Re: [提問] 有關於匪空軍"改革"前後的編制問題
※ 引述《TetsuNoTori (台南空三小鳥)》之銘言:
: 剛在網路上爬一陣子,但是匪軍向來不透明,又有很多內容農場在互相傳抄(有的甚至同一
: 篇前後矛盾),看了整個人暈頭轉向,所以還是來請教一下板上各位
: 以下是目前(似乎有)搞懂的部分:
: 2012年"深化國防與軍隊改革"(下簡稱"改革")前:中隊<大隊<航空團<航空師
: "改革"後:中隊<航空團<航空旅
: 想請問板上:
: 1.一個單一機種的中隊/航空團...等,在"改革"前後,"編制上"有多少架飛機?
: 2.承上題,"常用機"和"備用機"的比例如何?
: 3.如果各機種混編,一般從哪個層級(中隊/團...)開始?
: 4.單位不論使用的機種一律稱為"空XX團/旅...",或是會分別稱為"殲擊機/轟炸機...第XX
: 團/旅..."?
The PLA as Organization v2.0. - DTIC (2012)
Most of the air divisions today have two to three subordinate air regiments, each of which is usually located at a separate airfield.
Depending on the type of aircraft, each regiment has 18 to 24 aircraft that are organized into two to three subordinate flight groups, which are battalion leader-grade organizations.
Each flight group, in turn, is divided into two to three flight squadrons, which are company leader-grade organizations.
Each flight group has an average of eight to ten aircraft, and each flight squadron has an average of two to four aircraft.
In December 2011, the PLAAF revealed that it had begun creating air brigades in at least the Guangzhou, Lanzhou, Nanjing, and Shenyang MRAFs by upgrading existing air regiments.
Each brigade has from three to five subordinate battalion-level leader-grade flight groups, which, in turn, have subordinate company-level flight squadrons.
The goal is to have each flight group equipped with a different type of aircraft, including trainers, ground attack, and fighters, such that the brigade is multifunctional.
航空團下轄2-3個大隊 18-24架軍機
大隊下轄2-3個中隊 8-10架軍機
大隊下轄中隊 (估計大隊/中隊下轄軍機沒變)
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