[花邊] LBJ的電影公司被告

看板NBA標題[花邊] LBJ的電影公司被告作者
(鞭狗蛙 舒服)
時間推噓18 推:22 噓:4 →:19
LeBron James is being sued.

Screenwriter Rob Grabow is filing a lawsuit against LeBron’s film company, SpringHill, as well as Netflix and others.

The lawsuit states that they stole Grabow’s idea from his script as the base of the movie “Rez Ball.”

Netflix’s “Rez Ball” film - released in Sept 2024 - follows a high school basketball team of Native American heritage that faces its biggest challenge yet.

In the lawsuit, Grabow asserted that he shared the idea for his own movie script entitled “The Gift of the Game” with Netflix and LeBron - and felt they ripped off his idea for their movie.

The 2 stories have very similar plot, themes, dialogue, and characters, the lawsuit stated.

Netflix, James, and SpringHill haven’t responded yet, but keep an eye on what happens with this lawsuit moving forward.


姆斯的電影公司跟Netflix被一個叫Rob Grabow的編劇告。

理由是他覺得姆斯的電影<Rez Ball>剽竊了他的劇本。

原告的聲明說他有跟Netflix還有姆斯分享他的劇本概念,而Rez Ball 最終呈現的情節、人物跟對話都跟他劇本相似。


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a0920777608 11/23 08:39樓下羅森林

ken1825 11/23 08:41抄襲(X) $$$(O)

Notif520 11/23 08:42我不是 樓下羅森林

sikadear 11/23 08:43生涯抄截+1

simon0529 11/23 08:44見獵心喜、捕風捉影的人要來了嗎?

mouz 11/23 08:46彗星撞地球 & 世界末日

jim0619 11/23 08:47羅森林起床了 你家姆斯被黑了

Zante 11/23 08:47笑死什麼人都沒有就開始打預防針,到底多怕

LukaDoncic7711/23 08:48不意外

e8e88 11/23 08:48Rez ball 好看嗎?

thatblue 11/23 08:49美國訟棍很多的 觀望

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n10617 11/23 08:51偶像都發生大事了 羅森林還在睡?

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zkl 11/23 08:55在美國開公司沒被告 才是新聞

KingChang71111/23 08:55美國不是有事就告嗎

tnpaul 11/23 08:55詹詹也懂盜壘成功?

KingChang71111/23 08:55反觀很多臺灣人一聽到被告就怕得像世界末日一樣

wewaJamesla 11/23 08:56姆咪預防針啟動XD

www90173 11/23 08:58山羌日常

jason911152 11/23 08:59反正我就告告xd

hunt5566 11/23 09:01告的好 ,不告我還不知道這電影

syk1104 11/23 09:03姆咪洗地比姆黑還勤勞,眾姆黑請檢討

KingChang71111/23 09:05以推廣電影知名度來說,會不會後面就撤告了

rothanlin 11/23 09:07喔好棒喔,就算告成了也不痛不癢啊有差逆

IokUdiefirst11/23 09:08樓上羅森林

hy654 11/23 09:12又想蹭我詹?

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k2215777 11/23 09:23湖人老大傳統-上法院

jerrylin 11/23 09:24所以現在電影公司不太接受投稿劇本

DGlight 11/23 09:24急了

jerrylin 11/23 09:25就是怕被告嫖竊創意

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fonder 11/23 09:463寶又少一個,摳連喔

a894392000 11/23 09:50美國訴訟蟑螂不少吧

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victor79461311/23 10:00

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