[情報] ESPN:16庫18詹19可愛 (先發?板凳?裁掉?)
Which version of these players are you rocking with?
16 Curry
18 LBJ
19 Kawhi
選擇一個先發 一個替補 個裁掉
心得: ESPN故意的?@@"
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[花邊] Lillard、Morant、Young 先發、替補、裁掉?在推特上,ESPN 提出了球迷將由誰先發、替補或裁掉的問題 多數球迷的選擇都是 先發-Damian Lillard70
[情報] 湖人將裁掉T.Daniels湖人將裁掉T.Daniels 虎撲3月2日訊 根據ESPN報道,經紀人透露,湖人將裁掉T.Daniels 根據報道,雙方一直在尋求解決辦法,讓Daniels 在別隊尋找機會,同時讓球隊騰出一個 大名單位置。 本賽季常規賽至今,Daniels 場均上場11.1分鐘,得到4.2分1.1籃板。50
[情報] SI/ESPN/CBS/BR 2021-22球員季前排名Top10整理一下板上比較常看到的媒體(SLAM/FOX沒公布) 9/23 9/24 10/10 10/12 四媒體 RK SI ESPN CBS B/R │ 中位 平均 1 KD KD KD KD │KD 1.0 1.0 2 字母 字母 LBJ 字母 │字母 2.0 2.347
[情報] 拓荒者裁掉 Trendon Watford消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: The Trail Blazers are waiving forward Trendon Watford, sources tell ESPN. Watford, 22, had two productive seasons with Portland and joins the free25
[情報] 籃網裁掉James Johnson消息來源: 內容: This waiver clears the way for the Nets to convert forward Kessler Edwards to a standard NBA contract for the playoffs, sources tell ESPN.8
[情報] 聯盟官方與ESPN洽談轉播H-O-R-S-E投籃比賽消息來源: The NBA and ESPN are working on televising a H-O-R-S-E competition involving several high-profile players, sources say. Players would shoot in isolation – presumably in home gyms – and match shots against competitors. Details are