[外絮] 勇士記者Poole分享 助教Dejan過世的細節

看板NBA標題[外絮] 勇士記者Poole分享 助教Dejan過世的細節作者
時間推噓推:115 噓:0 →:70
勇士記者 Monte Poole 跟同事Kerith Burke紀念 Dejan Milojevi[D

逐字稿來自reddit nba 有校正過

Poole: Players he works with very closely, I know Kevon Looney was
particularly crushed by this. To see that this happened at a team dinner,
where all the players were there, the coaching staff were there. There were
30-45 people in the room. The restaurant had closed down for the Warriors to
have their dinner there. And have this happened. Cast a pall over the entire

I've been told they initially thought he was choking or something, but far
more serious it turns out. On top of that, apparently they had issues trying
to find a way to revive him on site there so they had to call an ambulance
because the restaurant apparently wasn't equipped with something to help him
out. They got him to the hospital, he spent the night there. Wednesday
morning he passed away. I do believe his family was able to get to Salt Lake
before to say goodbye so to speak. There was no question the game was going
to be canceled. Friday's game against Dallas is also in peril & very likely
to be canceled or postponed rather, at least.

It's one of those things that you never anticipate it, but when it happens sosuddenly to someone who had such zeal, it hits really hard. It's like a
blindside shot. This team being reeling for a number of things over the
course of the season. This is the obviously the ultimate worst outcome of
any situation right here.

Burke: These are some new detail you share Monte. It’s really hard to think
about that maybe the restaurant wasn’t equipped with some of the life-saving
things that could have help Deki(Dejan) that moment.
When I traveled with the team, they would go to Valter's. It was this great
Italian restaurant. With these private team dinners, because SLC is one of
the sleepier cities to travel, players actually go to this dinner. Sometimes
in like New York, Miami, or LA, players would branch off and do their own
thing. But this was a location, where everybody went to the dinner. So if
most of the players were there, the staff was there, and had to see Deki in
distress. That's awful.

Poole: That's why this is so hard. Coacherr addressed the team right after
they got the news and of course, everybody's distraught, because your hoping
he makes through this. He is a big strong guy and you are hoping that, You
are hoping, hoping , hoping but just based on the communication I had with
people Wednesday morning, it was pretty clear that it was a grave situation.
The words 'prayer' & 'miracle' were coming up. I mean man, the team is
reeling and you understand why. He was someone who was a part of the fabric.
He hadn’t been here. He was here for 5 or 10 year but he had been here for 3

To have this happen, when everyone is in the room. It'sarticularly close
cause you're literally witnessing a man loses his life. I don't know how the
team will respond to this over time, yeah they will be fine over time. But
initially, for how long will it take for this to be something they can get
beyond. Which is one of the reasons why I think Friday's game is in peril.
don't think this team is ready to play on Friday and the league might
recognize that

希望大家可以同理停賽原因,不要再酸言酸語了 RIP

圖 勇士記者Poole分享 助教Dejan過世的細節


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※ 編輯: usnavyseal ( 臺灣), 01/19/2024 03:46:56

chuan1330 01/19 03:48RIP

TwitchTW 01/19 03:57RIP 一路好走

YunHung46 01/19 04:15大家全都在時發生 心理肯定不好受

a12841 01/19 04:28RIP

andy78714 01/19 04:37R.I.P.QQ

opportunity 01/19 04:39沒有合適急救設備?猜測可能沒AED @@

tmac713 01/19 04:47R.I.P

f14108 01/19 04:59R.I.P

yusuke362 01/19 05:06R.I.P.

st930324 01/19 05:17R.I.P

qwer453 01/19 05:40R.I.P.

QoGIVoQ 01/19 06:02AED真的很重要

ljk476820 01/19 06:06R.I.P

TheoEpstein 01/19 06:12應該就是沒AED,心臟病發生時第一時間需要這個。

jacktheballe01/19 06:30希望大家能正視covid之後心臟病過世的人數大幅增加

jacktheballe01/19 06:30 不論是covid的後遺症或是疫苗的後遺症 都應該調查

jacktheballe01/19 06:30清楚

seabox 01/19 06:44球隊醫護不在場嗎

wewaJamesla 01/19 06:52R.I.P.

gandalflee 01/19 06:52RIP 生前也是運動員 這麼強壯的人..

iverson88 01/19 06:53沒有AED R.I.P.

depo 01/19 06:54RIP

LukaDoncic7701/19 07:00R.I.P. 可以想像當時現場應該很無力。。。

seabox 01/19 07:00近年都有運動員比賽到一半就倒下的

Inori0912 01/19 07:04滑影片看到小丑絕殺 原來上去跟他擁抱的就是這個勇

Inori0912 01/19 07:04士助教…

malain 01/19 07:07都到的話Rick應該也在,但沒設備也只能作基礎的事

malain 01/19 07:07阿肥在塞的聯賽教練就Milo

Eric1751 01/19 07:07記得他是小丑的恩師 歐洲的長人好像都跟他蠻好的

mouz 01/19 07:11醫護沒足夠的設備能做的也有限吧

Bigblackoo 01/19 07:13心臟病就是這樣啊 我爺爺職業軍人也是40幾歲就走了

qq0526 01/19 07:17好可怕 說走就走

RobertI3 01/19 07:20R.I.P 感謝對籃球世界的貢獻!

nt880245 01/19 07:27現場沒有aed唷?

surfingbboy 01/19 07:30巴爾幹兄弟跟他關係都不錯吧 祖巴Saric和他還聚餐

gg8n8nd34ss 01/19 07:32大部分餐廳應該都還沒有AED 至少台灣是這樣

b7237987 01/19 07:35R.I.P.

aifighter 01/19 07:36沒AED持續壓胸也有機會,但沒人會的話就...

chichung 01/19 07:37QQ

skery3188 01/19 07:37卡到喉嚨還過敏?

palapalanhu 01/19 07:43R.I.P.

shing529 01/19 07:50R.I.P.

f77928 01/19 07:53R.I.P

ksuenjjr 01/19 07:53沒有人會急救嗎

jackta 01/19 07:55正常流程要上AED,但自動診斷完後需要電的機率其實

jackta 01/19 07:55不高

Carters1109 01/19 07:56他們是包場球隊聚餐應該有隊醫之類的

psychosky 01/19 07:56R.I.P.

h75311418 01/19 07:56沒辦法拯救跟你有交情的人就這樣倒下去真的會有陰

h75311418 01/19 07:56影,希望早點走出來QQ

kuiyy 01/19 08:03R.I.P

avrilrock 01/19 08:03其實只要持續cpr就好

hanslins 01/19 08:07我怎麼感覺像心肌梗塞?這個AED也救不了

MDAISUKE18 01/19 08:07如果當場歐卡的話就很難了

hanslins 01/19 08:10我才不信現場沒人會CPR,他們是運動相關人員,如果

hanslins 01/19 08:10是心肌梗塞,只有醫院在旁邊才有可能救

seabox 01/19 08:16心肌梗塞不是能撐比較久嗎?

seabox 01/19 08:16心臟驟停比較嚴重吧

hanslins 01/19 08:22心肌梗塞你做CPR也沒用,心臟驟停AED跟CPR都比較有

hanslins 01/19 08:22機會撑到救護車來

xjapan329 01/19 08:26R.I.P

Chtgo 01/19 08:28難過是百分之百會的 超年輕才47歲

mikol 01/19 08:29心跳停止急救成功的機率本來就不高

Chtgo 01/19 08:29Rest in peace

MDAISUKE18 01/19 08:31不知道現場有沒有防護員一起用餐,不過我記得運動員

MDAISUKE18 01/19 08:31是不是也會上相關課程

hanslins 01/19 08:35運動員一定有做CPR訓練的,至少教練會做,我光是一

hanslins 01/19 08:35個體育課,每年都會教一堂CPR

kululualex 01/19 08:39好端端的熟人跟你吃飯的時候在你面前挫起來,那畫面

kululualex 01/19 08:39絕對很難抹滅啊,給他們一點時間調適也還好啦…

feathery 01/19 08:39記者也有普爾

BruceChen22701/19 08:40rip

j216655 01/19 08:40RIP

KingChang71101/19 08:45不忍再看下去

LBJKO 01/19 08:51R.I.P 希望他的家人早日走出傷痛~

BOSTONstyle 01/19 08:55R.I.P.

ian15579 01/19 09:02RIP

ken720331 01/19 09:02這種會讓在現場的人非常傷心

hyc0725zz 01/19 09:04你不確定是Vt還是Vf的狀況下,能做的就只是壓胸了

deadair 01/19 09:18全隊的人都在 那心裡陰影一定很大

guardian128 01/19 09:20RIP

gtq 01/19 09:21這種事一分鐘內沒急救到很難了

qazqaz69 01/19 09:28沒有人有急救專業,跟大皇子比果然不同

Chang0212 01/19 09:30當下心顫跟心梗的確難分辨

O10lOl01O 01/19 09:32旁邊沒黑傑克 不然一定救的回來

charles1975 01/19 09:32有些人是睡夢中 心臟驟停

Tosca 01/19 09:37AED是電心室震顫 心肌梗塞沒用啦..............

Tosca 01/19 09:38心肌梗塞就是要快點送醫去通血管 不是靠AED

sdiaa 01/19 09:38不知道先壓胸 AED貼好電電看 不管有沒有電 繼續壓

MDAISUKE18 01/19 09:38之前受訓的時候老師也是說這種情況就是不間斷壓胸,

MDAISUKE18 01/19 09:38就算急救人員到場也是先接手壓胸

inschool 01/19 09:39光看文字敘述心就涼了..

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 09:46送醫院前不斷壓胸很重要沒壓的話沒多久就很難救回

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 09:46來了有AED的話更好AED自己會判斷該不該電擊

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 09:48AED救心梗很有效好嗎推文有人在亂講什麼通血管=.=通

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 09:48大頭啦

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 09:49

圖 勇士記者Poole分享 助教Dejan過世的細節

Aequanimitas01/19 09:51樓上你去查查PCI是什麼東西…

jerry000121 01/19 09:52NowQ哥在講什麼...去查一下golden time to cath ro

jerry000121 01/19 09:53om

gameforyou 01/19 09:56現場目擊一個親近的人發生這樣的事,衝擊一定很重

gameforyou 01/19 09:58與間接知道的感受是完全不一樣的,只能說人生無常~

magamanzero 01/19 10:02主要是老人你會有預期他可能會離開 但這衝擊太大

magamanzero 01/19 10:03這個有些人還會要心理諮商的

peter78963 01/19 10:04整隊目睹病發的狀況...好令人心痛

black55 01/19 10:04rip

sunnyyoung 01/19 10:05天啊

DontPLZ 01/19 10:05我只知道推文說AED沒用的那個id好像是醫生

Zxc2184 01/19 10:05目睹親友在眼前被急救或離世的,那一幕是真的一輩子

Zxc2184 01/19 10:05都忘不了

hanslins 01/19 10:07我不理解心肌缺氧點擊能幹嘛?

bn5566 01/19 10:10R.I.P

caLvinyzc 01/19 10:10走好 祝福

jason0829 01/19 10:18r.i.p

YellowTiger 01/19 10:30RIP

dazzzlee 01/19 10:32醫療專業類的不敢亂嘴免得被電 XDDD

Nuey 01/19 10:32RIP

fdruecek 01/19 10:33R.I.P.

silentsky55501/19 10:36BLS要學啊

silentsky55501/19 10:37沒有AED至少叫叫CAB都要會啊 無論是不是心肌梗塞

cysticercus 01/19 10:38心肌梗塞常見會跳VF 沒AED電擊你怎麼壓都沒用

GoodM 01/19 10:39R.I.P

silentsky55501/19 10:40就怕是沒AED 現場的人也不知道是心跳停止連壓胸都沒

silentsky55501/19 10:41

pippen2002 01/19 10:41餐廳沒有AED??? so poor

silentsky55501/19 10:42如果去醫院有裝葉克膜做心導管還有希望吧 不過國外

silentsky55501/19 10:42估計費用很嚇人

Wall62 01/19 10:49心臟方面的症狀真的是分秒必爭

Wall62 01/19 10:49有設備多爭取哪怕幾秒的時間現在人搞不好還在

Wall62 01/19 10:49R.I.P

cysticercus 01/19 10:53有立即AED和完整BLS 救回來機會是很高的

CKNTUErnie 01/19 10:58R.I.P.

dazzzlee 01/19 11:02還以為NBA球隊去客場都有隊醫跟著 看來沒有

kkkk0923 01/19 11:06現場目睹真的會有陰影

Tosca 01/19 11:08恩恩 如果MI跳VF確實先電電看有道理

iecdalu 01/19 11:17RIP

vollenca 01/19 11:38RIP

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 11:46

圖 勇士記者Poole分享 助教Dejan過世的細節

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 11:49

圖 勇士記者Poole分享 助教Dejan過世的細節

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 11:58美國送到醫院難救是因為醫療院所通常都離很遠等救護

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 11:58車老遠跑來再送到醫院當下沒先急救後面幾乎都救不回

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 11:58來有些冷的地方還不一定有救護車可以來尤其是鹽湖

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 11:59城只有兩家醫院一間在北邊一間在南邊

sdiaa 01/19 12:01隊醫不一定去客場 不過訓練員一定有這類知識跟訓練

KelSierSoH 01/19 12:03RIP

micbrimac 01/19 12:09這幾年真的很多運動員 球打一打突然倒在地上...

kkk900100 01/19 12:22勇士這季都停賽吧 他們需要時間平復 反正也沒季後

kkk900100 01/19 12:22賽了

armlu 01/19 12:23RIP

eric900311 01/19 12:28R.I.P

smallfrog22 01/19 12:41心肌梗塞缺氧後 有可能會跳VT/VF AED如果能馬上電回

smallfrog22 01/19 12:41能爭取到寶貴的時間去通血管

tomwdc 01/19 12:47AED很重要

lily0919 01/19 12:55R.I.P. 你我都有可能

whhw 01/19 12:56RIP

kissmarria 01/19 13:06RIP & 金州勇士隊加油!

gg0079 01/19 13:22R.I.P

armageddonwa01/19 13:37貼上AED至少可以初步由電腦判斷是否需去顫電擊

IchiWei 01/19 13:43RIP,願一切好起來

puro 01/19 14:27找沒有AED的餐廳吃飯是不是勇士後勤人員的錯

NankanAvenge01/19 14:58在台灣就算旁邊就有AED路人就算學過知道怎用也不敢

NankanAvenge01/19 14:58幫忙吧 搞不好被告死

NankanAvenge01/19 14:59之前台灣都出現過同事幫忙CPR成功 結果被恩將仇報

NankanAvenge01/19 14:59提告的

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 15:12都叫傻瓜電擊器了照著指示作還不會用也沒辦法,AED

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 15:12電腦判斷錯誤也是AED的問題又不是你的問題是要告什

NowQmmmmmmmm01/19 15:12

dkhyl00 01/19 15:37說MI通血管沒用的是不是誤會什麼了

eirose 01/19 16:03新的公共或商用建築已經有要求要有AED,但如果是較

eirose 01/19 16:03老的餐廳就很難了,在台灣也不是每個餐廳都有AED

Yancy0727 01/19 16:45唉 RIP

kyoiori100 01/19 17:22普殺隊 咦 R.I.P

dou0228 01/19 17:40R.I.P.

max011060 01/19 18:56能在這篇嘴臭的 真是讓我大開眼界

johnbill 01/19 20:19會有陰影 希望早日走出來

maiyuy 01/19 20:35AED是讓心律不整重新開機 並不是無敵

ganhua 01/20 02:03R.I.P.

joeybaby 01/20 10:34

mightymouse 01/20 12:00心肌梗塞當下最容易出現心跳停止的原因就是VT/Vf啊

mightymouse 01/20 12:00,最好是AED沒用啦

beyon 01/20 12:20停賽停七天,等頭七

mepass 01/20 14:46這場金勇戰 阿肥三分絕殺後還有跟他擁抱

mepass 01/20 14:46唉....

mepass 01/20 14:47

圖 勇士記者Poole分享 助教Dejan過世的細節