[閒聊] La Russa:尊重比賽很重要

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Tony La Russa doesn't think there's a rift in the Chicago White Sox
clubhouse, but some players have indicated publicly that they disagree with
the Hall of Fame manager's comments about rookie slugger Yermin Mercedes.

Tony La Russa (TLR) 不認為白襪休息室內有任何內部衝突,但有些球員對於這位名人堂教頭對於菜鳥打者Yermin Mercedes日前的言論公開地反對。

La Russa called Mercedes "clueless" for homering on a 47 mph pitch with a 3-0count from Minnesota Twins infielder Willians Astudillo in the ninth inning
of a 16-4 blowout win on Monday.


The manager on Wednesday emphasized it was a teachable moment, especially
considering Mercedes missed the take sign. "What did I say publicly?" La
Russa asked reporters on a Zoom conference Wednesday. "I said a young player
made a mistake -- which, by the way, he did -- and we need to acknowledge it.Part of how you get better as a team is, if something goes wrong, you addressit."


Some White Sox players didn't necessarily agree with their manager, noting
the Twins were pitching a position player at the time.


"The way I see it, for position players on the mound, there are no rules,"
veteran pitcher Lance Lynn said Tuesday night. "Let's get the damn game over
with. And if you have a problem with whatever happens, then put a pitcher outthere. Can't get mad when there's a position player on the field and a guy
takes a swing."

Lance Lynn於週二晚間表示「就繼續讓他X的比賽繼續進行下去;如果你怕派野手上去

The incident also resonated outside of the White Sox clubhouse, with Los
Angeles Dodgers pitcher Trevor Bauer taking a similar viewpoint on Twitter.

這件事情在白襪休息室外也造成了迴響:道奇投手Trevor Bauer在推特上發表了類似的

"Dear hitters: If you hit a 3-0 homer off me, I will not consider it a
crime," Bauer said in his post. "... Can't believe we're still talking about
3-0 swings. If you don't like it, managers or pitchers, just be better."


La Russa on Wednesday said everyone has a right to their opinion, but he
disagreed with Lynn, at least when the count is 3-0.


"Lance has a locker; I have an office," La Russa said. "I would be willing tobet that there wasn't anyone in that clubhouse that was upset that I
mentioned that's not the way we compete. If someone felt that way, then it's
my job to correct it. You don't swing 3-0 when you're up by that big a lead."


La Russa said he walked around the clubhouse and no one was giving him the
"Heisman." The manager was adamant that he's simply trying to teach good
sportsmanship to a rookie.


"If you're going to tell me that sportsmanship and the respect for the game
of baseball and respect for your opponent is not an important priority, I
can't disagree with you more," La Russa said. "... You think you need more
[Notes:runs] to win, you keep pushing. If you think you have enough, respect
the game and opposition. Sportsmanship."


The White Sox manager actually didn't expect the story to last several days.


"I'm surprised I'm getting so many questions on this," La Russa said. "It's
not much to do about nothing. It's much to do about a little bit."



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c87111111605/20 02:55老害zz

blackpanther:轉錄至看板 Baseball

05/20 02:58

hcgon05/20 03:01老頑固......

once102405/20 03:06白襪那些年輕人不會鬥他哦?

catsondbs05/20 03:33老番癲 連雙城都沒在意了 自己一個在發瘋

ewayne05/20 04:47那MLB就直接改成call game制就好啦,反正也不能打,幹嘛在

ewayne05/20 04:48那浪費時間?

bdmizar05/20 05:25老屁股死抱著自認為的潛規則,這是職業運動啊

mrlucas889105/20 06:08啊你派野手上去投球不就很尊重比賽 你酒駕的時候不

mrlucas889105/20 06:09就很尊重你自己的身份 可憐

skittles05/20 06:35酒駕老頭,祝福白襪有個好球季但COY不可以給他…

mayzn05/20 06:45他就完全舊式觀念哪一派的人,他都快80了...

mayzn05/20 06:46就跟自己的頑固老爹老娘一樣有些觀念很難要他改~

mayzn05/20 06:46完全不認同這種潛規則,但是可以理解他幹嘛這樣講~

j0724205405/20 06:54老屁股退休啦 用職位壓人 笑死人 如果是明星選手就算了

j0724205405/20 06:54 教練在用位子壓人?

ymcheung05/20 07:00放水之前有想過第一次來看球小朋友的感受嗎

LucasDuda05/20 07:16Duffey不是嘗試丟報復觸身球嗎,看起來雙城也沒有不在

LucasDuda05/20 07:17意lol

wangmytsai05/20 07:28老害思想

BlitzX05/20 07:45原來派野手上來丟就很尊重比賽

scatman05/20 08:16可是你不尊重你的選手

※ 編輯: blackpanther ( 美國), 05/20/2021 08:26:39

edhuang05/20 08:52推翻譯 而且隔天Duffey丟一顆飛到賓士哥背後的球 TLR說沒

edhuang05/20 08:53什麼問題 不知道是在工三小

VGuerreroJr05/20 09:02Let the kids play

geneaven05/20 09:05我覺得像他說的這樣領先太多就不積極搶攻也可以,反正贏

geneaven05/20 09:06定了乾脆改規則符合條件可以直接提前結束

paulman05/20 09:14把選手個人成績當屁?派野手投球 就活該只能亂打的意思

saiulbb05/20 09:22老阿公要懂變通 不要變老番顛顧人怨

taxlaw199105/20 09:23Boone就說那引入call game算了

antonio01905/20 09:30原來運動家精神是放水 不是全力以赴 長知識了

lipsred100605/20 09:34B哀 有這種教練

lym071505/20 09:45就算你不認同子弟兵 但當對手丟近身球 你沒出來和對方

lym071505/20 09:46輸贏 你還有什麼資格當教練 雙城也憑什麼不爽丟近身球

kazumi6605/20 09:56雙城最好不在意拉 都丟人了

TCPipv605/20 10:05昨天看到Jomboy說的就覺得很可笑

jackal4474805/20 10:08這些守舊派的老人可不可以早點退一退

fcuharden05/20 10:09難怪年輕人都希望老人趕快滾回家養老 不知變通成這樣

oadas05/20 10:13現在年輕人不好管教 不在意文化

kamihio05/20 10:17Hof也是這群老人亂搞

jacobhsu505/20 10:17老人給我下去

whale71102005/20 10:25老翻顛

mightymouse05/20 10:33老人臭都跑出來了......

james84010105/20 10:54白癡 你的選手表現好當然就是尊重比賽

KKwilliam05/20 10:58教練這樣帶遲早有怪聲吧

claudezero05/20 11:03諷刺的是白襪這2年口號是change the game

alankira05/20 11:27覺得還好,教練團都指示這個情況下不要出棒了,還出棒

alankira05/20 11:27不就自己白目?

qozxcv05/20 11:28老學校

DanielHudson05/20 11:53玻璃心 動不動就 你不尊重我 不尊重比賽 到底是

DanielHudson05/20 11:53來體育競技 還是來學社會人文? 要學說 欸 我投了

DanielHudson05/20 11:53三壞球 很爛啊你要禮讓我一顆好球啊 不然不尊重我

DanielHudson05/20 11:53 是這樣嗎?

DanielHudson05/20 12:02補推

KurtZouma05/20 12:09好了拉

KurtZouma05/20 12:12再噓一次老人思想

AaronJudge05/20 12:24死三寶老酒駕危男呵呵

whhw05/20 12:31沒事兒沒事

heart2160705/20 12:50老古板

d14725805/20 13:00對手都派出野手上來投了,擺明就是已經投降了,大家趕快

d14725805/20 13:00打完比賽下去休息

max260405/20 13:06我是覺得歪樓了啦,TLR不爽也有一部分是因為不聽教練指

max260405/20 13:06示吧,跟之前尖帝士一樣0好3壞出棒

max260405/20 13:06說到放水就過頭了

j0a8c2k105/20 13:07見好就收...那幹嘛不直接觸擊三顆,結束這個半局

Asucks05/20 13:31不能接受這種老派思想,打者也是要追求個人成績啊!

iambiaggi05/20 13:32推文請勿人身攻擊,感謝大家配合。

polanco05/20 13:45酒後駕車不重要 子弟兵差點被丟也不重要

ChrisDavis05/20 14:29只能說老害

temblor05/20 14:50酒駕累犯的沒資格叫 就算是HoF

Matthew1024405/20 14:51純噓TLR老派思想 大幅領先還認真打才是尊重這場比賽

Sizemore2405/20 14:54說雙城不在意的可能沒有看過完整的賽後報導

phai05/20 17:17那不如大幅領先的情況下,打者一律等投手投滿2好球的情況下

phai05/20 17:18才能在打擊區擺出打擊姿勢,這樣夠不夠尊重??

flyin94505/20 17:30垃圾想法...

lym071505/20 17:33雙城把比賽搞爛 那來的臉反過來指責對方 “你不尊重我”

lym071505/20 17:34很怕大家不知道 “我很爛!你不可以這麼強!”

lym071505/20 17:35“否則我要打人!生氣氣!”

ypw05/20 19:4947mph大約76kmph,這麼慢要扛出去也不簡單吧!

ottoj05/20 21:01賓士哥在小聯盟蹲了十年,憑什麼叫他拿生計陪老害玩潛規則

ottoj05/20 21:03盡力把對方每一球幹飛出去幫球隊獲勝才是尊重比賽吧

GP03D05/21 01:30球來不打是否是打假球?

MookieBetts05/21 03:05你堅持老學校是你他X你的事,你運用你的高職位打壓球

MookieBetts05/21 03:05員意見你就是個垃X

ParkChanWook05/21 03:56紅雀出品 可悲

Vassili24205/21 08:47領先11分而已,又不是沒有逆轉11分的比賽,還是落後的

Vassili24205/21 08:48追到剩一分也要很有禮貌的停手?

popoliii05/21 10:59對於他用教練身份施壓球員這點非常不認同 這是世界各地

popoliii05/21 10:59各個領域都會發生的劣行

c87111111605/21 11:48本來還想說白襪年輕球員多 找老教練帶應該不錯

c87111111605/21 11:49結果只會用過時思維打壓自己球員 下季直接滾吧

hhh77050905/21 12:04真的是老害

wei33huang05/21 15:28過氣了就認命吧

Sale4905/21 18:43過氣啦

devilsky05/23 00:53如果投手全被打光光 早該允許投降了 派野手又不準人家

devilsky05/23 00:57打 不如直接投降啊

ShockHo22205/24 11:05真的是老三寶老屁孩耶

ypw05/27 23:24 真的不要以為47mph很好打...

ypw05/27 23:26這位"投手" Willians Astudillo 2018那年投到86mph更好轟

ypw05/27 23:26今年降速投46~51mph還讓天使三上三下過

felix198406/03 16:56胡說八道 這些狗屁潛規則才沒有運動家精神 不尊重比賽

dennis33153307/22 15:57老番癲