Re: [外絮] 老巴說Booker得要站出來領導太陽
※ 引述《pneumo (超☆冒險蓋)》之銘言:
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: When discussing what the Suns have to do to take the next step in pursuit of: a title, Barkley said star shooting guard Devin Booker has to be a leader on: the team—because Durant simply is not.
: 當講到太陽還得要做些什麼,才能更進一步往冠軍邁進時,老巴說太陽明星得分後衛
: Devin Booker得要出來領導太陽--因為KD就不是一個領導者。
: “No disrespect to Kevin. Kevin’s a follower. He’s not a leader,” Barkley
: said on truTV’s alternate broadcast of the All-Star Game. “He’s proven
: that on all his stops. Booker’s a hell of a player also. I think he’s going: to have to take the initiative and take this Suns team to the next level.
: Because, man, Kevin’s a hell of a player. I ain’t never gonna say anything
: bad about him. But I said the same thing with Boston. One of your guys has to: step forward. He has to step forward, and for me, for Phoenix to be
: successful, it has to be Booker.”
: 老巴說:「沒有要對KD有不敬的意思,但是KD就是一個跟隨者,他不是個領導者。他待的: 每個球隊,他都證明了就是那樣子。書人也是個非常好的球員,我認為他得要帶頭,率領: 太陽進到另外一個層次。因為,KD雖然也是個很好的球員,我沒有要講他什麼壞的部分,: 但是就像我前面講青賽的部分,同樣的,太陽裡面得要有人站出來,對我來說,太陽若是: 想要成功的話,那個人就是書人。」
: ----
: Booker:.............
"It's just part of TV. They needed something to fill a segment up. So they
talk about some negative shit, but if you're not in the gym, I don't respect
your opinion if you're not in the gym with me."
Kevin Durant on Charles Barkley's "follower" comments on leadership. #Suns
被媒體消費 出來回應幾句很正常
老巴 出來打球啊
老巴這幾年感覺一直嘴kd乘客 不爽很正常吧
之前嘴綠嘴KD 有回啥嗎
老巴沒冠軍還想教訓人= =??
2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>0 鄉民該支持KD了吧
翻譯:時代不同啦 老屁股還活在90年代就閉嘴
[外絮] 老巴談KD在勇士奪冠:你只是一個乘客老巴談KD在勇士奪冠:你只是一個乘客 Kevin Durant‘s legacy has become a point of contention among NBA fans throughou t this year’s playoffs, as he’s failed to lead the Nets to even a single win a gainst the Celtics through the first three games of their opening-round series. Durant has not looked like his usual self in the series, prompting Charles Barkl爆
[外絮] 老巴:KD是敏感的小女孩老巴:KD是敏感的小女孩 Charles Barkley is not backing down. After Brooklyn Nets superstar Kevin Durant clapped back at him for his criticism, the Hall of Famer decided to respond with a bit of name-calling during Tuesday’s NBA on TNT broadcast. 老巴沒有退讓。在布魯克林籃網隊的超級巨星KD對他的批評進行了回擊後,這位名人堂成員爆
[外絮] 老巴:我要叫KD "悲慘先生"來源: USA Today 網址: Charles Barkley on Nets All-Star Kevin Durant: I call him 'Mr. Miserable’ 老巴:我要叫KD "悲慘先生" Leave it to Charles Barkley to opine when it comes to a juicy NBA story,爆
[外絮] KD:我不需要老巴跟大歐的認同,不後悔KD:我不需要老巴跟大歐的認同,不後悔生涯所做決定 Specifically, some of the legends of the game aren’t too kind with their apprai sal of Durant’s legacy; Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley loom as those old heads who, at some point, have been harsh on Durant, calling him a “bus rider ” and even an “abject failure”.爆
[外絮] 老巴:KD在太陽可以當公車司機,若奪冠老巴:KD在太陽可以當公車司機,若奪冠能獲得老一輩讚賞 Charles Barkley thinks Kevin Durant’s trade to the Phoenix Suns is the perfect opportunity for the star to change an important narrative. 老巴認為,KD被交易到鳳凰城太陽隊是這位球星改變重要風評的絕佳機會。 Barkley was asked if he believes Durant can claim the role of “bus driver” wit99
[情報] 老巴談KD:你就像個小孩,但是個出色的老巴談KD:你就像個小孩,但是個出色的球員 “He’s a little baby a lot of times, but he’s a great player.” Charles Barkley didn't hold back when talking to @ScoopB about KD. #NBAAllStar 老巴在接受採訪時毫不掩飾自己對KD的看法:KD很多時候都像個小嬰兒,但他是一個出色的 球員。91
[外絮] 老巴:LBJ曾說必須在沒有Wade的情況下奪冠老巴:LBJ曾說必須在沒有Wade的情況下奪冠才能獲尊重;KD:我不記得LBJ說過 On Monday, NBA legend and TNT analyst Charles Barkley appeared on First Take wit h Stephen A. Smith to discuss a number of topics in basketball, including Kevin Durant and his legacy after joining the Phoenix Suns. Barkley said he is holding KD up to the same standard as LeBron James and Kobe Bryant, who both allegedly85
[情報] 老巴:沒有KD的籃網 拿不下一場勝利來源:NetsDaily推特 網址: "I don't think the nets will win another game without KD," said Charles Barkley. 「我不認為,沒有KD的籃網,可以拿下一場勝利。」老巴說。78
[花邊] KD嗆老巴:我永遠不再尊重你口中說出的話Charles Barkley on Kevin Durant: "He's very sensitive. Great player. He's part of that generation who think he can't be criticized. He's never looked in the mirror and says 'Man, is that a fair criticism?'" KD:
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