[外絮] G2之後Nikola Jokic罕見的在休息室發聲

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Nikola Jokic's Postgame Speech After Game 2 Stunned Teammates

Nikola Jokic第二戰後的演說震驚了他的隊友們

The Denver Nuggets were fired up entering Game 3 of the 2023 NBA Finals,
which ignited them to a 109-94 road victory over the Miami Heat on Wednesday

And it was fueled by a postgame speech following Game 2 that no one in the
locker room saw coming.

After the Nuggets dropped Game 2 on Sunday, 111-108, Bleacher Report learned
that Jeff Green, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope and DeAndre Jordan called out the
team in the locker room for a lackadaisical, lethargic effort.

"We were frustrated with how we played and the effort we gave out,"
Caldwell-Pope told B/R. "We all had the same message. We can't have that typeof energy going into Game 2. We have to want it more than Miami. It was
unacceptable. We've been in this situation before, and I love the way we
reacted tonight."



在第二戰金塊以108-111輸球之後,BR打聽到了Jeff Green、KCP與DeAndre Jordan因為球隊懶散且沒有能量的表現在休息室集合全隊喊話。


Green provided insight into his message after Game 2.

"I said this Miami team is going to fight and they're going to battle," he
told B/R. "The lows that we had in that game were unacceptable, especially atthis point in the season. We just had to be better."

Green, Caldwell-Pope and Jordan are the consistent vocal leaders of this
Nuggets team. Their voices are a constant, both on and off the court. And
after such a deflating loss inside Ball Arena, the team's first home loss of
the postseason, their voices were expected. That's typically how matters are
communicated amongst themselves before reporters are allowed into the locker




But there was one more voice on this occasion, B/R learned: Nikola Jokic
The two-time MVP felt the need to address the team as well.

"It caught us all by surprise. It was unexpected," Jordan told B/R after Game3. "When Nikola says something, everybody's awareness is heightened. I alwayscompare him to a guy like Tim Duncan. He's never really super boisterous, butwhen he does speak, it speaks volumes. Me, Jeff Green, DJ, Ish [Smith], KCP,
we'll always give our two cents on things we see during the game, but Nikola
saying something elevated the message. I've been on him more about being morevocal, and even in tonight's game, he was extremely vocal and it was good forour team."

Jokic didn't speak long, but he got his point across.

"His message was basically that we can't be relaxed," Jordan revealed to B/R."We've got to have more fight, more energy, and pay attention to the game
plan. And leading up to Game 3, in practice and shootaround, everyone was
hyper-focused, and that transferred over into the game."

"When you hear him talking after a game, you make sure you listen,"
Caldwell-Pope told B/R. "He's not a real big vocal guy. He shows it more on
the court. He leads that way. But he definitely had everyone's attention, andit worked out for us tonight."

然而,這次有個預期外的人發聲了:兩屆MVP Nikola Jokic認為他在這個情況也必須站出來對球隊喊話。

Jordan:「這讓我們非常驚訝。這是非常意料之外的。當Nikola開始說些甚麼的時候,大家的注意力都被提高了。我總是拿他跟Tim Duncan這種人做比較。他從不多話,但當他說話時,絕對是很重要的事。我、Green、DJ、Ish、KCP總是會會在比賽中提出我們的見解,但當Nikola說了甚麼的時候這一切的重要性就會提升。我一直希望他能多表達自己的意見。他在今晚的比賽中他就變得非常願意說話且這對我們球隊來說有很正面的影響。」




While he walked to the bus Wednesday evening, Jokic told B/R why he spoke up
after Game 2.

"Honestly, I don't remember that I was talking. So if I was saying something,I don't remember what I was saying," Jokic told B/R with a snicker but in
all sincerity. "Maybe it was just my emotions at the time. I don't remember,
to be honest. Maybe they're just all crazy. But I think I'm normal. When I
say something, it's not that I'm trying to be vocal. There's a purpose. When
I see something, I'm going to say it. I'm never going to talk just to talk."



The Nuggets played with vigor inside Kaseya Center and completely extracted
the energy out of the building in the second half as they continued to build
upon their lead. Miami couldn't put enough stops together to come within
striking distance before time expired.

The duo of Jokic and Jamal Murray was too overbearing, as they became the
first two teammates in NBA Finals history to register a triple-double in the
same game. Jokic finished with 32 points, 21 rebounds and 10 assists, while
Murray tallied 34 points, 10 boards and 10 dimes.

Now down 2-1, the Heat are up against it for Game 4 on Friday. The Nuggets
retook control of the series, and if they're able to repeat Wednesday's
result on Friday, they'll have a chance to close the series out at home on

Game 2 and Game 3 were exact opposites for the Nuggets, and the turnaround
was vocally spearheaded by Jokic.

"Game 2 was a wake-up call for us," Caldwell-Pope told B/R. "It forced guys
to step out of their comfort zones. Nikola got our attention."

金塊隊在Kaseya Center充滿活力的於下半場建立了他們的優勢。熱火沒辦法在比賽結束前阻止他們。

Jokic與Jamal Murray的雙人組實在是太過霸道了,他們也成為NBA總決賽歷史上第一對拿下大三元的隊友。Jokic拿下32分21籃板10助攻的同時Murray也取得了34分10籃板10助攻。





金塊隊隊友:我的天 Jokic說話了



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Fifteam 06/08 23:45The Speech 2.0

sunny16 06/08 23:48講完好像有人還是沒聽進去

ocean0817 06/08 23:48阿肥:誰再不認真打,我就就帶你去騎馬,你當馬

kixer2005 06/08 23:48說真的 我看了好幾遍還是不知道小丑到底在公三小

teasy 06/08 23:48震怒的阿肥沒人惹得起

love1500274 06/08 23:49[外絮] Curry “The Speech” 改變了一切

ronert0975 06/08 23:49你當馬 笑死

SC30mvp 06/08 23:49The Speech正夯 有人沒聽進去這點也一樣XD

interact 06/08 23:50MPJ還是一樣散漫,關禁閉了啦

abcde010710 06/08 23:50金塊這群老將也是默默的在貢獻

※ 編輯: EZ78 ( 美國), 06/08/2023 23:52:16

matsuwu 06/08 23:52上一個發表談話的MVP 現在~~~

matsuwu 06/08 23:52這篇文整篇根本只是把名字換掉XD

asianyangman06/08 23:52阿肥真的是很討喜的球員

lmf770410 06/08 23:52姐夫其實今天也一直唸

sezna 06/08 23:53咖哩還是用太早了

biss0220 06/08 23:53只有莫瑞認真聽吧

hank13241 06/08 23:54感覺越後面越常有類似新聞

mirac1e 06/08 23:54G2主場領先15分被翻船真的很傷啊

mirac1e 06/08 23:54這場金塊全隊上下就真的有繃緊

Nuey 06/08 23:54造神必備新聞啊 即使根本沒有必要

mirac1e 06/08 23:54領先20分被追到10分左右就挺住了

ZIDENS 06/08 23:58金塊官媒有說 阿肥到今年才有意識自己是球隊老大

ZIDENS 06/08 23:58但他本人還是不太習慣 僅是有意識而已

magamanzero 06/09 00:00正常 他那種個性就好來好去

c7683fh6 06/09 00:01阿肥: 我有沒有講話 講了什麼也不記得了

imz0723 06/09 00:01結果就演講者本人沒在聽

simon0213 06/09 00:01阿肥比較像是用行動說話

magamanzero 06/09 00:01以後叫他兩個哥哥也一起進去就好了www

simon0213 06/09 00:01但是他在場上發聲跟隊友討論的畫面有越來越多了

JOKIC 06/09 00:03你們聽到我說啥了嗎?

imz0723 06/09 00:04樓上下次認真聽一下自己說了甚麼

alexkuro200006/09 00:05應該要對MPJ說你投籃好爛 專心一點好嗎

queen100000 06/09 00:09把jokic 換curry一樣無違和

liwei504 06/09 00:10整篇看下來好像講了什麼 又好像沒講

yckuanlk 06/09 00:13阿肥:下次一起騎馬,你當馬!

yckuanlk 06/09 00:14阿肥平常發言真的不像有把自己當球隊老大XD

MK47 06/09 00:15重點會不會是因為阿肥的哥哥來看球了 XD

hunt5566 06/09 00:20一個二輪遊 一個打總冠

KhePri 06/09 00:22怎麼聽起來跟訪問一樣是在講幹話==

julian42 06/09 00:28打太陽的時候不是就暴氣了

aspired 06/09 00:28MPJ:對不起我不小心睡著了….

THCxyz 06/09 00:30下次要錄影(還是說其實有錄影?)

harry881210 06/09 00:31阿肥:誰待會失誤的 去旁邊找我哥打拳

DemonRing 06/09 00:32阿肥哥哥講(拳)話(頭) 可能效果真的不錯

sasewill 06/09 00:39我看MPJ好像沒在聽喔,uncle真的要拉正一下

yanggaizhi 06/09 00:40哪個再混的下一場我把你當馬騎進場

unmolk 06/09 00:43對,當然是球隊公關允許^^

wallway 06/09 00:50反觀二輪遊

ssaw5166 06/09 00:51KCP場下說得很好怎麼上場那麼爛

kaga1991 06/09 00:52都有一個green 一個Jordan

hitokiri 06/09 00:52你要叫一個塞爾維亞球員發表英文演說 他可能覺得

hitokiri 06/09 00:53對他來說拿大三元還比較容易一點~XD

newererw 06/09 00:55阿肥啥都沒說 只是打電話給兩個哥哥 請他們處理一

newererw 06/09 00:55

joygo 06/09 01:01結果兩個老大都不愛喊話XD

z23061542 06/09 01:04這是我兩位哥哥

bearest 06/09 01:07KCP自己也恍神還敢叫大家認真?

Gsun 06/09 01:15阿肥: 幹你馬的快點打一打回家騎馬

no25 06/09 01:32用內力發聲

Dickys20009206/09 01:39真正的the speech2.0

YqYq5566 06/09 01:40結果布勞恩菜逼八,聽的最認真

Dickys20009206/09 01:40希望奪冠之後可以有人分享一下到底講了啥

eno03 06/09 01:50大家好:一人一杯(可樂) 我們乾了它 G3加油

sunnyyoung 06/09 01:53英文又不是阿肥的母語 溝通沒問題 但他應該不想用

sunnyyoung 06/09 01:53來發表談話吧 不一定真能完整表達想法

Eric0605 06/09 01:55阿肥:我只是碎碎念而已你們還真的有在聽喔

Hard1980 06/09 01:59阿肥:窩又不知道惹

justaID 06/09 02:31怎麼既視感這麼重,咖哩之前也有一篇類似的

randy2903 06/09 02:33KCP這輪很雷耶

hsnuoscar 06/09 02:39Curry太早講了+1 他講完基本上G7還是他一個人在扛

hsnuoscar 06/09 02:39他留到第二輪中段再講搞不好還能有一點點效果

hankwan1218 06/09 02:43KCP跟Green第二戰自己也很晃神欸= =

vking223 06/09 03:39阿肥之聲:誰不認真打,就罰你一口氣喝完兩公升阿肥

vking223 06/09 03:39快樂水

HellFly 06/09 04:51KCP:1>0 其他人就閉嘴了

urgrandpa 06/09 04:58感覺Joker是那種下班後就忘記在哪裡上班的人

mouscat 06/09 04:59就「不常講話的老大都講話了你各位還敢繼續混啊」

mouscat 06/09 05:00不算多罕見特殊的事情 也沒什麼造神啦

King5566 06/09 05:11阿肥:奶子 奶子奶子奶子奶子

Eloye 06/09 05:32那個某個上場還在放空的,等等跟我哥哥們報到嘿

JekyllHyde 06/09 05:38NBA郭董!他的可樂有酒精成分嗎

windletterz 06/09 06:25208 2

yamatai 06/09 06:36至少G3上面 KCP BB 都比較專注了 AG倒是一直很認真

yamatai 06/09 06:37阿肥則是體力沒辦法支持防守 第四節還是常放投

ivan1116 06/09 06:52阿肥好像仙道

ralfeistein 06/09 07:35記者被允許進休息室XD 在偷臭某個自稱封殺全大聯盟

ralfeistein 06/09 07:35的張姓記者齁

julian9925 06/09 07:37Jokic 真的有做好事情當領袖的本質,朝目標 Duncan

julian9925 06/09 07:37 邁進,但不是只想模仿 Duncan

jinzhu 06/09 07:37真的像仙道

sttyuio5083 06/09 07:37等等 KCP發聲但他超雷..

adonistao 06/09 07:41阿肥:我哥G3會來

SULAjardin 06/09 07:54KCP的狀態,很顯然沒把阿肥的話放心上

Alex663322 06/09 07:58第三場打完熱火哪位要演講

hohoman 06/09 08:02有傳承到他偶像TD的精神

Artist 06/09 08:063樓 XD

semiacicada 06/09 08:08KCP怎麼會覺得自己有資格發言= =,他G2送一堆罰球

jorden 06/09 08:12The 演說

dragon2000 06/09 08:13MPJ可能沒聽到吧! 可以下1場反彈一下?

klises 06/09 08:14CB肯定有聽進去

CSFV 06/09 08:18三樓笑死

carthusia 06/09 08:22the 忘記

hichunchs 06/09 08:23大家轉換心情 一起騎馬 表現不好的當馬

Ikaruwill 06/09 08:34阿肥:這是我家寶貝馬兒的照片看它很瘦吧,你們再

Ikaruwill 06/09 08:34不皮繃緊一點很快就會變得比它還瘦了

seavoo 06/09 08:35老將價值

NudieJeans 06/09 08:40結果沒有人記得他說了什麼連阿肥本身也忘了...這...

ar109982 06/09 08:47如果奪冠阿肥會騎馬遊行嗎

Demia 06/09 08:53Joker:我當時喝可樂喝到斷片,所以他們說我有發言

Demia 06/09 08:53,我無法否認

echochrome 06/09 08:58說不定只是喝完雪碧後打嗝 隊友以為他講話

k952gfjk 06/09 09:10G2 KCP最爛,應該在角落反省吧

tworpg12 06/09 09:16今年主打speech嗎,可是上一個結局不太對==

tp 06/09 09:16Joker:這場打太爛,罰大家不准喝可樂,只能喝雪碧

jackjoke200706/09 09:33姐夫綠今天也是士官長拉正角色

hilemon 06/09 09:37所以MPJ剛好去廁所嗎

Gilbertsky 06/09 09:37首先你要平常不怎麼說話 這點就排除很多人了...

climbingfish06/09 09:44看起來跟咖哩那篇八成像 很少發聲的球隊老大 大家

climbingfish06/09 09:44都很專心聽

qazxcvb 06/09 09:44湖人苦吞2連敗 詹姆斯罕見說重話

qazxcvb 06/09 09:44柯瑞三分8投1中「罕見激動訓話」 勇士狂

qazxcvb 06/09 09:44沈默的雷納德休息室罕見發聲 團結起來

qazxcvb 06/09 09:45這種文是要幾篇

a22122212 06/09 09:47跟Curry那次一樣

pages 06/09 10:10阿肥:我斷片了

noah1005 06/09 10:17阿肥:我沒講啥啦,只是叫大家看看我哥哥們,你懂的

eric003a 06/09 10:36以MPJ的身高 真的外線投不進時 可以儘量往裡面殺啊

hiro1221 06/09 11:53那Poole換MPJ好了,我勇小虧

dudu5566 06/09 11:54阿肥:我喝汽水喝到斷片 當時說什麼都不記得了

airandy1102 06/09 12:07阿肥:誰再鬆懈,一切結束後要當我的馬到開季。

STM32F407 06/09 12:08反觀某羌輸球只想著怎麼弄到更好的大腿,沒有激勵隊

STM32F407 06/09 12:08

SCLPAL 06/09 12:16阿肥震怒

OracleMage 06/09 12:17阿肥只說了一句:我哥說下場沒打好的…

xo1100 06/09 12:21G3的明顯有把熱火的三分盯很緊

boy80421 06/09 12:29演講的時候哥哥們是不是站在旁邊狠狠D看

iio 06/09 12:58阿肥:可樂可樂可樂可樂~~金塊眾:我願誓死追隨少主!!

ppives 06/09 14:51明天熱火休息室換阿舍說話?

megumirei 06/09 16:56喬丹都說話了

ly102530 06/09 18:31講完還是自己扛 笑死

starkiller1306/10 03:24咖哩:阿我隊友聽完一樣求救