[情報] Pixel 6a可以用非註冊指紋解鎖!?

看板MobileComm標題[情報] Pixel 6a可以用非註冊指紋解鎖!?作者
時間推噓 5 推:5 噓:0 →:7
The Pixel 6a is Google's latest smartphone, and is thus only just now gettinginto the hands of YouTube reviewers. Two of these channels have found that
their experience with the device has been marred by a strange and possibly
severe bug. Their units' in-display fingerprint scanners allegedly unlock
their screens in response to the detection of fingers that were never
registered in their UIs.


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Clooney556608/02 14:33笑了 解鎖緩慢的解法就是乾脆不辨識 什麼指紋都pass

euro041008/02 14:35三星又要被拉出來救援了嗎?

fck0108/02 14:49幫你縮一下網址

nekoares08/02 14:52這新聞至少一周以上了。目前沒聽說其他人討論

nekoares08/02 14:52 這篇試圖重現,失敗

nekoares08/02 14:52基本上你搜得到關於這話題的都是那個youtuber,沒有其他

nekoares08/02 14:53人附議這個issue

Gauss08/02 15:13又出現一堆花式反串黑 Pixel

rz75908/02 15:37開始會自介了...

linyoyo08/02 15:54台灣的評測有試過,並無此問題,而且這很久了吧...

carlos01708/02 17:03#1XYYPTJL (MobileComm) 之前的舊聞

kouta08/03 00:52這就是創新的代價 不要太不滿