PTT推薦 bengowa 過去發表過的文章
[問卦] 形容嘴角笑容:AK難壓;那形容勃起呢?乳題啦 形容一個人嘴角笑容角度 可以說比AK還難壓 那形容勃起呢? 畢竟勃起也有角度 不知道要怎麼形容91
[花邊] NC-十大有價值的NBA隊伍:第一名勇士@TheDunkCentral Most valuable NBA franchises (Via@Sportico)爆
[花邊] NC-籃網打算讓西門擔任PG,且加快速度@TheDunkCentral Brooklyn Nets head coach Jordi Fernandez says the team plans to play at a faster pace with Ben Simmons as the full-time point guard “Dennis was bottom ten slowest point guards in the NBA - pace doesn't mean20
[花邊] Curry聽到KT三分進球數接近Miller的反應@957thegame Steph’s reaction to finding out Klay is close to passing Reggie Miller for 5th on the All-Time 3-pointer list: “Hold on. You said fifth?… It’s crazy because I passed Reggie three years12
[問卦] 有沒有遇過那種,怎樣感覺就不對盤的人?乳題啦 最近工作上跟某個人合作 說來也奇怪 他其實也沒幹嘛 合作上也算OK 但就是覺得跟這個人 怎麼樣都不對盤41
[情報] NC-CP3:我大概只會再多打1-2季@TheDunkCentral Chris Paul says he plans to play only 1–2 more seasons (h/t@cp3region) CP3說他計畫大概只會再打1-2兩季。72
[花邊] NC-JJJ表示2022灰熊會4:1幹掉2012灰熊@TheDunkCentral Jaren Jackson Jr. says the 2022 Grizzlies would beat the 2012 Grizzlies 4-1 in a seven-game series Do you agree?73
[花邊] 老巴盛讚雷霆:他們可以輕易贏下西區@ClutchPoints "They can go big, they can go small... This team is the clear favorite to win the West, easily." Charles Barkley with some HIGH praise for the Thunder83
[花邊] Mike Brown在記者會上跳針同一句話26次@ClutchPoints "We just need to be methodical by stacking or playing the right way, possession, after possession (26 times). You guys got what I am saying?" Kings head coach Mike Brown offered his thoughts after the win over the Jazz4
[問卦] 南部爺爺的手繭泡在茶裡會怎樣?乳題啦 我看到最近版上很夯的新聞 那個GG工程師的老婆 跟一個爺爺 泡的茶 周杰倫說過 他爺爺泡茶泡到 手繭放在水裡會有茶色蔓延2
[問卦] 南韓後續會怎麼發展?乳題啦 大家都知道昨天南韓總統搞事情 發布了戒嚴令 結果秒被否決撤銷 稍微查了一下 這總統聲望已經很低了 不只黨外靠杯 黨內也是不挺28
[問卦] 統計一下,支持500元換12強CT的進來乳題啦 最近看12強冠軍 很開心啦 也有500鈔票要換成12強CT的風聲 目前是還沒定案啦 但我看到兩派說法7
[問卦] 用一個字形容昨天中華隊接機狀況如題 昨天接機大家都看到了 群魔亂舞 想問大家文采這麼好 用一個字 濃縮昨天的情景5
[問卦] 台媒是不是不認識林安可啊?乳題 這林安可? 我怎麼看都不太像啊31
[花邊] LBJ的電影公司被告@ClutchPoints LeBron James is being sued. Screenwriter Rob Grabow is filing a lawsuit against LeBron’s film company, SpringHill, as well as Netflix and others. The lawsuit states that they stole Grabow’s idea from his script as the base of the movie “Rez Ball.”17
[問卦] 美國一直觸身球 丟爽沒靠北啊 陳傑憲前面被丟下去了 現在又丟我家小可愛 江坤宇 馬的 不要被打清壘安打就7pupu好嗎52
[花邊] 綠賽拜訪白宮,送總統球衣@ClutchPoints Jayson Tatum and Derrick White gifted President Joe Biden his very own Boston Celtics jersey following their visit to the White House (via@NBA)5
[問卦] 現在是不是不聽甲甲說話=恐同?超奇怪的餒 公司最近來了個甲甲同事 今天比較早來上班 剛好他也在吃早餐 就小聊一下 本來都聊很EZ輕鬆的話題80
[情報] 騎士吞下本季首敗@ClutchPoints UNDEFEATED NO MORE‼ The Celtics put an end to the Cavs 15-0 start by handing them their first loss of the season27
[花邊] Fox:當裁判覺得方便的時候手是球的一部份@ClutchPoints "Refs didn't make a call. Two-minute reports are always funny. Can't do anything about it now... Hands are part of the ball when it's convenient." De'Aaron Fox on the officiating on the final play of the Kings-Hawks game18
[問卦] 勞工主管機關都過勞,怎麼相信會保護勞工乳題啦 剛剛看新聞說 勞動部長坦承員額編制太少 導致員工業務量多、壓力大 好奇啦7
[問卦] 很羨慕四爺陳傑憲 是正常的嗎?如題啦 四爺陳傑憲 人帥 球打得又好 口條又很順 又很有錢(今年月薪65W) 重點是老婆還是啦啦隊出身 正 小孩也生兩個還三個了88
[花邊] 騎士14連勝,隊史新高@ClutchPoints The Cleveland Cavaliers improved to 14-0 tonight with the win over the Bulls, the longest winning streak in franchise history. 克里夫蘭騎士今晚贏公牛後,取得14連勝,為隊史新高。81
[花邊] Doncic:我誤會板凳席指示了@ClutchPoints “I was misunderstanding…we misunderstood the bench. That’s on me.” Luka Doncic after late-game error which led to the Jazz’ game-winner (via@BleacherReport)23
[花邊] Kerr說:Curry聽到要守KT就笑了@957thegame Steve Kerr on Curry-Klay dynamic tonight: “It's almost surreal saying, ‘all right, Steph. You got Klay.’ And Steph smiled as as soon as he saw the matchups. … It was a strange night in that regard.”1
[問卦] 波波醫師:我也是考過國考啊乳題啦 我有個波波醫師朋友 剛剛發限時動態說 「我也是考過國家考試的啊」 好像也對餒51
[情報] Tim Hardaway Jr.坐輪椅傷退@ClutchPoints Pistons guard Tim Hardaway Jr. had to taken off the court in a wheelchair after taking an elbow to the face and later in the possession hitting his head on the hardwood.爆
[情報] 小沙頂開班馬+騙跳,還是被蓋火鍋@ClutchPoints Domantas Sabonis had Wemby spinning in the post and Wemby still was able to deny the bucket Sabonis假動作讓斑馬在原地旋轉,但斑馬還是可以蓋他火鍋68
[花邊] KT談回歸勇士主場:就只是場例行賽@MikeACurtis2 <-小犢隨隊記者 Asked Klay Thompson about his return to San Francisco on Tuesday for his first game against the Warriors: “It’ll be good to see people you grinded with obviously, but to me, it’s37
Re: [花邊] 字母哥戲耍JBJB賽後做出回應了: @ClutchPoints “Giannis is a child. I’m just focused on helping my team get a win. And that ’s what we did tonight.”63
[花邊] Kerr:執教Curry的優點就是可以吼他@NBCSWarriors "The beauty of Steph is that I can yell at him." Steve Kerr explains how Steph Curry leads by example despite his stardom 「(執教)Curry的美麗之處,就是我可以吼他。」48
[情報] LBJ今晚生涯第1500出賽,歷史第六@ClutchPoints LeBron James is playing in his 1,500th NBA game tonight He becomes just the 6th player in NBA history to play 1,500+ career games. 今晚LBJ會迎來他生涯1500場比賽。9
[問卦] 欸? 現在是先把敵對族群抹成賀粉嗎?乳題啦 逛了一圈回來 發現 好像R 賀錦麗應該是要輸了9
[問卦] AI換臉對AV是福音還是危機?乳題啦 我看喔 現在AV一堆AI換臉 都還是真人演出,但臉直接用AI換掉 雖然表情僵硬,偶爾還會卡卡的,但重點就是正 好奇喔1
Re: [問卦] 為何年輕人,都不吃苦了= =...?: 我認真覺得跟社群軟體發達有關係 一堆年輕人滑IG 滑脆 看到歐美一堆公司 幹你娘 一週只要到公司三天,剩下WFH65
[花邊] NC-KD嗆SAS:就是個小丑@TheDunkCentral Kevin Durant calls out Stephen A. Smith “I’ve never seen him anywhere but on TV talking s— about players. … He’s a clown to me. He’s always been a clown. You can write that, too.”16
[花邊] 嘴綠發推酸G.Williams:JT有戒指惹 哈哈@Money23Green He mad at JT about something lol… he was suppose to keep him in Boston lol. JT got a ring and dude let his frustrations out about it. 他對JT某件事情很生氣...(戒指圖) 他應該要留在波士頓的 哈哈。JT有戒指了而這老兄只5
Re: [問卦] 橘子真的有被通緝嗎?施主 您好 通緝犯這東西哦 分四種啦 也有四個網站可以查詢 主要查詢平台是警政署的資訊網:11
[情報] 圍巾明天回先發,Curry可能巫師戰回歸@anthonyVslater Andrew Wiggins will return for the Warriors tomorrow in Houston and will be back in the starting lineup, per Kerr. 圍巾會在明天作客火箭之戰回歸先發。by Kerr8
Re: [問卦] Threads熱議:被小20歲新進同事叫名字這在我公司完全相反== 我工作地方一堆歐巴桑都可以當我媽了 他們也是希望我叫他們名字 理由是因為這樣讓他們感覺自己沒那麼老 跟我們年輕人是差不多距離51
[花邊] John Collins扮成火影的卡卡西@ClutchPoints John Collins dressed up as Kakashi Hatake from Naruto ahead of the Spurs-Jazz matchup (via @utahjazz)爆
Re: [情報] Kuminga今日將從板凳出發@anthonyVslater Steve Kerr on Jonathan Kuminga’s move to the bench: “I told him before the game: ‘You’re going to play a lot. This is just about combinations and getting more spacing.’”爆
[花邊] Wade:雕像不用像我,這是藝術版本的我@ClutchPoints “Yeah, I have an iPhone... Social media world is about opinions… Send some memes. We don’t care. It was a special moment yesterday; my family and I… It is a complicated process... It don’t need to look like me. It’s an57
Re: [花邊] Wade難以置信他的熱火雕像9韋其實還是有誇獎這雕像啦... @ClutchPoints “Personally biased, I think it’s one of the best statues ever created.” Dwyane Wade speaks on his statue that was unveiled today15
[花邊] 字母哥今日穿蛋頭先生裝受訪@ClutchPoints “You don't have no say in things… I'm a father first.” Giannis Antetokounmpo on the reason he is wearing a costume (via@NBA)19
[花邊] Kerr談嘴綠本季首T:這是他整體風格一部份@ClutchPoints "You can't ask Draymond to play with this amazing passion... and then tell him, 'No, no. You have to tone down.' It's all part of the package... There's gonna be a lot of technicals."48
[情報] CP3成為聯盟第11名打20季的球員@ClutchPoints Chris Paul is now the 11th player in NBA history to play at least 20 seasons in the league. 22 — LeBron James97
[花邊] J.Brown:才不會為了打美國隊跟NIKE簽約@ClutchPoints "In 2028, if I have to sign to Nike to increase my likelihood to play USA basketball, I'll pass... I think shoe companies should have less control over the industry."31
Re: [分享] 許銘傑IG限動我覺得啦 把數據攤開來看就好了 既然是投手教練,拿團隊數據出來看應該是比較準一點 貓仔從2021年開始擔任樂天一軍投教 那從2021年的ERA+拿來看一下好了 年度 ERA+ 排名/隊伍數5
[問卦] MLB大聯盟收視率484準備賺爛?乳題啦 MLB 大聯盟 今年總冠軍賽 道奇vs洋基 兩個老牌經典組合+大谷海外加成 我看這收視率要翻倍了吧51
[花邊]NC-Parsons:077跟KI是史上最佳後場雙人組@TheDunkCentral “Luka and Kyrie is arguably the greatest backcourt duo the history of basketball.” - Chandler Parsons76
[問卦] 無照撞人猴IG都用殘體字???如題啦 撞人猴IG已經被挖出來了 我不免俗也跟風拜讀了一下 結果發現80
Re: [花邊] Herro採訪到一半:快看!觀眾席有人打架打架影片來了↓ 也難怪英雄哥會分心,這打得有夠兇的 熱身賽而已餒 何必呢 --65
[花邊] 金塊教頭:當今NBA聯盟太軟了@ClutchPoints "I think so often as coaches and modern day NBA, the league has gotten so soft. Everybody's afraid to condition and run. We have to." - Nuggets head coach Michael Malone34
[花邊] NC-Giddey希望他可以永遠擺脫社群媒體@TheDunkCentral Josh Giddey admits that sometimes the comments on social media get to him, and he wishes he could get off social media ‘for good.’ “I see everything, and it’s hard, because we’re people first. Obviously we95
[花邊] ClutchPoints發布控衛灌籃排行:龜龜第一@ClutchPoints These PGs have defied gravity and soared to new heights Most dunks by a Point Guard: 1. Russell Westbrook: 652 Dunks26
[花邊] 手機上最有名的人? Cam Thomas:我媽@ClutchPoints “Who is the most famous person in your phone?” Ben Simmons: “Probably [Barack] Obama.” Dennis Schröder: “LeBron James.”47
[情報] 勇士今日先發:新死亡五小@anthonyVslater Warriors starters vs Kings tonight Steph Curry Moses Moody7
[問卦] 所以討論半天的祖國論,對現況有影響嗎那個啦 最近很熱門 在ptt、D能卡、脆...上面都可以看到的 祖國論 先不管內容啦 反正大家討論就是五花八門17
[分享] 今日德保拉IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA NP 德保拉 7.0 4 3 2 0 7 0 3.05 (93-68) 前三局被守備搞,掉了3分的保拉 讓各爪迷看得心驚膽顫 後面回穩後,一路吃到7局都沒有再掉分