thecollapse of the 2011 season (Beckett).

在擺脫前老闆McCourt一連串財務問題的麻煩後,2012年剛入主道奇的Mark Walter團隊決定大幅整頓這隻球隊,希望能在最短的時間內重返季後賽。他們以5Y85M續約隊中的球星A.Ethier;從古巴簽下超級新秀Y.Puig,還從馬林魚以頂級新秀Eovaldi為首的包裹換來三屆明星游擊手Hanley Ramirez。然而他們的瘋狂補強仍沒有停歇的情況,在換來Ramirez一個月後,離國聯外卡只有2場勝差的道奇馬上又發動了這筆牽涉超過4億美元薪水的重磅交易。
相反地,在11年季末可怕的崩盤後,在季中暫居美聯東區第四,隊上又充斥高薪低能球員的紅襪決定賣出陣中剛簽下七年合約的主砲Adrian Gonzalez,以試著擺脫領著超過130M薪資,但是一直受傷的Carl Crawford和捲入啤酒炸雞事件的Josh Beckett二人。急需戰力的道奇和急需薪資空間的紅襪一拍即合,促成了這筆超大交易的誕生。

Were the takes good or bad?

ESPN's Keith Law stated that "this deal could end up looking good for both sides, better for the Dodgers in the very short term but much better for the RedSox in the long term," while the New York Times had an article titled "Red Sox Trade Removes a Little of the Stench," which tells you a little about how bad things had gotten in Boston. "For the Red Sox, this was a no-brainer of a deal," wrote now-Padres analyst Dave Cameron at FanGraphs, who also added that "there’s no getting around the fact that the Dodgers likely just paid $20 for a gallon of milk."

這筆交易案籌碼中,最有價值的無疑是當時美聯最好的一壘手之一,剛打出155WRC+,6.2WAR的Adrian Gonzalez。這名能控制7年的重砲手相較於道奇的Loney無疑是相當巨大的升級;另一名主菜Josh Beckett曾經是Ace等級的先發投手,但是12年上半季防禦率高達5.23,場外大量的負面新聞和身上背的大合約讓Beckett當時的交易價值並不高;第三位選手Crawford在跟紅襪簽下大約後嚴重水土不服,OPS+低到只有89,可以說是完全的負資產
至於紅襪拿到的包裹中,James Loney是貢獻穩定,但長打能力非常不足的一壘手,De La Rosa排名BA道奇No.3,是球速很快、但是控球和第二球種都不怎麼樣,被認為會轉牛的新秀;Webster排在BA No.5,是擁有2號先發潛力,但是控球一樣有問題的投手新秀,其他兩位球員就只是配菜。
對此案各方的評價相當不一。ESPN的Keith Law在他的文章中提到「道奇在短期內獲得戰力的提升,但紅襪在長期會獲得較大的好處」;FG的Dave Cameron則認為紅襪佔優勢「這筆交易對紅襪來說根本是不用想也知道要做的交易」,他在文章中這麼說道。同一篇文章中對道奇方他還給了一個相當好玩的比喻「這就像用20美元買一加侖牛奶,看起來相當愚蠢,但當你有一大堆20美元,而你身邊只有一個賣牛奶的人時,你或許只會對價錢抱怨幾聲,然後付出那20美元。考量到道奇擁有的龐大資產,或許這筆交易案看起來就有那麼一點道理了」

And then what happened?
None of the players Boston got back made any impact whatsoever, which was somewhat surprising, though also not really the point. With a newly freed payroll, the Red Sox that winter brought in Shane Victorino, Mike Napoli, Koji Uehara, David Ross, Ryan Dempster, Stephen Drew, Jonny Gomes and others, turning a 93-loss 2012 team into the 2013 World Series champs.
The Dodgers, three games out in the NL West at the time, got good performancefrom Gonzalez (116 OPS+) and Beckett (2.93 ERA in seven starts) down the stretch but missed the postseason. (It remains the last time the Dodgers failed towin the division.) Beckett threw only 159 more innings -- and a no-hitter -- for Los Angeles over the next two injury-plagued seasons before retiring. Crawford, rehabbing from Tommy John surgery in 2012, had his moments in 2013-14 but barely played in 2015-16 before the Dodgers cut him loose, having given them1,119 plate appearances of league-average production. While Gonzalez never reached the peaks he had with San Diego or Boston, he was a reliable performer for the next four years (124 OPS+ from 2013-16), collecting NL MVP Award votes in three seasons, before injuries in 2017 saw him lose his spot to Cody Bellinger.

紅襪拿到的所有球員幾乎對球隊都沒有任何貢獻。De La Rosa投了兩個糟糕的球季之後就被送往響尾蛇換取Miley,Webster生涯沒有一個賽季防禦率低於5,Sands跟De Jesus生涯加起來為紅襪打不到十個打席,Loney則是在季末就離開紅襪。不過這些都不重要,重要的是紅襪清出的空間讓他們得以在13年大肆補強,接連簽下Victorino、Napoli、Dempster、上原浩治、Stephen Drew等人。這些球員幫助紅襪逆轉12年93敗的劣勢,拿下2013年世界大賽冠軍。
2012年A-Gon和Beckett在下半季表現不錯,分別打出116 OPS+和7場2.93ERA的先發,不過道奇最終無緣季後賽。Beckett在接下來兩年都受到傷勢的困擾,總共只再丟了159局而已。Crawford一如往常的一直受傷又打得很爛,在接下來四年僅有的1119打席中只有聯盟平均的102 OPS+和100上下的WRC+,在道奇受不了將他釋出之前,他每年都可以領到20M左右的薪水。最後主菜A-Gon的表現不錯,不過他再也沒有打出在教士、紅襪那樣能夠爭奪MVP的表現。在2017年受傷之前,他四年間表現的中規中矩,WRC+都在124上下,共打進10.4WAR,算是道奇陣中相當穩健的打者。

Would each team do it again?
Probably. Certainly, the Red Sox would in a heartbeat, even with zero production from anyone they acquired. The Dodgers didn't exactly spend efficiently, and they might have preferred to get star-level Gonzalez, but he was generally good and they didn't miss the players they shipped out. If the entire point was about announcing to their fans and the world that they were back in the game, it worked. They've won seven straight division titles.




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marty797602/09 19:22辛苦了,期待下一篇

dumu02/09 19:24

axyl02/09 19:25

k38547691602/09 19:25看到Crawford又想起不好的回憶

※ 編輯: TRosenthal ( 臺灣), 02/09/2021 19:32:46

vince468702/09 19:50當初AGON到紅襪的時候其實是私心看他接下後左右門神的

vince468702/09 19:50棒子 但是CC的合約真的太糞了 加上北極一起弄出去真的

vince468702/09 19:50沒辦法

vince468702/09 19:5113年拼裝車奪冠就真的是神蹟了 那年就是紅襪最奇蹟的一

vince468702/09 19:51

ntubuta02/09 20:21記得當時的風向好像是紅襪屌賺

jet11310202/09 20:51無論是當時還是事後來看,都是紅襪屌賺好幾條街XD

scatman02/09 20:59紅襪當時超爽吧 道奇幫忙解決薪資問題

whhw02/09 21:05

Darvish556602/09 21:12科科提顛峰之作 吃光尻佛薪資真的是問號

Roshiel02/09 21:39有錢的科科提 沒有極限

bestteam02/09 22:07那時候有人認為道奇賺喔?

Hamazura02/09 22:1513年對紅襪來說完全奇蹟,被8BV惡搞一年要打算整個重建

Hamazura02/09 22:18北極是威一年之後就痛一年,CC真的很糞

bestteam02/09 22:18這奇蹟沒有科科堤根本不可能出現

bestteam02/09 22:20風向只有在紅襪吃多少錢沒確定前還不穩

bestteam02/09 22:21等大家發現道奇幾乎全吃後 幾乎是一面倒紅襪賺翻

alex2426chen02/09 22:32主要是BOS能弄掉一堆爛約是近代奇蹟交易

ChrisDavis02/09 22:35科科提不要搞交易好好搞養成就是好,一搞就是災難

catsondbs02/09 22:37那時好恨道奇 紅襪由被CC大爛約拖累變WS冠軍

KerFel02/09 22:51我記得在交易包出來時風向是紅襪虧但還能理解,結果發現科

KerFel02/09 22:51科提薪資幾乎全吃後風向大轉變紅襪大賺XD

sampsonlu91902/09 23:10還好現在道奇掌舵的換人了

nangaluchen02/10 00:49我是覺得雖然道奇吃了爛約 但也重新整頓了球隊

nangaluchen02/10 00:49意義上跟當年國民簽werth差不多 就是不想再爛了

MaxScherzer02/10 03:13至少道奇丟出來這些新秀後來也都不怎麼樣

sam959502/10 03:30至少道奇沒有賠了銀子又折兵 就當作簽了很爛的FA吧

sam959502/10 03:39紅襪也算是在2020給了道奇奪冠最後一塊拼圖了

tortoise200602/10 08:28這筆雙贏啊,再重新考慮應該還是會成交吧

Roshiel02/10 09:03補充一下,道奇沒全吃薪水,是吃了95%的薪資

ianchen199702/10 09:31先猜下篇坦頓


※ 編輯: TRosenthal ( 臺灣), 02/10/2021 09:37:01

SmallHanley02/10 09:48

kamihio02/10 11:13