[花邊] 收視下滑 Mazzulla: 我也不看NBA比賽
來源:青賽記者Noa Dalzell推特
Asked Joe Mazzulla on what he thinks about the NBA ratings discussion:
有關NBA收視率下滑的討論,青賽教練Joe Mazzulla說:
“I add to that, I don’t watch NBA games. I’m just as much of a problem as
everyone else.”
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[情報] Mazzulla:別失誤,做正確選擇What did Joe Mazzulla tell the Celtics after the game? "We've got to win one at a time." 記者問塞爾提克教練Mazzulla賽後和球員們說了什麼,Mazzulla說:「我們得一場一場贏。 」43
[花邊] 吉巴已不是第一次擊敗Mazzulla的隊伍@ClutchPointsApp Eliminating Joe Mazzulla's teams is not a new experience for Jimmy Butler 12 years ago, Butler and Marquette knocked Mazzulla's West Virginia team out of the Big East Tournament, 67-61.44
[情報] Mazzulla:曾經的綠軍球員都不會被忽略賽爾提克在 6 月 18 日擊敗獨行俠拿下 NBA 這賽季的總冠軍 賽後,賽爾提克主教練 Joe Mazzulla 接受了採訪 「我想確定一下,每一位曾經在賽爾提克工作的人,曾經為沒有贏下冠軍時期的賽爾提克45
[情報] 綠軍想提升Sam Cassell級別,防止被挖走NBA 記者 Marc Stein 報道,他被告知,賽爾提克十分熱衷於提升 Sam Cassell 在球隊中的助理教練級別,他們希望阻止其他球隊聘請 Cassell 擔任類似的教練角色 根據此前報道,湖人在確定 JJ Redick 成為球隊主帥後,他們正在尋找包括 Cassell 在內的經驗豐富的助理教練41
[情報] 青賽總教練 因打鬥牛 角膜擦傷而缺席比賽#NEBHInjuryReport Interim Head Coach Joe Mazzulla will not coach tonight’s game against the LA Clippers due to corneal abrasions. Assistant Coach Damon Stoudamire will coach the team in his absence.36
[外絮] 誰是目前年度最佳教練獎項領跑者?Joe Mazzulla? Doc Rivers? Jacque Vaughn? Who leads the NBA Coach of the Year race? Joe Mazzulla? Doc Rivers? Jacque Vaughn? 誰領跑NBA 年度最佳教練獎項? (The Athletic需付費) 作者:Josh Robbins, Sam Amick, James Edwards36
[情報] Joe Mazzulla 執教生涯第100勝Joe Mazzulla on 100th win: "I think it's something to be proud of... it's just a testament to the people you have around you" 內容: Joe Mazzulla賽後對於其執教100勝簡評道:17
[花邊] Joe Mazzulla 奮力起跳蓋鍋來源: NBA球員為了不要讓對面養手感 在死球通常會破壞對方的練投 著名案例就是龜龜 而綠賽教頭Joe Mazzulla決定自己來防守9
[花邊] Joe Mazzulla 造訪英超曼城隊消息來源: (Manchester City 官方臉書) When Joe Mazzulla came to visit #Boston Celtics
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