Re: [新聞] 美中情局前副局長:中共明年1月出兵台灣

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※ 引述《sfsm (有初老症狀的鹹魚)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《zxc906383 (無無)》之銘言:


: 不要看台灣媒體的內容,我之前也說過,台灣媒體最愛選爭議性的內容
: 原文如下:
: 簡單說,這文章是以習近平2023年連任的壓力為前提。
: 雖然習近平已經修憲讓國家主席可以無限制連任,
: 但這不代表國家主席是終身制,習近平還是會有可能被拉下台。
: 偏偏這幾年內憂外患讓習近平威權大受打擊,
: 為了確保2023繼續連任,『解放台灣』成為習近平最佳政績。
: 而在2023年的期限壓力下,
: 2021年美國總統交接期間成為中共攻台的最佳時間。
: 至於怎麼攻下台灣,其實都只是隨便寫寫內容蠻流水帳的。
: 有講等於沒講一樣...
: 文章的真正的重點是最後一段
: When the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs walked into the regularly scheduled “: Tank” session on 21 January, he sat down heavily in his chair and said “I
: have three questions: What just happened? What do we do now? And what the
: hell should we have been doing differently?” He was answered by silence,
: until one of the Chiefs quietly muttered, “Strategic ambiguity failed, and
: we fell prey to a lack of imagination.”
: At the same time, another meeting was taking place in the office of the
: Director of National Intelligence (DNI). The country's senior most
: intelligence officer, the DNI asked his team "How did we not see this coming?: How did we not warn of this?" After a few moments, the CIA Director said,
: "Twenty-years of focusing on counterterrorism and counterinsurgency, rather: than our peer competitors, has come home to roost. We've got a lot of work to: do."
: 簡單說就是美國戰略上太模糊,
: 嘴巴說要和中國抗衡,但是實際上還是想要跟中國進行貿易,
: 美國搖擺不堅定的立場讓台灣被中國侵略來不及反應。
: 另外CIA資源大多用在反恐上,
: 對於中國和其他大國的情報收集不足,
: 無法及時發現解放軍的意圖。
: 至於台灣怎麼三天內就被攻下根本不是重點,
: 主要是告訴政府必須確定和中國抗衡的立場。
: 另外美國雖然投入大量軍事預算對抗中國,
: CIA卻沒有足夠資源收集中國的情報。
: 當然台灣媒體不意外的把這重點去掉,
: 抓住美國CIA前副局長說台灣根本打不贏中國這聳動的話題,
: 想要掀起台灣內部不安和憤怒的情緒增加點閱率..


Perhaps most startling for Beijing was the visit of the U.S. Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff to Taipei—the most senior U.S. official to visit the
island in decades—followed by a brief training detachment of U.S. Air Force
F-22 Raptors to the island.



Winnefeld和Morell兩位也太抬舉我們了吧? XD


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PsycoZero08/17 13:51他是說要氣北京就是讓JCS來台灣

MOONRAKER08/17 14:43就假想劇情 The war that never was