[情報] 太空人員工:老闆把自己當成Jerry Jones

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The report said that Crane brought in former MLB sluggers Jeff Bagwell and Reggie Jackson — the latter of whom had no affiliation with the Astros — as influential front office voices. The owner was said to have nixed a deal with the Cubsthat would’ve landed star catcher Willson Contreras before this past season’strade deadline, and to have personally negotiated relief pitcher Rafael Montero’s three-year, $34.5 million deal to return to the team.

根據ESPN Jeff Passan的一篇針對太空人老闆Jim Crane長文

內容有提到,Crane今年替制服組引進了兩位退役球員Jeff Bagwell、Reggie Jackson


以下是Jeff Passan原文

Crane, sources said, felt coming into the 2022 season that the team needed more"baseball men" involved in operations decisions and invited Hall of Famers JeffBagwell and Reggie Jackson into the team's weekly senior baseball-operations meetings. Crane, sources said, killed an agreed-upon deal for Chicago Cubs catcherWillson Contreras at the trade deadline. Crane, sources said, this week personally negotiated the three-year, $34.5 million contract that brought reliever Rafael Montero back to the team -- a deal that was widely seen in the industry as a hefty price to give a 32-year-old with only one good full big league season.


1.老闆認為制服組內需要多一點棒球人→今年引進Jeff Bagwell、Reggie Jackson
2.否決掉Willson Contreras交易案
3.Rafael Montero那張$34.5M合約是老闆親自下去談的

“Sometimes I wonder if [Crane] thinks he’s Jerry Jones,” one Astros employee
told Passan.

Jones has long served as the Dallas Cowboys’general manager and is known to participate prominently in player personnel decisions.

一位太空人員工表示Jim Crane

好像把自己當成達拉斯牛仔老闆Jerry Jones(老闆兼任球隊GM)

Crane apparently preferred the managerial style of former GM Jeff Luhnow, who was said to be more head-sure about all his decisions, demonstrating what one of Passan’s sources characterized as “institutional arrogance, which Jim actuallythought was an admirable thing.”

Crane比較喜歡前GM Jeff Luhnow的做事風格

As far as the former ballplayers, Bagwell was critical of the team’s farm system — which developed bourgeoning superstar Jeremy Peña.

“Jim might trust [Bagwell] more than anyone,” one person said. Jackson was allegedly prone to outbursts at front office staff, for which he would later apologize.

非常信任Jeff Bagwell


此外Reggie Jackson蠻常會對FO發脾氣的

The crescendo of the situation was when Crane offered Click a “perfunctory” one-year contract, at a slight raise, which was seen as an “insult” around baseball for a man of Click’s accomplishments.

最終老闆開了一個敷衍的小幅加薪一年合約給James Click



ESPN Jeff Passan原文



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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 11/16/2022 21:34:26

wyner11/16 21:34只剩老闆亂搞能阻止太空人了 加油啊

laking11/16 21:36同樣是老闆,天使老闆Arte也愛管事眼光又差

laking11/16 21:37不相信專業

ChrisDavis11/16 21:38Jerry Jones可是一手把牛仔搞成美國隊的人捏

makotohsia11/16 21:38看太空老闆能不能達成22年來MLB的連霸偉業,達成了別

makotohsia11/16 21:38說兼GM了,他稱帝都行

Edison117411/16 22:07有高科技要幾連霸可能都不成問題

dumu11/16 22:10還在啊XD

cena060511/16 22:13看來太空人員工gm老闆都不信任欸 還能奪冠

geneaven11/16 22:16他最近講了一堆簽回隊上畢業的FA的想法,不知道會不會得

geneaven11/16 22:16罪那幾個人,老闆不管插不插手至少要閉嘴比較好

polanco11/16 22:34記得今天看推特看一篇說太空人老闆比起老闆更像是GM的

polanco11/16 22:34是這篇嗎XD

TokyoHard11/16 22:47以結果來說搞的還不錯啊

yhcopp11/16 23:49Hito大聯盟295集也有相關討論

KingCherry11/17 00:21在jones當老闆前牛仔早已是美國隊了

duo13111/17 09:33所以結果其實是靠老闆

Sulstan11/17 10:20美國隊其實是Clint Murchison的苦勞 呵呵

Sulstan11/17 10:20Jerry Jones只是拾人牙慧而己 呵呵

whhw11/17 11:58穩了

benson161311/17 12:20怎麼沒有管作弊