[情報] Bryan Gates 轉任七六人助教
Dallas Mavericks assistant coach Bryan Gates — who recently accepted a spot
on Jason Kidd’s staff — is joining the Philadelphia 76ers as an assistant,
sources tell ESPN. Mavericks freed Gates for Nick Nurse’s staff to take a
significant step up in role.
消息人士向 ESPN 表示,先前獲得邀請來加入 Jason Kidd 教練團的獨行俠隊助教 BryanGates,將轉向加入七六人隊、成為助教。獨行俠隊同意讓Gates 離開,讓Nick Nurse 的團隊得以進行重要的加強。
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酒駕基德vs聖光護士 不意外
只知道小犢去年戰術單調到不行 irving加入也擦不出
基德的威力 怕了吧
助教都被搶 真的很可憐
[情報] D’Antoni 和Udoka成為籃網隊助理教練來源: 內容: Mike D’Antoni and Ime Udoka are finalizing deals to become assistant coaches under Steve Nash with the Brooklyn Nets, sources tell ESPN. Together, D’Anton爆
[情報] Jason Kidd成為獨行俠新總教練The Dallas Mavericks have agreements to hire Hall of Famer Jason Kidd as their new head coach and longtime Nike executive Nico Harrison in a lead basketball operations role, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. 恭喜接生小孩!64
[情報] Jason Kidd想執教費城76人Los Angeles #Lakers assistant coach Jason Kidd wants the 76ers coaching job, according to multiple league sources. 多位聯盟消息人士指出 現任湖人助教Jason Kidd想得到76人隊總教練職位 Kidd過去曾在籃網與公鹿當過總教練 帶隊戰績183勝190敗65
[情報] 鵜鶘總教練Stan Van Gundy下台消息來源: 內容: ESPN Sources with @_Andrew_Lopez: After one season, Stan Van Gundy is out as the New Orleans Pelicans coach. Stan Van Gundy在帶領鵜鶘一季之後下台。37
[情報] 獨行俠連續三年首席助理教練離開球隊Sources: Assistant coach Greg St. Jean will not return to the Mavs’ coaching staff. Jason Kidd brought St. Jean to Dallas from the Lakers and promoted him to first row last season. The Mavs will look to add more experience to Kidd’ s staff.29
[情報] 獨行俠正在招募Kokoskov進教練團The Dallas Mavericks are targeting Fenerbahce head coach Igor Kokoskov to join Jason Kidd’s coaching staff, per league sources. Kokoskov won EuroBasket 2017 with Luka Doncic as the Slovenian national team head coach. 獨行俠正在招募Kokoskov加入Kidd的教練團,Koko曾在17年時和Doncic一起幫助斯洛維尼亞拿下第一座歐錦賽的冠軍 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone26
[情報] Brett Brown回歸馬刺擔任助教消息來源: 內容: Sources are expecting former 76ers head coach Brett Brown reuniting with Gregg Popovich’s staff, filling the spot vacated by Becky Hammon in San Antonio 前七六人總教練Brett Brown預期會重回Popovich教練團擔任助教,補上Becky Hammon離隊後的空缺。22
[情報] Dudley成為獨行俠助教消息來源: 內容:After 14 NBA seasons, Jared Dudley has agreed to a deal to become an assistant coach with the Dallas Mavericks, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Dudley will be a front of the bench assistant under new head coach Jason Kidd. 短評或心得: 湖人少了休息室老大哥 有看湖上一季Exit Interview9
[情報] 湖人助教Quinton Crawford加入獨行俠Quinton Crawford is leaving the Lakers as an assistant coach to join Dallas coach Jason Kidd's staff, sources said. Crawford is viewed as an up-coming/ bright coach in the NBA. He was an assistant under Frank Vogel with the Lakers the past 3 seasons; was on staff for 2020 title. Quinton Crawford離開湖人加入Kidd的助教團,他在Vogel底下待了三季,被視為未來有機會成為總教練的助教 The expectation in Dallas is that Greg St. Jean will move to the front of the bench next season, filling the spot opened by Igor Kokoskov’s move to Brooklyn, while Crawford joins the Mavericks’ coaching staff as @BA_Turner reports below.6
[情報] 公鹿助教Josh Longstaff加入公牛教練組消息來源: The Bulls are hiring Bucks assistant Josh Longstaff for Billy Donovan’s coaching staff, sources tell ESPN. For Longstaff, it is an opportunity to elevate to a front-of-the-bench assistant. 公牛聘用公鹿助教Josh Longstaff加入Billy Donovan的教練團