[情報] 今日 Damian Lillard 情報

看板NBA標題[情報] 今日 Damian Lillard 情報作者
時間推噓27 推:29 噓:2 →:17


The Blazers are receiving unimpressive trade offers for Damian Lillard from
teams other than Miami, per @AaronJFentress “I’m told that there’s not
great traction in these areas, that they’re really not being wowed by
anything that’s substantial.” (h/t @WireHoops )

拓荒者隊記 Aaron J. Fentress 表示,拓荒者對其他球隊提出的報價 沒什麼興趣。



The Blazers are making an attempt to resolve Damian Lillard’s situation in
Portland before training camp starts, per Brian Windhorst (Via
@BehindthePlay_ )

溫胖: 「拓荒者打算在訓練營前,解決Damian Lillard的問題。」


The Portland Trailblazers are not interested in Zach LaVine

“Multiple league sources indicated throughout the offseason that the Trail
Blazers showed little interest in acquiring LaVine directly, mostly because
he doesn’t match their rebuilding path and commitment to a young backcourt
of Scoot Henderson and Anfernee Simons.”

七六人記者Kyle Neubeck在Podcast上說: 「根據多方消息,拓荒者對LaVine 沒什麼興趣,主要是因為LaVine 不符合他們重建的道路,以及會影響 Scoot Henderson和AnferneeSimons發展。」


"Damian Lillard is going to get traded very soon…I would even say probably
within the next 24 hours...I am expecting a Damian Lillard trade." - via
@Gambo987 / @AZSports

Arizona Sports廣播節目主持人John Gambadoro: 「我預計Damian Lillard 快被交易了。大概在24小時內會發生。」


@Rachel__Nichols believes Damian Lillard being traded is only a matter of
time. "The truth in the NBA these days is the most valuable time to trade
someone is no longer in the offseason. It's right before the trade deadline."(via @undisputed )

Rachel Nichols相信Damian Lillard遲早會被交易



熱火: 阿拓 你就別堅持了 快點交易行不?


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JerrySloan 09/22 07:56Lavine可以幫忙搶狀元

tomoti 09/22 07:58結果阿拓的發展方向一樣是矮雙後衛主力?快賣球隊啦

tassadar1 09/22 08:00[花邊] LaVine生涯勝率37.1%,現役球員最低

tassadar1 09/22 08:00看來阿拓對只有帥臉的沒啥興趣

wade59420 09/22 08:00LaVine不錯啊 夠帥

f92174 09/22 08:04每日觀察里拉德(1/1)

clkdtm32 09/22 08:05拜託趕快丟掉拉文 他超爛

earldunn 09/22 08:05阿拓管理層會堅持到何時呢?

Alipapa 09/22 08:09這篇情報幾乎把各種可能性都講完了 至少一個會中XDD

jorden 09/22 08:11lavine就標準的刷子

mingao 09/22 08:14笑死,到頭來不只是熱火的包裹,是在場的各隊都是XX

WardellSteph09/22 08:18早說了,拓太貪婪,小李又老又貴,就是只有不差包

WardellSteph09/22 08:18能換

ginopun1047709/22 08:18辣文 : 關哇屁素啊

samsam80821 09/22 08:33阿拓跟熱火久都沒差啊

airandy1102 09/22 08:34給拉文很給你面子了不要不識相

dynamis 09/22 08:35拉文是真的超刷

p20162 09/22 08:35不開心的小李

b08297 09/22 08:36如果要在開季前處理應該是任命吞熱火垃圾包了吧

xbit 09/22 08:40小李劇場還沒落幕..好奇真的被交易會去那

AtDe 09/22 08:45可能拉三方讓英雄去暴龍?

zsp9081a 09/22 08:50每日聽君一席話,如聽一席話任務解鎖

pokemon 09/22 09:01重要進展

hugr85 09/22 09:08拉文就是個刷仔 先前這樣講還被嗆

f77928 09/22 09:20神秘球隊要現身了沒

SCARHSCARL 09/22 09:29忠誠人生不知道還要演幾集

AterPin 09/22 09:32暴龍GM也是很精的 肯定不會出太高價

edwinrw 09/22 09:33LaVine也不要阿

jumilin927 09/22 09:48歹戲拖棚

snakebite 09/22 10:02都不要卻又說快被交易,到底是?

odaaaaa 09/22 10:06今日小李。這標題超靠北

nkfcc 09/22 10:16截止日前最有價對這種合約大又長的不見得適用。

kkkkuuuaan 09/22 10:17拉文生涯九季只打過四場季後賽…超爛

nkfcc 09/22 10:18現在喬不出空間籌碼的,到時八成還是喬不出來。

s880303 09/22 10:30富邦勇士

awcoke 09/22 10:40拿simons做發展基石?

yychiuchang 09/22 10:43暴龍能給的應該是最適合拓荒者的,但重點是暴龍願

yychiuchang 09/22 10:43意給多少?OG送走應該是定了,但能不能凹到其他的

rony98 09/22 10:49小李單壓熱火就敗筆啊 出得起價碼的他不要 熱火又不

rony98 09/22 10:50想被搶劫 畢竟今年打的這麼好 不願意陣容大改...

ppu12372 09/22 10:50我覺得阿拓能用小李換到OG很夠了啦,要更多太難了

ppu12372 09/22 10:50,小李配上他的合約和年紀在市場上就賣不到多好的

ppu12372 09/22 10:50價格

ray333 09/22 12:20原來不只熱火,是大家的包裹都被當垃圾

jason90400 09/22 14:33到最後油頭賭贏了

drcula 09/22 15:54熱火沒簽,阿拓應該是想要簽吧

ray0208 09/22 17:06暴龍繼可愛之後,又要賭一波了嗎?

shin5678 09/24 11:26帥就完事