[情報] 勇士獨行俠合計投進史上最多48顆三分
The Warriors and Mavs just made a 48 total made 3s in 48 minutes of play.
That’s a new record, and that’s also absurd af.
勇士獨行俠今天合計投進48顆三分(勇士27 獨行俠21)
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[情報] Line Today 本季剩下賽事 場場直播消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: NBA 2021-22 季後賽進入白熱化,接下來東、西區決賽及總冠軍賽階段,LINE TODAY 將升級為場場直播,要與球迷一同享受血脈賁張的激烈對抗。 東區決賽熱火 1-0 塞爾提克爆
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[情報] K湯季後賽三分榜來到第三名消息來源: 內容: Congrats to @KlayThompson of the @warriors for moving up to 3rd on the All-Time Playoff 3-Pointers Made list! #NBA75 恭喜K湯,今天超越Ray Allen成為NBA季後賽三分進球榜第三名。87
[情報] Jalen Brunson對爵士系列戰六場得分皆20+消息來源: Jalen Brunson 今天比賽再度繳出24分3籃板2助攻,幫助獨行俠隊成功挺進第二輪 面對爵士隊六場系列戰單場個人得分皆有達到20分大關 數據真的是相當漂亮,目前在季後賽累計167分排名全聯盟第一,而且合計只發生四次失誤63
[花邊] 獨行俠48次三分出手44次是空檔 只進11顆The Mavs took 48 threes last night. 44 of those were open or wide open. They only made 11. 小獨48次三分出手60
[情報] Dragic有意獨行俠 也考慮籃網勇士快艇公牛消息來源: 內容: Might take some time for Goran Dragic to negotiate a buyout with the Spurs as expected. As @ChrisBHaynes first reported, there's interest with the Mavs. Dragic intrigued with Nets, Warriors, Clippers & Bulls, too, but TBD on how that plays out 需要花點時間完成跟馬刺的買斷談判 Dragic對獨行俠有興趣,但也考慮籃網勇士快艇公牛等隊39
Fw: [情報] K湯季後賽三分榜來到第三名作者: kevinwei223 (Let's Go Warriors) 看板: NBA 標題: [情報] K湯季後賽三分榜來到第三名 時間: Fri Apr 22 13:02:54 2022 消息來源:23
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