Re: [情報] 公鹿隊股東以35億美元估值售出股份

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原標題:Bucks co-owner Marc Lasry sells ownership stake to Jimmy Haslam: How
does this impact the franchise?
(公鹿隊股東 Marc Lasry 出售股權予 Jimmy Haslam:對球團會有什麼影響?)

來源: (付費文稿)

作者:Shams Charania, Eric Nehm


Milwaukee Bucks co-owner Marc Lasry sold his 25 percent team ownership stake
to Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam and Haslam Sports Group, the team
announced Friday. Sources briefed on the discussions told The Athletic the
deal carried a valuation of $3.5 billion. Here’s what you need to know:

- The NBA board of governors has approved the sale.
- Lasry and Haslam reached an agreement in February for Lasry to sell his
stake to the Browns owner and Haslam Sports Group.
- Haslam will join the ownership group with Bucks co-owner Wes Edens.

公鹿隊周五宣佈,共同股東 Marc Lasry 已經將其所持的二成五球隊股權出售給克里夫蘭布朗隊股東 Jimmy Haslam 和哈斯蘭體育集團。獲悉討論情況的消息人士向《運動家》表示,這次交易的總價值高達三十五億美元。目前已知:

 ・NBA 理事會會議已經核准本交易。
 ・在二月的時候,Lasry 和 Haslam 達成協議,讓前者出清所持有的股權給布朗隊股東  和哈斯蘭體育集團。
 ・Haslam 將和另一人 Wes Edens 成為共同股東。


What is the immediate impact of this purchase?


Haslam purchasing Lasry’s stake in the team should not immediately impact
anything the Bucks are doing heading into the postseason. The trade deadline
passed two months ago and Bucks general manager Jon Horst has already built
his playoff roster. That isn’t going to change with Haslam’s purchase.

本交易理應不會對已經進軍季後賽的公鹿隊造成任何直接影響。交易大限已過去兩個月,而球隊總經理Jon Horst 已經建立好季後賽的陣容。這並不會隨著 Haslam 的買入而有所變化。

In the lead-up to this sale at the NFL owners’ meetings in Phoenix, Jimmy
and Dee Haslam told reporters that “we’re going to keep our head down, ask
a lot of questions and try to learn.” — Nehm

在於鳳凰城舉行的交易前NFL 球隊股東會議上,Jimmy 和 Dee Haslam 向記者們表示,「我們會保持低調、不斷提問,且將努力學習。」

How does it affect the Bucks moving forward?


The Bucks' roster will be in an interesting position following the season as
they may need to make some big decisions regarding a few of their key
players. At 31 years old, Khris Middleton has a $40.4 million player option
for next season. If he decides against exercising that option, he can become
a free agent and look for a long-term contract.


Defensive Player of the Year candidate Brook Lopez, 35, will be a free agent
this summer. Jae Crowder and Joe Ingles, key contributors on the wing for
this postseason run, are also free agents, and backup point guard Jevon
Carter has a player option as well. Retaining all of those players will take
the Bucks deep into the luxury tax and trigger the repeater tax. Retaining
some of them will also keep them in the luxury tax.

已達三十五歲的年度防守球員候選人Brook Lopez 將在今年夏季成為自由球員。為季後賽期間的側翼帶來主要貢獻的 Jae Crowder 和 Joe Ingles 也是如此,而 Jevon Carter(後備得分後衛)也有球員選項。如果把他們全部留下,將讓公鹿隊深陷豪華稅的漩渦,且將觸發累進稅條款。就算只留下其中一部分球員,該隊仍將必須繳付豪華稅。

*累進稅:四年內如果有其中三年在付豪華稅,將觸發「累犯條款」,所要繳付的稅金將 被加重。

In the past five years, Bucks ownership has been adamant that they will pay
the luxury tax for a contending team, but that bill has never been as large
as the one they might pay next season. Does adding Haslam to the ownership
group change that stance in any meaningful way? — Nehm

在過去五年間,公鹿隊的股東堅持表示,他們會願意為了一支具競爭力的球隊繳付豪華稅,但金額從來沒有像下賽季般的多。在將 Haslam 加入股東團隊後,是否會讓該立場出現有意義的變化呢?



Lasry and Edens bought the Bucks from Herb Kohl in 2014 for $550 million. As
part of the sale, Kohl promised to donate $100 million to a new arena to helpensure the team remained in Milwaukee.

在二零一四年,Lasry 和 Edens 以五點五億美元,從 Herb Kohl 的手上買下公鹿隊。作為交易的一部分,Kohl同意捐出一億美元,以資助新球場的建設,並確保該隊能留在密爾瓦基。

Under Lasry’s tenure, the Bucks fulfilled their promise of a new arena.
Fiserv Forum opened in August 2018 and has led to tremendous business successaround the building as the surrounding development, called the Deer District,has helped transform a portion of Milwaukee’s downtown. Lasry’s nearly
decade-long run as a co-owner — the last three and a half as the controlling
governor — saw the Bucks emerge as a powerhouse on and off the floor.

在Lasry 的經營下,公鹿隊兌現了要有新球場的承諾。第一服務廣場在二零一八年八月揭幕,並帶動了周遭的商業及建造活動,稱之為「鹿區」,並成功轉型了密爾瓦基市中心的一部分。Lasry 在成為共同老闆的近十年間——其中三年半還是控股人——讓公鹿隊不論

Haslam, 68, is the chairman of the board of the Pilot Flying J truck stop
chain. His father, Jim, founded the Pilot Oil Corporation in 1958, and Pilot
Company is now the fifth largest privately held company in the United States,according to a Forbes list from 2022. Per Forbes, the company’s 2022 revenue
was $41.9 billion and the company employs 30,000 people.

六十八歲的 Haslam 是 Pilot Flying J 卡車休息站連鎖集團的主席,而他的爸爸則在一九五八年成立了 Pilot Oil 公司。根據《富比世》的二零二二年榜單,Pilot Company是美國境內第五大私營企業,而其當年總收入是四百一十九億美元,目前雇用三萬人。

Haslam already owns the Browns and the Columbus Crew in the MLS. He has been
involved in the ownership of professional sports franchises since 2008 when
he bought a minority interest in the Pittsburgh Steelers. He sold his
minority stake in the Steelers to purchase the Browns from Randy Lerner and
take control of the franchise for $1 billion.

Haslam已經擁有布朗隊及哥倫布機員的股權。自二零零八年買下匹茲堡鋼人隊的少數股權以來,他就已經積極參與多個職業球隊的投資事業。他後來以十億美元,將在鋼人隊的少數股權轉手給 Randy Lerner ,並從他的手中買下並掌控布朗隊。

What they’re saying


“On behalf of Jamie and the entire ownership group, I want to welcome Dee,
Jimmy and the Haslam family to the Bucks,” Edens said in a team statement. “
The Bucks have a special bond with the people of Milwaukee and throughout
Wisconsin, and we’re looking forward to working closely with Dee and Jimmy
to further build upon our team’s success, both on and off the court. Their
professional sports experience and profound engagement and desire to
positively impact communities will provide important contributions to our
franchise’s long-term success. We’re very proud of the impact our ownership
group has had over the past nine years and believe that we’re
well-positioned for an even brighter future.”

在球隊聲明中,Edens 表示:

「我代表Jamie 和整個股東團隊,歡迎 Dee、Jimmy 和哈斯蘭家族加入公鹿隊。公鹿隊與 密爾瓦基、整個威斯康星州的人民有著特殊的聯繫,我們期待與 Dee 和 Jimmy 緊密合 作,進一步鞏固球隊在球場內外的成功。他們的職業體育經驗以及對積極影響社區的深 刻參與和願望將為我們的特許經營權的長期成功做出重要貢獻。我們對我們的股東團隊 在過去九年中產生的影響感到非常自豪,並相信我們已為更光明的未來做好了準備。」

“We are equally honored and excited for the opportunity to invest in the
Milwaukee Bucks and join the Edens and Dinan families as partners,” Dee and
Jimmy Haslam said. “This ownership group has created a championship
organization both on and off the court, a standard that is rare in sports,
and we highly respect the team they have built. We have tremendous
appreciation for the impressive history of basketball in Milwaukee and the
passionate and loyal fan base. We appreciate the power of sports and its
unique ability to bring people together and make a positive difference in ourcommunities. We are thrilled to join the NBA and look forward to providing
the support necessary for the Bucks to continue to achieve sustainable

Dee 和 Jimmy Haslam 則表示:

「我們對有機會投資密爾瓦基公鹿隊並加入 Edens 和 Dinan 家族成為合作夥伴同樣感到 榮幸和興奮。這個股東團隊在球場內外都創造了一個冠軍團隊,這在體育界是罕見的準 繩,我們高度尊重他們所建立的團隊。我們對密爾瓦基令人印象深刻的籃球歷史以及熱 情而忠誠的球迷群體有著極大的讚賞。我們欣賞體育的力量及其將人們聚集在一起,並 在我們的社區中產生積極影響的獨特能力。我們很高興加入 NBA,並期待著為公鹿隊想 要取得的持續成功,提供必要的支持。」




※ PTT留言評論
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BBDurant 04/15 18:47能買球隊的大多是米國有頭有臉的億萬富豪

BBDurant 04/15 18:48至於願不願意付豪華稅的就看老闆的誠意

dougho 04/15 18:51買5.5億 賣35億 賺爛了賺爛了

MK47 04/15 18:52買球隊本來就穩賺的XD

turnpoint 04/15 18:53買NBA球隊本來就穩賺的,A-Rod都跑來買沒啥淵源的

turnpoint 04/15 18:53小城市灰狼隊是有道理的

dougho 04/15 18:54這樣不就等於公鹿隊的市值有140億鎂?有這麼高嗎?

aljust12 04/15 18:58賣在高點啊 公鹿往下代表投資精準 往上代表看走眼

Hohenzollern04/15 19:04球隊市值大約三十五億美元 25%股權依比例計價

bossadsl 04/15 19:08賣掉的部分約8.75億 5.5億9年增值3億多 賺爛

qaz940233 04/15 19:11好薛 這投資報酬率真高

QJP0518 04/15 19:11不管後面怎樣現在都是賺爛了

dougho 04/15 19:21原來是從總市值35億算25%

wayne654852 04/15 19:26只能說要馬需要錢,要馬想換投資領域,不然NBA這個

wayne654852 04/15 19:26投資勝率又高,傳的又兇,還真沒理由換。

killuaz 04/15 19:28入袋才是真的啊 就算價值會年年漲 你不賣也不能

killuaz 04/15 19:28花。不要質疑有錢人的決策

killuaz 04/15 19:31搞不好他覺得球隊之後要長期砸豪華稅維持戰力,現在

killuaz 04/15 19:31賣利潤最高

※ 編輯: laptic ( 馬來西亞), 04/15/2023 19:33:12

earldunn 04/15 20:20考慮主力未來續約留隊與否的問題,這2年會是高點

earldunn 04/15 20:21對賣家來說今年公鹿奪冠,然後再賣掉會是最好的情況

yamatai 04/15 21:01蜜豆湯會跳嗎? 40M 很多耶

Puye 04/15 21:01以NBA的發展 投資的都是賺錢 除非停滯或者出大事

yamatai 04/15 21:03股票不是會有分紅嗎? 應該不會沒賣就不能花吧?

allyourshit 04/15 21:35瑪斯克都能把openai這隻金雞母賣掉了 賣球隊還好啦

etop 04/16 00:38姆斯可以買阿

sky77725 04/16 01:23我只在意,最美的老闆女兒沒了?

donkilu 04/16 01:32Pilot Flying J加油站真的蠻多間的 這老闆有錢

jacktheballe04/16 03:16對這些人來說買球隊就是一筆投資罷了

kei1823 04/16 09:01這種億來億去的轉個5%都恐怖結果竟然翻了倍