[外絮] 字母:喜歡Griff 我沒參與聘用 只專心打球

看板NBA標題[外絮] 字母:喜歡Griff 我沒參與聘用 只專心打球作者
時間推噓46 推:56 噓:10 →:39 公鹿記者

圖 字母:喜歡Griff 我沒參與聘用 只專心打球


This is the thing that I don't like about the NBA. It's a crazy business.
Yesterday, Coach Griff was our head coach. Today, he's not. And we walk in
there and it's like he was never here. I don't like that about the NBA and I
speak openly about it. But I understand it. It's business. People being
traded, people being waived, people have to change their whole lives just
like that (snaps fingers). And out there, people creating a narrative that's
not accurate. But I'm a person that I really try to not fall into it. I
refuse to fall into the bubble of "Oh, this is accurate" or "Oh, this is not
accurate" because always there's going to be something out there about me,
about the team. Like "Oh, he did not have a good relationship with Grif."

False. I loved the guy. I invited him to my wedding, you know? 1 talked with
him. I was coached by him and we did very, very, very well. In a position
like that you have to understand that when somebody's being hired at times,
the GM might come and ask, "What do you think about that?" "What do you thinkabout this?" or whatever and not just me, players, people that he trusts
their advice. But at times, they make it seem like it's the players that are
making the decision and this guy got traded because he wanted him, but like
no. I have a job. My job is to be the best version that I can be and try to
lead this team to win games. Like that is why I get paid. I don't get paid tochange people's lives and make people uncomfortable. I get paid to defend,
block shots, and I try to stick to that as much as I can. Because I
understand that I don't like that aspect of it. And there's people that get
paid a lot of money to make those decisions and those decisions are hard.
錯了,我喜歡他,邀他來我婚禮,跟他談話,他指導過我,我們合作無間,有時候,當某人被聘請時,GM可能來問「你怎麼看? 有何看法?」不僅是我,其他球員、他信任的人也被問,但有時,外界覺得是球員在做決定,因某位球員想要,某人才被交易,這是錯的我的工作盡力做最好的自己,帶領球隊贏球,這就是我的薪水來源。我不是來改變人生、讓人不舒服的。我是來防守、蓋火鍋,堅持當一名球員。因為我不喜歡這方面的事情,

And I gotta respect also Jon. Because it's hard. It's not easy. But again, mepersonally, I don't want to be involved in that. I don't like that. Have I
been in a position to be asked "What do you think about that?" or "What do
you think about this?" Yeah, many times. But I was not involved in the hiringof Coach Griff.I talked with him, the same way I talked with Coach Bud. But
nobody said I was involved, you know, in hiring Coach Bud because I was a
kid. But of course they asked, "What do you think about this guy?" "I think
he's a great guy. He looks like a good guy to me." "What do you think about
Coach Griff?" Everybody, they're good people. But ultimately, I don't make
that decision. Lori, don't get me wrong,I wish I did, you know? I wish I did.But I don't. I really, I really don't. I just try to stick with basketball
「你怎麼看?你對此有何想法?」嗎? 有,很多次。但我沒參與Griff教練的聘用

我跟他聊過,就像我跟 Bud聊過一樣。但沒人說我參與聘請 Bud,因為那候我還是個孩子當然他們問「你怎麼看這個人?」我說「我覺得他是個好人,看起來是個好教練。」
關於 Griff教練,大家都是好人。但最終,我不做決定。別誤會,我希望我能決定,

reddit 留言

圖 字母:喜歡Griff 我沒參與聘用 只專心打球
圖 字母:喜歡Griff 我沒參與聘用 只專心打球

My takeaway: it’s takes like 2 minutes to read 4 minutes of talking
It took you 2 minutes to read “yeah I wanted him gone”?

Giannis deleting the "fire Griffin" poll in the group chat as we speak

Giannis 'I didn't fire him, but they asked me and I told them he ought to be
changed. If you can change him without firing him, fine.'


圖 字母:喜歡Griff 我沒參與聘用 只專心打球


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ccmvic 01/26 23:25AGM

k385476916 01/26 23:25樓下相信嗎

oopday 01/26 23:25戈巴契夫頭髮最長

ccmvic 01/26 23:25LeGM 接班人 AGM

puro 01/26 23:25說這種很幹的話就不必了 除非你不是公鹿一哥

cor1os 01/26 23:26希臘母獅

ccmvic 01/26 23:26Griffin可以來接火腿位置

dwiee 01/26 23:26the gm

ianasd 01/26 23:27我沒有說要讓他走,但我希望教練可以換一下

magamanzero 01/26 23:28換人又不解雇 這是雙主菜的概念?

abc12689 01/26 23:29說專心幹球跟性幻想球員我就信

zsp9081a 01/26 23:31我只是建議 沒有要他們一定要這樣子做

zsp9081a 01/26 23:31名字遮住我還以為跑錯版了

BayonettaTJ 01/26 23:31完美的此地無銀三百兩

axi 01/26 23:32換人...不解雇...@_@

leo255112 01/26 23:32姆斯也說他沒有

dusted 01/26 23:32我是來防守,蓋火鍋,搶錯球並發火的

ANOY 01/26 23:32與我無關

ando 01/26 23:32范字母

Mikufans 01/26 23:34公鹿怎麼可能不聽你的

marlonlai 01/26 23:34除非你不是球隊頭牌或者未來藍圖沒有你了 不然重大

marlonlai 01/26 23:34人事異動或交易 一定會跟隊上老大探口風啦

kyoko367890601/26 23:35不沾母

MK47 01/26 23:36不沾鍋

loverxa 01/26 23:38至少應該沒告訴你下個是老河 這我相信

sezna 01/26 23:38要換人,不解雇,去當海外顧問阿

Lakers24 01/26 23:39這才是真的姆斯接班人!

sustainer12301/26 23:39名字遮起來我以為是

l2l 01/26 23:41換人不解雇 是不是你要養他的概念

sezna 01/26 23:42找新教練當然也會問頭牌要不要

windsp0419 01/26 23:44有夠假

anoymouse 01/26 23:48那你有參與你哥在公鹿板凳坐46分鐘的特權嗎

rkilo 01/26 23:48前面說不想參與決定不,後面又說他希望他能決定,

rkilo 01/26 23:48是不是很矛盾阿?

gn00152097 01/26 23:52如果字母說他很喜歡我才不相信制服組敢用這方式換人

tyrone0923 01/26 23:52就是我沒做決定,但我會說我喜不喜歡這個人的意思

mmk 01/26 23:52喜歡教練跟教練是朋友 但高層要換不反對

tyrone0923 01/26 23:52做決定的是制服組,我只說我喜不喜歡,我沒決定啥

gn00152097 01/26 23:53又不是說像Bud帶了很多年出現瓶頸換帥很合理

canlest 01/26 23:54是我沒看懂嗎

gn00152097 01/26 23:54這個只帶半季戰績東二說換就換你字母說沒參與XD

canlest 01/26 23:54換人不解雇 是reddit留言

canlest 01/26 23:54不是他說的吧?

pagenotfound01/26 23:56盡得姆斯真傳~

mmk 01/26 23:57假設一個問題:如果球隊戰績氣氛都好

mmk 01/26 23:57字母公開說教練是他在球隊最好的朋友 反對換教練

mmk 01/26 23:58然後總管堅持換走教練 大家覺得會發生什麼

TB89 01/27 00:02跟姆斯同樣被黑的方式 haters gonna hate no mind

gandalflee 01/27 00:04語畢

interestbi 01/27 00:06你任何意見都滿重要的 畢竟是公鹿老大

sept9048 01/27 00:07我不知道不要問我 嘿對 公鹿要換教練不會問你

feijai 01/27 00:08我懂 強烈建議不是施壓對吧

roger262390001/27 00:10公鹿都願意丟假日來慰留字母了 最好敢丟跟字母合作

roger262390001/27 00:10無間的教練啦

gangrel 01/27 00:14這很詹

wewaJamesla 01/27 00:27可以拜姆斯當大哥了

a11011788 01/27 00:41連不沾鍋都要學

johnny88108 01/27 00:43換人但不解僱,不然是要叫他去掃廁所484

ginopun1047701/27 00:47笑死

o0991758566 01/27 00:56 liar

圖 字母:喜歡Griff 我沒參與聘用 只專心打球

fish7333 01/27 01:04放屁 一定是你點頭才火掉他的

kingbar815 01/27 01:14這樣講就是有啊......此地無銀三百兩

tupacshkur 01/27 01:17學姆斯講話是不是? 再演阿!

alex0973 01/27 01:17此地無銀三百兩 你坦白說你不喜歡他還比較好

alex0973 01/27 01:19自以為好會講話喔~根本就超虛偽 快去搶球啊 醜態

MethylEther 01/27 01:25是喔

kashnes 01/27 01:38聯盟的風氣要不組團,要不就是開個人戰情室,到底是

kashnes 01/27 01:38那個咖小帶起來的…

TheVerve 01/27 01:49太虛偽了吧 你挺的教練誰敢換?

demon616 01/27 01:49我蠻相信字母哥的,他頗真誠,比網路上的被殺全家

demon616 01/27 01:49酸好多了

coox 01/27 02:07這一段跟姆斯幾乎一模一樣

app20165 01/27 02:31我沒有討厭Griff 但喜歡Doc Rivers

ruokcnn 01/27 02:45是不是一堆人分不清楚原文跟reddit留言啊

ruokcnn 01/27 02:45第一天上網嗎

MoWilliams 01/27 02:47上一個說沒參與的叫姆斯

yusuke362 01/27 02:50此地無銀

rax2 01/27 02:50這咖越來越噁心越來越像某咖

devilsky 01/27 04:45說坦白的,我不信你那邊沒意見教練會突然不見

kaiDX 01/27 04:57借刀殺人

kenzycjc814001/27 05:16這咖真他媽虛偽 有夠噁心

photoless 01/27 05:28

King5566 01/27 05:31不沾

somanyee 01/27 05:53推文真恐怖

Miyanishi25 01/27 06:47喔是喔真的假的5555555

NBAKIDD2 01/27 07:19酸字母想換教練的,可以去看看當初kidd要被換掉時,

NBAKIDD2 01/27 07:19字母還去問kidd有沒有他能幫忙不讓kidd被換掉的方法

jorden 01/27 07:22笑死 越解釋越黑

wx190 01/27 07:34這麼巧 有個人也這樣講

K951753 01/27 07:36好多X殘黑 嚇死

LEBR0NJAMES601/27 08:08真虛偽

CelestialRel01/27 08:43屁咧...

linyi520 01/27 08:49窩不知道

joemovie 01/27 08:56字母黑臭酸水準就是這樣高別苛求了

a1ibooda 01/27 09:06??為什麼網民風向一面倒不相信

a1ibooda 01/27 09:07我覺得字母已經盡力解釋 大家還是相信妓者

funguy0202 01/27 09:16很有LE GM的風範酷喔呵

h75311418 01/27 09:20可以不決定但可以給壓力呀

h75311418 01/27 09:21去nba 打球被污染了

lagi5487 01/27 09:53:)

philman 01/27 11:10一個是好人+好教練; 一個是好人……這很明顯了啊

JonnyJostar 01/27 11:22為求勝利會傷害對手人品低劣的球員 少在那邊黃鼠狼

JonnyJostar 01/27 11:23給雞拜年

whhw 01/27 12:44沒事兒沒事

shethebest 01/28 02:01我沒釣魚 我只是在那邊把餌放下去